Only One God-The Father

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God's Truth

New member
Hitting the nail on the head with 1 Corintheans 4:6 Squeaky

Mark 7:7
7Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8For laying aside the commandment of G-d, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of G-d, that ye may keep your own tradition.

Matthew 22:37
37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the L-rd thy G-d with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment.

Are you Squeaky with another profile?


You prove you have a sin that you refuse to get rid of. Stop saying 'I said'.

I do not like corresponding with a person who has demons while they preach others have one.

Next, your mere insults and denial mean nothing.

You have not proven me wrong. Your saying I am wrong is not proof.

I said
I apologize if you think I said anything to insult you. I didn't mean to.


New member
God, the one and only God, He came as a Son. That Son is Him.

No, the right statement is, he sent his only begotten Son

John 3:16
For G-d so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God's Truth

New member
I said
I apologize if you think I said anything to insult you. I didn't mean to.

I am saved, Squeaky. Jesus Christ himself saved me. If you want to speak about the scriptures, good. But, if you want to say I am not saved, then you have listened to the prince of the air and so condemned yourself.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

God's Truth

New member
No, the right statement is, he sent his only begotten Son

John 3:16
For G-d so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

How many Spirits were you given when you were saved?


I am saved, Squeaky. Jesus Christ himself saved me. If you want to speak about the scriptures, good. But, if you want to say I am not saved, then you have listened to the prince of the air and so condemned yourself.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I said
Hey ease up. I keep apologizing and you keep coming up with paranoid remarks. Get a grip.

God's Truth

New member
I said
I'm sorry if you think your own opinion is evidence, it isn't.

Your actions and words are evident.

Matthew 716 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

You are full of thorns. Stop saying 'I said'; stop denying the scriptures I give.

God's Truth

New member
I said
Hey ease up. I keep apologizing and you keep coming up with paranoid remarks. Get a grip.

You are falsely judging. Where is the paranoid remarks? You are not apologizing. You are trying to condemn me, just as the prince of the air.


New member
How many Spirits were you given when you were saved?

I'm not Christian neither am saved in the Christian concept. I'm a (messianic) hebrew. So i keep Torah as much as i'm capable and understand. That means spirits or the occult are off limits and forbidden, but the law concerning this is to be perfect with and fear G-d.

So i'm curious really if you wish to enlighten me what you mean exactly with spirits and how you were saved


You are falsely judging. Where is the paranoid remarks? You are not apologizing. You are trying to condemn me, just as the prince of the air.

I said
You are getting paranoid. I thought we had a good conversation started. I am not trying to condemn you. I am always sincere when I apologize. All spiritual beliefs must fit into the rules of believing. Your don't.
Not to think beyond what is written, and not to add one thing to the verses or take one thing away from the verses. We must all grow in knowledge of the Word. We can share what we have. It can be as simple as the word 'unless". But I didn't take offense to that. I thanked you for it.

[1Co 4:6
6 Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.
[Rev 22:18-19
18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.


Well-known member
I'm not Christian neither am saved in the Christian concept. I'm a (messianic) hebrew. So i keep Torah as much as i'm capable and understand. That means spirits or the occult are off limits and forbidden, but the law concerning this is to be perfect with and fear G-d.

So i'm curious really if you wish to enlighten me what you mean exactly with spirits and how you were saved
what do you believe it means to be saved, and what do you mean by spirits are off limits? I'm just wondering how you see it, thanks.


New member
what do you believe it means to be saved, and what do you mean by spirits are off limits? I'm just wondering how you see it, thanks.

It may get a little complicated. Doing/seeking (the) good(things), being upright and truthful, to love and fear G-d, to seek/look (up) to G-d is all we really can do. To hope in and trust in G-d. I could probably mention a bit more. Look for (similair) verses such as Proverbs 28:18, Isaiah 45:22, Psalms 112:4, Psalms 7:10. Maybe some NT (i am aware of Romans 3:10 and agree but it's a different context) 1 John 3:7, 1 John 2:29

Obviously repentance is a big part of this if you backward from these. I suppose this is also what Judaism (should) believe. But as i am messianic i state Jesus is the messiah and son of G-d which is actually very much different, even different from messianic judaism which is actually Catholicism(no offense).

