Because it means God had a timeline from point A to point B, which means he is .. not God.
Who has taught you that God had a timeline from point A to point B? All the world’s creation stories have the “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…..” They might use a different name for ‘God’ but that ‘God’ created everything is in ALL creation stories.
Can I say God must drink water or he will die ?!! I can't! And also I can't say God to exist must have a place!
Again, ‘place’ NOT from what man understands place is.
What is Spirit ? firstly. Secondly : How did you know he's a spirit ? - don't bring me a bible verse, I can also bring Quranic verses, I am asking YOU, how did you know he's a spirit ?
You know, I do not know how many times I will have to explain to you that when someone does not want to believe something, there is no amount of explanation to make that person believe.
I know He is Spirit because there is not a person in the world that has ever seen God; however, the Son has declared Him.
God said to it Be so it is. No need for tools or "How". He made existence with its laws, that gives the "how" for thereafter
God created the tool of 'faith' so that I can see the how. In the beginning God....
Didn't you just say he had "nothing" with him?
I said ‘there was nothing’ before the Creator created. I did not say that HE had nothing with Him.
Are you sure God himself can't be contained in a group of cells (body) ?
I am.
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit comes to live in Believers. So, the Holy Spirit comes, but God, in and of itself? No.
Am I going to be able to explain it enough for you to believe me? No!
Please friend, I also believe in God, but there's something called "Theology" as a way to know God. I am getting scared of that the only theology you have is the cross of Calvary.
The ONLY theology God has is the Cross of Christ.
What does your theology teaches you about your eternal life? Because you do know that you are eternal don’t you?
I do believe I am eternal and that God provided a way for me to get to Him, the Cross of Christ and what He there did.
Delusion that you think he is in a PLACE
Of course, he was in a place; however, as you have ignored my explanation it is NOT a place such as humans think of such.
What and lose the preciousness of knowing my God and Lord and Savior. I much rather believe what I believe than what the world wants me to believe and would probably kill me if they could. The world does not want to be responsible to God; therefore, man is always changing what they believe to accommodate what they want, and not what God wants.
No God created us from his VolksWagon !! Why must I put God in a place ?!! God created PLACE.
Well, if He created His VolksWagon first, and then created the rest of His Creation, I would not have any problems with it at all.
It is not a ‘human’ understanding of place as I have repeatedly explained to you. And as I have also explained to you, if a person chooses to not believe, there is no amount of explanation in the world that can make a person believe.
So do I ! Look at my slogan.
I believe in God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). You also?
My God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
My God does not cause me confusion.
My God expects me to believe that He exists.
My God expects faith from those who believe in Him.
My God expects me to believe that He provided THE only way to get to Him -- the Cross of Christ and what He there did.
How do I know the above? My theology tells me so.
Where do I get my theology? In my Bible.
What do I choose to do with that? I choose to believe that to be the ONLY truth.