Will you take it straight from Yeshua?
I wasn't disagreeing with Jesus. You missed the mark in your criticism. You might want to read the bit you responded to again...or you might not. Who really knows with you?
You want to claim that the foundation of Christianity is the writings and understandings of man as opposed to the Words of God and of Yeshua.
No, though Christ never literally penned anything that we know of, leaving that to the men who knew and loved him. Paul spoke to a great deal of what Christ/God had to say about Himself. How are you with Paul, I wonder. I know how meshak is...or rather isn't.

lain: Oh, I think you came in pretty much as fobbed off as a person could be and it's been downhill ever since.
I've also posted a bit of corroboration in relation to your odd notion that I'm reading in something new. If you look at my last you'll see the orthodoxy of Christendom on display, from its earliest incarnation to the agreement of newer, vital branches of the Christian faith.
What are you, JW?
Post Yeshua's Word, Town; post where He states that He is the Father or equal to His Father. Do you pray to Yeshua or do you pray to God, the Father in Yeshua's Name?
You're confused on the roles vs nature business. It happens. Again, I can refer you to the orthodoxy, complete with scriptural support. When I pray to God I'm speaking to God. That's the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They're one, so this isn't you vs me, it's you vs the overwhelming belief of Christendom and scripture as read by it and examined by the Church Fathers.
No, the Pharisees didn't understand it
So you say. But they rightly knew that only God can forgive sin, which is one thing they would hold and use against Jesus.
33 The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.” John 10:33
20 When He saw their faith, He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” 21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Luke 5:20,21
As to what Jesus said of himself:
58 Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
59 Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple,[a] going through the midst of them, and so passed by. John 8:58-59
Show me, in Scripture, where Yeshua stated that He is God, the Father. You won't find it. It isn't there.
No one has said Jesus called himself the Father. No one has said he called himself the Holy Spirit. So that's deceptive of you, your ongoing attempt that wraps itself around an assumption that the Father and Son and Spirit aren't coeternal and of one substance, literally one being in three persons.
My desire is that folks take stock in Yeshua and His teaching. If I or anyone point people to Him, as opposed to the teachings of man, why would that be skin off your or Glorydaz' back?
If you preach another gospel you're to be opposed, because you lead men to sin and to death. It isn't my salvation I'm concerned over.
OSAS is not a teaching of Yeshua. OSAS also has nothing to do with the doctrine of the Trinity, Town.
I don't recall tying them together, except that I've spoken about the latter in a thread ostensibly about the former, though I've spoken to that too. I don't care if you agree with me about OSAS, though some will take issue with me on it, argue that if you don't believe in assurance then you believe in the work you do, in some sense, to save you. If that's the case then you're following another false gospel.
My understanding on the point is that anyone who believes their salvation secure seeks God and His pleasure not from obedience in fear of punishment but out of gratitude and a love for the root of their own unmerited salvation and in hope that God will use their witness to draw others to Him. That Him being the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.