As for the spirits, If a spirit was of G-d you dont have to familiarize. If a spirit is of G-d and you want to familiarize the spirit should say familiarize with G-d not me because the spirit (of G-d) should minister for G-d and not himself. But that is personal interpetation, nontheless it is forbidden in the torah to do these things (magic, spirits, magicians) and honestly personally i wouldnt want to because i rather seek G-d

Like i said it's sophisticated, i guess this is as summed up as i possibly can get. This doesnt mean i dont believe in Christian concepts, if a person becomes reconciled, the above things i mentioned should be the result(s)


It may get a little complicated. Doing/seeking (the) good(things), being upright and truthful, to love and fear G-d, to seek/look (up) to G-d is all we really can do. To hope in and trust in G-d. I could probably mention a bit more. Look for (similair) verses such as Proverbs 28:18, Isaiah 45:22, Psalms 112:4, Psalms 7:10. Maybe some NT (i am aware of Romans 3:10 and agree but it's a different context) 1 John 3:7, 1 John 2:29

Obviously repentance is a big part of this if you backward from these. I suppose this is also what Judaism (should) believe. But as i am messianic i state Jesus is the messiah and son of G-d which is actually very much different, even different from messianic judaism which is actually Catholicism(no offense).

As for the spirits, If a spirit was of G-d you dont have to familiarize. If a spirit is of G-d and you want to familiarize the spirit should say familiarize with G-d not me because the spirit (of G-d) should minister for G-d and not himself. But that is personal interpetation, nontheless it is forbidden in the torah to do these things (magic, spirits, magicians) and honestly personally i wouldnt want to because i rather seek G-d

Like i said it's sophisticated, i guess this is as summed up as i possibly can get. This doesnt mean i dont believe in Christian concepts, if a person becomes reconciled, the above things i mentioned should be the result(s)

I said
You seem to have some pretty good knowledge of the new testament.


Well-known member
Greetings again Squeaky,
I said: Jesus is never called God. Jesus is called Lord(Not LORD). Jesus Himself said the Father is the ONLY true God. Even Paul said the Father is the only God for us.
There is only One God the Father. Jesus was created by God the Father. Jesus was created a man, after Jesus proved Himself to God in obedience. God gave Jesus a ministry and a title of Lord over earth. Then after Jesus was resurrected God the Father gave Jesus a new title as a God over heaven and earth. Because Jesus purchased us from the law of sin and death(old testament).
You said “God the Father gave Jesus a new title as a God over heaven and earth.” A title must represent reality if God gave him that title. Could you give me a verse that says that Jesus is “a God” except for the wrong translation found in the JW NWT.

Kind regards


Well-known member
It may get a little complicated. Doing/seeking (the) good(things), being upright and truthful, to love and fear G-d, to seek/look (up) to G-d is all we really can do. To hope in and trust in G-d. I could probably mention a bit more. Look for (similair) verses such as Proverbs 28:18, Isaiah 45:22, Psalms 112:4, Psalms 7:10. Maybe some NT (i am aware of Romans 3:10 and agree but it's a different context) 1 John 3:7, 1 John 2:29

Obviously repentance is a big part of this if you backward from these. I suppose this is also what Judaism (should) believe. But as i am messianic i state Jesus is the messiah and son of G-d which is actually very much different, even different from messianic judaism which is actually Catholicism(no offense).

As for the spirits, If a spirit was of G-d you dont have to familiarize. If a spirit is of G-d and you want to familiarize the spirit should say familiarize with G-d not me because the spirit (of G-d) should minister for G-d and not himself. But that is personal interpetation, nontheless it is forbidden in the torah to do these things (magic, spirits, magicians) and honestly personally i wouldnt want to because i rather seek G-d

Like i said it's sophisticated, i guess this is as summed up as i possibly can get. This doesnt mean i dont believe in Christian concepts, if a person becomes reconciled, the above things i mentioned should be the result(s)
Ok, I think I get you :) I'm just going to tell you what I believe to be the truth, as I believe differently to mainstream Christianity. I'm just wondering how you see things differently to me? And the reason I'm asking is because, I don't completely ignore the old testament and the laws of God, and i believe that once we repent, then we are to turn from sin, deny ourselves and follow Jesus, then once we are baptised in the Spirit and we are born of God, we then through Christ Jesus, don't follow the law by the letter, but by the Spirit, and as we a walk in the Spirit, God teaches us the truth by the Spirit and we have the laws in our hearts and in our minds.

