NYU professor curses NYPD cops for not beating the hell out of right wing guest speak


not a fan of free speech, either, like your buddy acw?

Oh the irony:

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*04:04 PM

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*04:00 PM

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*03:36 PM

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*03:35 PM

Etc. etc. etc.

And no, aCW isn't a fan of this kind of speech:



patrick jane

Oh the irony:

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*04:04 PM

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*04:00 PM

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*03:36 PM

Reported Post by ok doser
Started by*Grandma Lucy,*January 29th, 2017*03:35 PM

Etc. etc. etc.

And no, aCW isn't a fan of this kind of speech:


You like Milo

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Free speech.
Fighting words.

Also, neo nazis and white nationalists are labels without meaning.
Only if you were educated by wolves. In which case the appropriate term is "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrooooowwwwwwrrrrr." :plain:

I dare you to prove they are neo nazis or white nationalists by virtue of what they actually have said and make the connections. You can't. That's why they are meaningless words.
With thanks to the Southern Poverty Law Center

The Alternative Right is a term coined in 2008 by​
Richard Bertrand Spencer, who heads the white nationalist think tank known as the National Policy Institute, to describe a loose set of far-right ideals centered on “white identity” and the preservation of “Western civilization.”

The Alt-Right is intimately connected to American Identitarianism, a version of an ideology popular in Europe that emphasizes cultural and racial homogeneity within different countries...

Among the proponents of the alt right movement is Andrew Anglin, whose neo-nazi Daily Stormer website is described by Anglin as "the most visited alt right web site" going.

Richard Spencer, who founded the movement, also heads the alt-right think tank (to use the word liberally, which has to hurt) the National Policy Institute.

“Martin Luther King Jr., a fraud and degenerate in his life, has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!" —National Policy Institute column, January 2014

“Immigration is a kind a proxy war—and maybe a last stand—for White Americans, who are undergoing a painful recognition that, unless dramatic action is taken, their grandchildren will live in a country that is alien and hostile.” —National Policy Institute column, February 2014

Others of note include Matt Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalists Youth Network.

“This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The ‘freedom’ for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own nations, we don’t want you here.”—Matthew Heimbach, “I Hate Freedom,” Traditionalist Youth Network, July 7, 2013

And there's Greg Johnson...

“Since we are fighting for nothing less than the biological survival of our race, and since the vast bulk of Jews oppose us..." --—Greg Johnson, “White Nationalism & Jewish Nationalism,” August 2011

"This is why the Alt Right brand was so valuable to White Nationalists...Indeed, the original Alternative White Webzine was created as a tool of the White Nationalist entryism and conversion, and the Alt Right continued to function that way long after it became simply a generic term for edgy alternatives to conservatism." Greg Johnson, "White Nationalism, the Alt Right, and the Alt Light,"


New member
Fighting words.

Only if you were educated by wolves. In which case the appropriate term is "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrooooowwwwwwrrrrr." :plain:

With thanks to the Southern Poverty Law Center

The Alternative Right is a term coined in 2008 by​
Richard Bertrand Spencer, who heads the white nationalist think tank known as the National Policy Institute, to describe a loose set of far-right ideals centered on “white identity” and the preservation of “Western civilization.”

The Alt-Right is intimately connected to American Identitarianism, a version of an ideology popular in Europe that emphasizes cultural and racial homogeneity within different countries...

Among the proponents of the alt right movement is Andrew Anglin, whose neo-nazi Daily Stormer website is described by Anglin as "the most visited alt right web site" going.

Richard Spencer, who founded the movement, also heads the alt-right think tank (to use the word liberally, which has to hurt) the National Policy Institute.

“Martin Luther King Jr., a fraud and degenerate in his life, has become the symbol and cynosure of White Dispossession and the deconstruction of Occidental civilization. We must overcome!" —National Policy Institute column, January 2014

“Immigration is a kind a proxy war—and maybe a last stand—for White Americans, who are undergoing a painful recognition that, unless dramatic action is taken, their grandchildren will live in a country that is alien and hostile.” —National Policy Institute column, February 2014

Others of note include Matt Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalists Youth Network.

“This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The ‘freedom’ for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own nations, we don’t want you here.”—Matthew Heimbach, “I Hate Freedom,” Traditionalist Youth Network, July 7, 2013

And there's Greg Johnson...

