Opinion: American right becoming completely untethered from reality


Hall of Fame
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like marbles on glass
My preference: Split the country. Dems, including PRESIDENT Biden, need to dismiss the Q-publicans, throw out the filibuster, increase the SC, pass voting rights legislation, fire a good portion of police officers, etc.

Time to shake off the dust ...

Yeah I'm over the idea of trying to reach across the aisle. Some MAGA are intentionally ignorant, some are unknowingly delusional, but the MAGA smart enough to know how much of this political theater is based on lies but don't care because the opportunity for power justifies the means - they're the worst. The end they're justifying is authoritarian, fascist, Christian white nationalist, revisionist. Evangelicals propping up Trump's and the GQP's lies and corruption - because apocalypse - have sold their souls for earthly power, the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.


like marbles on glass

Opinion: American democracy is in even worse shape than you think

Great read. I didn't find it until after posting my above reply to you. It reflects what I'm thinking, including the incapability of most of the press to accurately portray what the GQP is doing to this country. While the GQP screams about the MSM, the irony is the MSM has made both-sidesism an art form and placed weak attempts at neutrality over stating bold truth. But most of all, this:

"I hope I am overly alarmed about all of this. But I don’t think I am. Perhaps democracy dies faster in darkness. But it could also die slowly in the light, as all of us watched but didn’t do enough to save it."

The battle isn't gonna be fought on this small forum, fading (excruciatingly) slowly away. All we're doing here is pushing words back and forth.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Opinion: American democracy is in even worse shape than you think

Great read. I didn't find it until after posting my above reply to you. It reflects what I'm thinking, including the incapability of most of the press to accurately portray what the GQP is doing to this country. While the GQP screams about the MSM, the irony is the MSM has made both-sidesism an art form and placed weak attempts at neutrality over stating bold truth. But most of all, this:

"I hope I am overly alarmed about all of this. But I don’t think I am. Perhaps democracy dies faster in darkness. But it could also die slowly in the light, as all of us watched but didn’t do enough to save it."

The battle isn't gonna be fought on this small forum, fading (excruciatingly) slowly away. All we're doing here is pushing words back and forth.
American democracy is robust and healthy. It's in its prime. I just read how a judge---these are basically kings in the judicial branch---was caught committing some common crimes, and now, this person isn't a judge anymore. This wasn't a national headline story, but it says a lot more about how healthy our regime is right now than for example January 6th ever could have, that was like a juvenile prank, but if this judge was allowed to continue being a judge after committing the crimes that he or she or neither he nor she committed, that would have been a truly frightening precedent, abandonment of the rule of law, and the separation of powers. Small groups of insurrectionists by contrast storming the Capitol can never threaten our democracy like that.


Well-known member
Democrats live with minds filled with delusions and lies. They cannot help themselves. All sinners who reject God give themselves over to blind submission to the devil and his lies. Strong delusion is no substitute for truth.
Again, you have this odd habit of interpreting events in the world through this frankly childishly simplistic model of a black and white world inhabited by evil forces arrayed against good forces.

And you talk about truth. It would be nice to actually see some in your posts (I refer to your repeated distortions about the covid situation).


Again, you have this odd habit of interpreting events in the world through this frankly childishly simplistic model of a black and white world inhabited by evil forces arrayed against good forces.

And you talk about truth. It would be nice to actually see some in your posts (I refer to your repeated distortions about the covid situation).
You know very little about the world around you.


Well-known member

Liz Cheney is vowing behind the scenes that she won’t stop fighting Trump over election ‘Big Lie’

What was it about Trump that Cherney did not like? His record-shattering Middle East peace deals? His record-shattering unemployment numbers? His record-shattering black unemployment numbers? His huge crowds at rallies? His support of American traditions and values? His support of American immigration laws? His opposition to democrat voter fraud? His election success in spite of Obama's spying and slander efforts to sink him? His opposition to crooked politician 'pay-to-play' schemes? His opposition to race baiting?


Well-known member
Does this explain a lot... David Horowitz, mentor to Stephen Miller:

In a strategy paper Horowitz emailed Miller in December 2012, as the Republican Party was publicly reckoning with its failure to appeal to communities of color, Horowitz called for Republicans to launch a campaign of fear. He later said they “must begin every confrontation by punching progressives in the mouth.”
Why do politicians like Horowitz and Maxine Waters advocate violence against the opposition? Don't they know God disapproves of that?


Well-known member
I'd like to think that as Americans we're in the same tribe, Lon, but I'm pretty discouraged these days about the American tribe. If you were my neighbor and you needed help, I'd give it gladly, but it's an altered reality online, who knows how much of it is bot-driven, how much is armchair bluster and how much is genuine. What I'm reading from the far right is disturbingly delusional but how is it different from the past? How much by kind, how much by degree?

In the psychology of groups, the best indicator of two warring factions finding common ground is when they have to unite to fight an enemy greater than them, who's a threat to them both. In the micro, that's why domestic violence calls can be so dangerous - the chance that the abused partner will join with the abuser against the responding cop. In the macro, that's why right and left (in general) came together behind Bush after 9/11. It didn't last long, but it was there for a time. Before the Iraq invasion, before the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib.