Jesus and the apostles didn't set the laws aside, and the apostle Paul said that through faith we establish the law, and Jesus fulfilled the law and left us a perfect example to follow. And Jesus also said that on the two greatest commandments, which is to love the Lord our God, with all our heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbour as ourselves hang all law and the prophets. Thus if we truly obey these commandments, then we won't brake Gods laws, because if we love God we our all, we will obey him, and if we love God first and our neighbour as ourselves, then we won't steal from them, kill till them, we won't have idols, we won't commit adultery or bare false witness etc. Because we love God with our all and love one another as Jesus loves us, and we care for others as we would like to be cared for, even those who hate us and the love of God and life of Christ will be seen in and through us. And to do this is to truly follow Jesus not just in word but in our lives, and in doing so, we bare witness to the truth.

So I follow Jesus, obey God and I live by the teachings of Jesus, and trust in God, and he is changing my heart through Christ by the power of the Spirit to be more like that of Christ, and so his righteousness and his life is seen in and through me, my life was so wrong before I knew God, I'm blessed to know him, and he's changed me completely and I'm now guided in the truth daily by the Holy Spirit and God is helping me to overcome my flesh every day, as long as remain in his goodness, and don't look back at the world and lust after my flesh and my old life again. I don't believe in OSAS.

I believe in only one God, the father, as his son Jesus who is the Christ, but I don't believe he is God, and the in the new testament it clearly shows us this. As it shows us that God is also the God of Jesus and Jesus teaches us that the father is the only true God, and we are to worship the father in Spirit and in truth. I don't believe in the trinity, there isn't 3 making one God, or 3 Gods making one. There is one God, the father, and the Christ, his son and the Holy Spirit whom God sends in his name.

As for the Spirit, i don't believe in calling any Spirit, I call upon the living God, the father and pray to him through Christ Jesus, and trust in him to guide me and teach me and send me the Spirit. It is wrong to call any Spirit, as we see with Saul and Samuel. I only call on God and pray to him.

I just trust in God, abide in his goodness, obey him and Christ and I believe that I should always be ready to do his will, and God has changed my heart and I trust in God and that through faith, by his grace that he will deliver me, from the ways of Satan and the world, sealing me by the power of the Spirit as long as I live by his will, remain in his goodness and walk in the Spirit, and not lust after the flesh and world again. And he has lifted me out of the pit and brought me from death to life, from darkness to the light, through him who is the light of the world, Christ Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the father except through him.

So, how do you believe differently to me, I've wondered how differently I believe to someone who is a Jew yet follows Jesus. I hope you don't mind letting me know.

Thank you


New member
So, how do you believe differently to me, I've wondered how differently I believe to someone who is a Jew yet follows Jesus. I hope you don't mind letting me know.

Thank you

I read your entire post but for quoting purposes i shortened it. And i agree with everything you just said. Let me just say that no (orthodox) J-ws will agree on Jesus so i don't speak for this community. But (if) you are insescure about where you're going in faith you don't have to, because you see the fruit of your faith yourself and that it's going the right way (unless it's not) but your progress since your faith should testify if you're going the right direction

I agree that for the commandments you mentioned there is no law. And no Israelite or orthodox J-w (should) force Torah on non-Israelite simply for the fact the Torah was given to the Israelites and not the entire Earth. Rather an orthodox would rather have the entire Earth adopt Noahidism yet for me personally any person coming to repent and love G-d through Jesus Christ that is will of G-d and why G-d sent his only Son. Anyway Judaism should not be your main focus unless you really want to. Rather the church(es) teach rather isolative doctrines such as there is no salvation outside the church where Judaism teaches any person(even atheists) that walks upright and righteous and have done nothing really unlawful or sinful for them is also inheritance. Yet ofcourse it would be better if they know G-d and i would say they are very rare people

God's Truth

New member
I'm not Christian neither am saved in the Christian concept. I'm a (messianic) hebrew. So i keep Torah as much as i'm capable and understand. That means spirits or the occult are off limits and forbidden, but the law concerning this is to be perfect with and fear G-d.

So i'm curious really if you wish to enlighten me what you mean exactly with spirits and how you were saved

Since Jesus died and ascended to heaven, he gave the Holy Spirit to live in the saved. That is how one is reconciled to God. Before Jesus died, he talked about the temple being destroyed and because of Jesus we become the temple.
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