:mock: How many "Greek grammars" do I need?
If ever you finally learn the truth about the ministry of Paul, you'll understand that dispensation of the grace of God has nothing to do with the promises to Israel. And that God chose twelve apostles for Israel for a reason.
You are lost in the wild fantasy world of men's vain opinions: silly commentary land.
God's promises to Israel depend upon the success of His dispensation of the Grace of God.
It is why, and what, is behind His having planned all along to temporarily interrupt the Prophetic aspect of His TWO-Fold Purpose (His plans and purpose for Israel) with this other aspect of said TWO-Fold Purpose: The Mystery.
Which concerns His plan to reconcile back unto Himself FIRST those EVEN NOW fallen "high" or Heavenly "places" PRESENTLY STILL under the dominion of "the prince of the power of the air" and his dark "princes."
No point in reconciling the Earth back unto Himself first, or absent of not reconciling BEFORE THAT those fallen high places.
For they were what led to the Earth's "course of this world" or "spirit" of rebellion "that" even "now worketh in the children of" Adam's "disobedience."
No point in "thy will be done IN" the "earth, AS IN heaven" until AFTER the above, is resolved FIRST.
THIS is WHY The ONE Mystery of Romans thru Philemon that The Dispensation of the Grace of God is merely a means of.
Matt. 4; Matt. 6; 1 Cor. 2; 1 Cor. 15; Rom. 5; Rom. 8; Rom. 16; Eph. 1; Eph. 2 & 3; etc.
Nevertheless, Romans 5:8.