What I see from conservatives now is (to me) so much worse than the conservatism I left. But then maybe it's because I'm naive, being relatively recently separated from conservatism I can't clearly see yet how much the underpinnings of today were in the conservatism I grew up in and lived in for so many years. How much the racism was there, the xenophobia, the nativism, the drive for religion-based political power, the disregard for the nation's underprivileged, the money poured into the military-industrial complex that could've been used for education, infrastructure, social safety nets. And the fear-based, relentless propaganda that if you didn't vote Republican the commies were going to come take your religion and your guns away from you and put you in reeducation camps. Of course it happened it other countries, I don't want to play that down in any way, I despise totalitarianism. I grew up in that time hearing the horrors of Cambodia and Viet Nam and Romania, China, USSR. I was surrounded by the idea that marxism would take away everything that was beautiful and everything that was traditional, without the awareness that the promise of what would bring that "back" was a fascist promise.
Christianity is good if it is properly founded on God's Word. God is good and those who please God are good. All others are selfish and harmful to civilization.


Well-known member
In the sense that it is in the hands of judges now, with not a lot that any other party can do much about it, I'm not sure I can but be apolitical. As any particular politician is against it (at times these are democrats) I can vote my conscience rather than a party line. In my state (WA) almost none of my votes ever (ever) count. Yet I can give to charity that serve to stop abortions and I have. I can support children that need food, clothing, medicine, and education, and I do. I also pray for needs. To me, because I live in a state where my vote never counts (unless I happen to side), I literally have to be apolitical in doing things that can effect change. I'm not sure everyone is in the same situation. I'd like to think that most states your vote actually counts. -Lon
Abortion is an offence to God and it is the duty of every faithful Christian to stand in firm resistance to democrat efforts to support abortions around the world in wicked defiance of God.


Well-known member
To see Marge kneel down in front of AOC's office door and bark into the mail slot like she did is an embarrassment to her office, yes. As is her cohort adding his creepy two cents and them scribbling in AOC's visitor books. If you can't see that for what it is, I can't help you.

You need to do something besides read conspiracies for 12-14 hours a day.

Not a chance. I'm not ashamed to stand against the MAGA lies, their conspiracy-driven attempts to overturn a valid election, to whitewash history, to suppress future elections, and who astonishingly still cling to the corrupt orange clay feet of their Dear Leader who's phoning it in from his golf club.
Democrats committed massive voter fraud in 2020 and they have thousands of blind followers who will claim, without a shred of evidence, that the 2020 election was the most honest and accurate election in the history of the nation. What a bunch of deluded morons.


Well-known member
My preference: Split the country. Dems, including PRESIDENT Biden, need to dismiss the Q-publicans, throw out the filibuster, increase the SC, pass voting rights legislation, fire a good portion of police officers, etc.

Time to shake off the dust ...
Leftists: 'It is time for socialist democrats to declare martial rule, suspend elections and the Constitution, appoint entirely new police and defense forces loyal to the demoncrap party, and ban conservatives, Bible-believing Christians, and republicans from holding jobs or public office.'


Well-known member
Again, you have this odd habit of interpreting events in the world through this frankly childishly simplistic model of a black and white world inhabited by evil forces arrayed against good forces.

And you talk about truth. It would be nice to actually see some in your posts (I refer to your repeated distortions about the covid situation).
Like it or not, the world is at war between good and evil, between God and the devil, between Christians and barbarians, and between right and wrong. It only looks like the devil is winning since democrats stole the 2020 election, but they are not winning and will not win, much to their coming astonishment when God overturns and overthrows the wicked in His wrath.

Gary K

New member
What was it about Trump that Cherney did not like? His record-shattering Middle East peace deals? His record-shattering unemployment numbers? His record-shattering black unemployment numbers? His huge crowds at rallies? His support of American traditions and values? His support of American immigration laws? His opposition to democrat voter fraud? His election success in spite of Obama's spying and slander efforts to sink him? His opposition to crooked politician 'pay-to-play' schemes? His opposition to race baiting?
Trump's attempts to stop the Middle East wars we're involved in? Trump's attempts to stop the swamp's gravy train?


Well-known member
Abortion is an offence to God and it is the duty of every faithful Christian to stand in firm resistance to democrat efforts to support abortions around the world in wicked defiance of God.
It is from both sides now. I instead look at who is against it, even if they believe legally (a few democrats) it is necessary. I'm seeing a few democrats that are actually more anti-abortion than some of their fellow Republicans these days. Then, as I said, I live in a state where Democrat is the rule and few Republicans (Washington State). My vote seldom counts and almost never when I vote Republican. -Lon


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Gold Subscriber
My preference: Split the country. Dems, including PRESIDENT Biden, need to dismiss the Q-publicans, throw out the filibuster, increase the SC, pass voting rights legislation, fire a good portion of police officers, etc.

Time to shake off the dust ...

A house divided cannot stand.


Hall of Fame
A house divided cannot stand.
That house was smashed to smithereens four years ago. Intentionally. My biggest complaint about the left is that they show up at a knife fight with cotton balls. With the exception of a select few on the right, the Dems need to consider and treat the GOP as the enemies to America that they are.
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