Open invite to Freak....

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me again

New member
me again

me again

Posted by Freak :freak::up:
Tell us how's the neck, Ed? I know more about you then you realize. :shut:
No you don't. :eek::up:

You haven't said anything new in a long time... because you can't. :chuckle:

Nadda. Zip. Zilcho. :shut:



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Subscribing to threads

Subscribing to threads

I need to subscribe to this thread. It's getting so interesting.

me again vs. Freak


Freak vs. me again.

me again hasn't called Freak, Freak ever! He ALWAYS calls him Jay or Jay Barlett. It would make Freak very happy to be called Freak by me again. me again just won't do it.

Freak has now started calling me again by his real name, Ed. Freak claims to know lots about me again and me again says he doesn't.

Let's see how this continues.

Oh, by the way, me again, I hope your inner ear infection gets better.

me again

New member
me again

me again

Posted by s9s27s54
Oh, by the way, me again, I hope your inner ear infection gets better.
Thank you for your kind thought. I wonder why the exorcist won't pray for my deliverance from the ear infection?

:confused: :chuckle:


New member
Re: me again

Re: me again

Originally posted by me again
Thank you for your kind thought. I wonder why the exorcist won't pray for my deliverance from the ear infection?

:confused: :chuckle:

If you read his replies, he never said he would or wouldn't. He never said either way. So you never know. :think:


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Lets raise the maturity level shall we?

me again don't you have a website to run?


I enjoy the antics of me again and Freak.

Yes, me again does have a website to run.


New member
I have a solution!

I have a solution!

You know, this whole thing could be solved between me again and Freak.


New member
Re: I have a solution!

Re: I have a solution!

Originally posted by s9s27s54
You know, this whole thing could be solved between me again and Freak.

Anybody have some legos?


New member
Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Originally posted by s9s27s54
No Sozo, that's not my solution, silly.

Well I don't think it would be right to shoot one of them. Though I'm sure Gerald would volunteer.


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Originally posted by Sozo
Well I don't think it would be right to shoot one of them. Though I'm sure Gerald would volunteer.

Well, umm, maybe he would, but that's not my solution. Silly boy. :chuckle:


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Originally posted by s9s27s54
Well, umm, maybe he would, but that's not my solution. Silly boy. :chuckle:

You want them to kiss and make up? :noway: :vomit:


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I have a solution!

Originally posted by Sozo
You want them to kiss and make up? :noway: :vomit:
No, of course not.

me again

New member
me again

me again

Posted by Knight
Lets raise the maturity level shall we?
Apparently, nobody read this. Just look at the posts on this one page. :rolleyes:

Ah, such is the life of internet chat forums. If TOL were to ban immature posters, then 90% of your membership would have to leave. :eek::up:

This may come as a surprise to everyone (except for S9), but... but... I actually enjoy written discourse with Jay Bartlett. Sure, we're immature, but we have a very fun time while we banter back and forth. :chuckle:

You'll notice that I do not post very much at TOL -- except for with Jay Bartlett. If I hated him, I would ignore him. Clearly, we're not ignoring each other. :chuckle:

IMO, Jay can be helped. :think:


New member
Re: me again

Re: me again

Originally posted by me again

This may come as a surprise to everyone (except for S9), but... but... I actually enjoy written discourse with Jay Bartlett. Sure, we're immature, but we have a very fun time while we banter back and forth.

Why do insist on using my name when I asked you not to, Ed? I don't mind if others here on TOL use my first name but I don't like it when you do. You need to stop using my name. Why do you insist on acting like a jerk?

IMO, I can be helped. :think:

Perhaps isolating yourself....
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