“Since we are fighting for nothing less than the biological survival of our race, and since the vast bulk of Jews oppose us..." --—Greg Johnson, “White Nationalism & Jewish Nationalism,” August 2011

"This is why the Alt Right brand was so valuable to White Nationalists...Indeed, the original Alternative White Webzine was created as a tool of the White Nationalist entryism and conversion, and the Alt Right continued to function that way long after it became simply a generic term for edgy alternatives to conservatism." Greg Johnson, "White Nationalism, the Alt Right, and the Alt Light,"

See above

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The southern poverty law center is a discredited racist group.
That's a declaration in lieu of substantiation. It should only impress people who are easily misled.

Anything the right says can be viewed as fighting words by the left.
Not reasonably, no. That's why there's a standard of reasonableness attached.

There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting words" those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas...
— Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 1942

If this is justification for violence, then there is no free speech in reality.
It's reasonable mitigation. It's not that there's no freedom to speak, it's that speech doesn't always pass consequence for its utterance singularly to the listener.

See above
Which emphasizes another problem, assumption. For me the comments actually were below this one, given my settings have the newest above the oldest moving toward the top of the page. In any event, the sparse declarations failed to demonstrate any substantive opposition to my quoting the captains of the Alt Right or my point. So...good luck with that newspaper.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

This professor believes students should have the right to never be exposed to " hate" speech. She believes it is the cops civic duty to physically harm people who dare to use "hate speech" around students.

You see, students are trying to learn all about love and tolerance and these " thugs" might endanger their fragile minds.

See the professor verbally abuse and curse the cops and basically lose all control at the ten minute mark.

It's hard to take a guy with "Baloon Animals" on his head, seriously.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So a conservative internet site asks if the Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group because it notes certain organizations claiming various related affiliations as promoting negative agendas? Wait, no, not really. It labeled one anti-gay, for its...wait for it...anti-gay rhetoric. The article calls that a technical correction. It's mostly a factual one.

But let's be even clearer, the SPLC has a section of its site dedicated to examining groups, individuals and ideologies advocating hate & extremist policies/rhetoric and noting the particulars. Among those you'll find there: Black Separatist Nation of Islam, various Klan interests, White Nationalist groups, and a few right wing Christian groups, though they're a minority. You won't find FOF.

It's referenced as a group moderating practice while offshoots receive a different treatment. Which goes back to a fundamental question, is recognizing organizations predicated on disparate, negative and restrictive treatment related to race, gender, religion, or legal sexual orientation a hateful act?

It seems a hard case to make. The writer of your slam piece doesn't do much with the premise.

FOF drew attention of the SPLC with, "In the words of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, the battle against LGBT rights is essentially a "second civil war" to put control of the U.S. government in the right hands, meaning those who reject LGBT rights."

A group dedicating a good bit of its energy and purpose to fighting against the civil rights of another group is likely going to make the list or at least draw notice for the stance. Looking at it today I note three such groups under the extremist heading that have Christian connections: American Family Association, Family Research Counsel, and our old friends at Westboro.

Here's a link to the SPLC page where you can see a set out of the groups, extremists, and ideologies the Center keeps an eye on.


New member
Town says " It's reasonable mitigation. It's not that there's no freedom to speak, it's that speech doesn't always pass consequence for its utterance singularly to the listener."

There may be consequences for certain kinds of speech but there must be legal consequences for those punishing the speaker with violence or else free speech is not protected.

If Milo fans are allowed to beaten to a pulp for supporting him with no intervention by cops then I should be able to go to the next filming of bill mahers show and beat his audience to a bloody pulp every time they laugh at his hateful speech about trump and conservatives.


The southern poverty law center is a discredited racist group.

The SPLC is a discredited Christian hating racist group.

Yet you feel that you need to support a Christian hating racist group known as the Alt Right.

Recognize that both sides are evil, you'll be a better man because of it.


New member
Hall of Fame
I applaud the hate against hate.
Do you support the use of physical violence against people who you deem to be using hate speech?
Do you support the violence that we saw at Cal Berkeley a few days ago?


Do you support the use of physical violence against people who you deem to be using hate speech?
Do you support the violence that we saw at Cal Berkeley a few days ago?

No just the free-speach thereof.