Well-known member
Of course she can, just as she always has (Mt. 28:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 16:4; Rom. 16:17; 2 Thess. 3:4; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Jn. 4:6).
Merely another Straw Man Fallacy on your part, since this is not at all what the Catholic Church claims to do. Try again.
Yes, there is a type of tradition that is condemned by Jesus and the apostles (i.e., merely human traditions, "the traditions of men"). However, there is ALSO a form of Tradition which is encouraged, and even commanded, in the NT (Sacred Tradition, or Apostolic Tradition). It is the latter which you deny and, in doing so, deny the Scriptures themselves.
The Church herself teaches just that fact. The doctrines of the Church carry the very authority of Jesus Christ himself (Lk. 10:16; 1 Tim. 3:15). One either accepts and follows the Church's (and therefore Christ's) authoritative teachings and self-testimony, or one does not.
In fact, what you're "weighing all traditions against" is not the Bible itself, but merely your preferred interpretations of the Bible, which carry no authority whatsoever. In any case, this has already been answered above.
Already answered.
Oops! Try again.
Already answered above.
You're simply wrong on this, or else you have no idea what a "logical fallacy" is. Either way, Post #45 stands exactly as given, and your claim to the contrary has already been answered---and refuted---in a previous post.
Again, the very most that you can validly claim is that the Catechism contradicts your preferred interpretations of Scripture which, again, carry no binding authority whatsoever. Try again.
Of course you can't, since your chosen recently-invented man-made non-Catholic sect will not allow you to think or believe contrary to its own tenets and dictates. Like everyone else, your beliefs are guided by your tradition.
Wrong again. Sacred Tradition is every bit as much "the word of God" (Divine Revelation) as is Sacred Scripture.
Also, your complaint against Christ's Church made above applies to your appeal to the Bible as well. To paraphrase you: "Certainly the Bible has assumed authority but it cannot document it beyond simply stating it has it." In other words, your claim that "the Bible is authoritative" is nothing more than an assertion made by the Bible itself, and you have yet to prove its validity. However, if, as Protestants like to claim, the Bible's self-testimony should be taken at face value, then the Catholic's appeal to the authority of Christ's Church---which both preceded and produced the Bible---is at least as compelling, if not more so.
Already answered in previous posts.
You're so predictably wrong. Paul confronted Peter not over Peter's teachings, but over his behavior---that is, the fact that Peter was acting in a manner which was inconsistent with his (Peter's) own infallible teachings. Try again.
Yet another Straw Man Fallacy for you. The Church has never taught that the Pope is "always right." So much for your claimed "knowledge" of Catholic teaching.
Sounds remarkably like the myriad Protestant sects with their hopelessly unworkable principle of the Private Interpretation of Scripture.
Of course I have, the content of which you have been utterly unable to disprove or refute in any rational manner. For example, readers should take note that CM will offer no rationally compelling or logically valid counter-argument to a single point made in this very post itself.
You're such a natural and effortless liar. May God help you (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5).
Again, the fact that you don't prefer (like) the answers because they contradict the dictates of your chosen recently-invented man-made non-Catholic sect certainly does not mean that you have not received the answers. The problem is with you, not with the substance of the truth.
And you still have no idea what an Ad Hominem actually is. :doh: No, there's nothing whatsoever ad hominem about Post #94, since it is in no way directed to your motives or character, but only to your actions on this forum. It is based upon an observation of your own posted statements here on TOL. Try again.
Gaudium de veritate,
Of course she can, just as she always has (Mt. 28:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 16:4; Rom. 16:17; 2 Thess. 3:4; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Jn. 4:6).
anyone or any organization can claim that those verses are talking about themselves, including me.