NYU professor curses NYPD cops for not beating the hell out of right wing guest speak


New member

This professor believes students should have the right to never be exposed to " hate" speech. She believes it is the cops civic duty to physically harm people who dare to use "hate speech" around students.

You see, students are trying to learn all about love and tolerance and these " thugs" might endanger their fragile minds.

See the professor verbally abuse and curse the cops and basically lose all control at the ten minute mark.


This professor believes students should have the right to never be exposed to " hate" speech. She believes it is the cops civic duty to physically harm people who dare to use "hate speech" around students.

You see, students are trying to learn all about love and tolerance and these " thugs" might endanger their fragile minds.

See the professor verbally abuse and curse the cops and basically lose all control at the ten minute mark.

Due to technical difficulties, I wasn't able to view the video, but I assume that the speaker is from the 'Alt Right', which is full of neo Nazis and White 'Nationalists' (i.e. Supremacists).

What's wrong with giving neo Nazis a good beating?


I was able to take the url address and pull up the video.

It's about 'White Nationalist' Gavin McInnes, who is just the darling of the neo Nazis at Stormfront.

I see that McInnes is called a "conservative"; since when is racism a conservative value?


New member
Due to technical difficulties, I wasn't able to view the video, but I assume that the speaker is from the 'Alt Right', which is full of neo Nazis and White 'Nationalists' (i.e. Supremacists).

What's wrong with giving neo Nazis a good beating?

Free speech.

Also, neo nazis and white nationalists are labels without meaning. I dare you to prove they are neo nazis or white nationalists by virtue of what they actually have said and make the connections. You can't. That's why they are meaningless words.


New member
I was able to take the url address and pull up the video.

It's about 'White Nationalist' Gavin McInnes, who is just the darling of the neo Nazis at Stormfront.

I see that McInnes is called a "conservative"; since when is racism a conservative value?
Prove he is either a white nationalist or a racist.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Due to technical difficulties, I wasn't able to view the video, but I assume that the speaker is from the 'Alt Right', which is full of neo Nazis and White 'Nationalists' (i.e. Supremacists).

What's wrong with giving neo Nazis a good beating?

Free speech.

Also, neo nazis and white nationalists are labels without meaning. I dare you to prove they are neo nazis or white nationalists by virtue of what they actually have said and make the connections. You can't. That's why they are meaningless words.

When I use the label "White Nationalist/Supremacist" or "Neo Nazi", I provide proof that there is "meaning" behind the terms.

I exposed the ultra pro Trump Alt Right Movement in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread while the Presidential primaries were taking place. There were several posts exposing them for what they are (which Trump lemmings didn't dispute, I guess they were too busy doing their fruity banana dances).

I broke down this long article into 8 posts in my thread, feel free to refute the evidence if you can.

An Actual Conservative's Guide to the Alt Right: 8 Things You Need to Know


As the link shows: Here are a few of the key players:

•Richard Spencer, president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute, former editor of Taki’s, and founder of Radix Journal/AlternativeRight.com
•Kevin MacDonald, who as editor of The Occidental Observer promises to “present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West”
•Sam Francis, the late syndicated columnist who famously called for a “white racial consciousness”
•Theodore Robert Beale, the white nationalist blogger better known by his pen name Vox Day, who counts as a central tenet of the Alt-Right that “we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children,” which represents one half of the white nationalist, neo-Nazi numerical symbol 1488. (That phrase contains 14 words, while 8 refers to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, which doubled represents “Heil Hitler.”)
•Paul Ramsey, a white nationalist who produced a video titled “Is it wrong not to feel sad about the Holocaust?” and who seeks to revise historical accounts of the Holocaust, asking, “Do you mean that six million figure? You know that six million figure has been used many times before World War II, did you know that?”


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This professor believes students should have the right to never be exposed to " hate" speech. She believes it is the cops civic duty to physically harm people who dare to use "hate speech" around students.

You see, students are trying to learn all about love and tolerance and these " thugs" might endanger their fragile minds.

See the professor verbally abuse and curse the cops and basically lose all control at the ten minute mark.
Spoiled brats.

Tell them to come to TOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I see a lot of similarities between the homosexuals of Adolf Hitler's SS and the Neo Nazi/White Supremacist Alt Right movement.

