God objectively gave us instructions to follow on what is right vs wrong, good vs. evil.
God knows and God told us.
It is up to us to decide to learn and do.
I don't disagree with this sentiment. Just as it is good for a child to learn that, "Because I said so.", is a sufficient reason to obey his parents, so also is it sufficient for us to obey God.
However, this is only the beginning of wisdom. Just as simple obedience is good for the child, understanding is good for the more mature. Eventually, as a parent, one must begin to explain the moral reasons why their child is asked to do certain things so that when he is no longer a child, he will be able to do rightly without the need for constant parental guidence on every issue. God wishes us to be wise and to understand Him and His ways so that we might be like Him and walk with Him and relate to Him with humble confidence as sons and daughters, not as obedient groveling slaves or small children.
Resting in Him,