NYU professor curses NYPD cops for not beating the hell out of right wing guest speak

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Guns, knives, and bombs may soon be another avenue these Loons may choose to pursue. This is chaos and Anarchy at its best. This kind of "Professor" is teaching the future leadership of our nation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If Hillary had won, we wouldn't be going through this form of terrorism. Conservatives are far less capable of behaving like these "Troglodytes." Thank God these "types" didn't take control of our country, through Clinton and her frenzied ilk.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Do you support the use of physical violence against people who you deem to be using hate speech?

I can recall a time or two giving someone a hefty slap for getting in my face and screaming obscenities at me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That means they have a lot of credibility because you have zero credibility.

Erm, no, they have no credibility because the nutcase who founded that crackpot organization was himself found guilty of misappropriating research to fuel his own homosexual fixated agenda. It's why "Dr" Paul Cameron was booted out of the APA. It's a far right wingnut outfit and zero else.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
This is what happens when "LIBERALS" don't get what they want.
Their vain cries of tolerance and peace are quickly turned to hate, bigotry, and unlawful destruction.

Right now it is mostly one-sided with the Trump haters taking to the streets.
When the other side decides they have been pushed enough and it's time to retaliate in droves, then it's going to get really ugly.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There may be consequences for certain kinds of speech but there must be legal consequences for those punishing the speaker with violence or else free speech is not protected.

Well, "not protected" is a little different from your earlier:
If this is justification for violence, then there is no free speech in reality.
Neither are right. Rather, no right is absolute. You are not free to defame without consequence. You are not free to lie without recourse. And you're not free of the foreseeable response to words so charged as to render the reasonable man unreasonable in reaction. While narrow in application (and narrowing over years) the Court is correct in its assertion:

There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting words" those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas...
— Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 1942

If Milo fans are allowed to beaten to a pulp for supporting him with no intervention by cops then I should be able to go to the next filming of bill mahers show and beat his audience to a bloody pulp every time they laugh at his hateful speech about trump and conservatives.
I'd suggest you review the standard and historic applications. It's not about delicate or hypersensitive sensibilities.



Pffft, anyone who thinks the Family Research Council is a "venerable organization" loses all credibility to begin with. So this article's a fail...

Erm, no, they have no credibility because the nutcase who founded that crackpot organization was himself found guilty of misappropriating research to fuel his own homosexual fixated agenda. It's why "Dr" Paul Cameron was booted out of the APA. It's a far right wingnut outfit and zero else.

Boy Art, you must be hitting the pink Chablis a bit harder tonight than usual, as the article that Climate Sanity posted was about Focus on the Family (FOTC), not the Family Research Council.

To add insult to injury, Dr. Paul Cameron is the founder of the Family Research Institute, Tony Perkins runs the Family Research Council.

Back to LGBTQ training school for you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
i'm simply amazed at the foolishness of the liberal mind :dizzy:
Where I'm rarely surprised when you use a lack of honest information as the basis for an equally worthless expression of your personal problems.

The fighting words doctrine wasn't a liberal one. It was affirmed in the case I noted by a unanimous 9-0 vote of the Court, Conservative and Liberal alike confirming a tradition that had no party allegiance. The narrowing I noted has taken some of the strength out of it. Until recently, it would have been a defense for someone moved by the destruction of an American flag to take action against the person desecrating it.

Most relatively recently it gained some attention when Conservative Justice Alito asserted Westboro's conduct constituted an invitation to protected and foreseeable response, but the larger Court differed, holding the course on the words being personally aimed.

In other words, you can say, "Blank the U.S.!" to a soldier without his being able to utilized the doctrine, but if you said, "Blank you, baby killer!" to him he'd have some protection for the beating you received shortly thereafter.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Where I'm rarely surprised when you use a lack of honest information as the basis for an equally unmerited expression of your personal problems.

i don't see any point in reading past your retarded attempts to attack me

just like your retarded friend artie

if only you had some substance to contribute to this board :nono:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
i don't see any point in reading past your retarded attempts to attack me
Said the doofus whose entire post was:

i'm simply amazed at the foolishness of the liberal mind

Anyway, I noted you didn't know what you were talking about and were using any ol excuse to say something about/to me.

Then I educated you in the actual foundation of the doctrine, which you avoided as likely because you'd have to attempt the substantive to do it as for the stated reason that you felt attacked for being called on a demonstrably ignorant attack bit.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
yes, i saw what you noted
That was just the "Same to you, buddy" preceding the substantive support for its particulars and on the actual point you didn't appear to understand:

The fighting words doctrine wasn't a liberal one. It was affirmed in the case I noted by a unanimous 9-0 vote of the Court, Conservative and Liberal alike confirming a tradition that had no party allegiance. The narrowing I noted has taken some of the strength out of it. Until recently, it would have been a defense for someone moved by the destruction of an American flag to take action against the person desecrating it.

Most relatively recently it gained some attention when Conservative Justice Alito asserted Westboro's conduct constituted an invitation to protected and foreseeable response, but the larger Court differed, holding the course on the words being personally aimed.

In other words, you can say, "Blank the U.S.!" to a soldier without his being able to utilized the doctrine, but if you said, "Blank you, baby killer!" to him he'd have some protection for the beating you received shortly thereafter.