Like Hitler and his SS, the Alt Right movement has a lot of 'macho' homosexuals (I wouldn't call Milo Yiannadopealus "macho, but he considers himself that way).

I have to laugh because there is nothing "macho" about buggery.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see a lot of similarities between the homosexuals of Adolf Hitler's SS and the Neo Nazi/White Supremacist Alt Right movement.

Like Hitler and his SS, the Alt Right movement has a lot of 'macho' homosexuals (I wouldn't call Milo Yiannadopealus "macho, but he considers himself that way).

I have to laugh because there is nothing "macho" about buggery.

You mean the same guys who rounded up and exterminated or interned their same "kind" aCW? The same ones you call effeminate or fags?

You were quite happy to use creativity movement when that particular loony outfit suited your purposes in your loony agenda with MLK. Something tells me you wouldn't have voluntarily admitted the crassness of your source if it hadn't been discovered by 'loony libs' either.

Oh, there's nothing macho about having a bizarre fixation with gay men or certain sexual acts either, so as you were...or not depending.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see a lot of similarities between the homosexuals of Adolf Hitler's SS and the Neo Nazi/White Supremacist Alt Right movement.

Like Hitler and his SS, the Alt Right movement has a lot of 'macho' homosexuals (I wouldn't call Milo Yiannadopealus "macho, but he considers himself that way).

I have to laugh because there is nothing "macho" about buggery.

You mean...

Donald Trump was endorsed by the KKK and as well as the American Nazi Party. As shown in my earlier post, the Alt Right is infested with those kind of people.

While there are many homosexuals in the Alt Right movement, like their allies in the Nazi movements, they aren't extremely open about it (i.e. "they keep it in their bedrooms where no one can see it").

Gay” Nazi Skinheads

Today, Nazism survives primarily in a broad international skinhead movement made up of disaffected white male youths. Not surprisingly, homosexuals are among the most influential leaders of Nazi skinhead culture. For example, in England, birthplace of the movement, the notorious National Front (NF) was headed by “gay” skinhead Nicky Crane. As reported by Murray Healy in Gay Skins, “Crane [was] by his own admission a devout Nazi who idolized Hitler” (Healy:134). Crane actively sought to revive the street-terrorism of the Nazi Brownshirts in the British urban centers “’[trying] to create a street fighting force...for street destabilization, fighting at sports events and keeping up racial attacks’...kinheads ‘giving Nazi salutes and chanting racialist slogans’ [became] a common sight ” (ibid:124).
Searchlight magazine reported that
At over six foot tall and extremely violent, Crane was the archetypical nazi skinhead, so much so that it was his picture that adorned the cover of “Strength Through Oi,” a seminal “Oi” album [music of the skinhead movement]. As a nazi Crane was involved in much violence, including gay bashing. Yet at the same time, presumably unbeknownst to those close to him in the nazi scene, he was a hardcore gay porn star...[In 1993] he died of AIDS (Searchlight:September, 1999).

In the 1970s, the best known “gay” nazi was the National Front’s national organizer, Martin Webster (ibid). Another homosexual nazi, Peter Marriner, was a leader in both the National Front and another fascist group, the British Movement (Searchlight:August, 2000).

The Nazi skinhead movement has now spread far beyond England. Healy writes that “the same alignment of ‘skinhead’ and ‘fascist’ is also occurring globally...as far-right groups in Europe, Australia and parts of the United States have imported skinhead imagery as the uniform for its urban terrorists” (ibid:205).
In France, the neo-Nazi movement is closely and openly tied to the “gay” community. One of the founders of the fascist group Franciose Nacionale is also the editor of the homosexual publication Gaie France (Andriette, Bill, “Is Gaie France Fascist?” NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1992). Meanwhile, back in Germany, the alarming increase of neo-Nazi skinheads is also linked to homosexuality. Elmay Kraushaar, a journalist for Der Spiegel, the German equivalent to Time Magazine, is quoted in The Advocate:

There is a gay skinhead movement in Berlin. They go to cruising areas with leaflets that say, “We don’t want foreigners.” A major leader of the neo-Nazis in Germany, Michael Kuhnen, was an openly gay man who died of AIDS two years ago. He wrote a paper on the links between homosexuality and fascism, saying fascism is based on the love of comrades, that having sex with your comrades strengthens this bond (Anderson:54).

Interesting facts for those who desire to learn from history so as to not repeat it.