Neg Rep Spam

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Someone said he's an Anglophile of sorts. That's close enough. :rotfl:

Well, rumours do seem to be your bag I suppose, either falling for or spreading em'...

Have to go for now. I'll catch up with your rants a little later, pals. :rotfl:

Except nobody's ranting but hey, you carry on with the laughing if you want. Quite an overreaction considering...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We AMERICANS are not familiar with British/Australian words. Are you familiar with Zimbabwe words and phrases? Get the point? Probably not.

Shouldn't sell your fellow countrymen and women short GM. Sherman certainly knew about the word that you were so ignorant of and plenty others would as well. It's called the English language.

I must be forthright with you, I enjoy giving you and your fellow leftists, Neg-reps. I kinda get a real kick out of it. You wouldn't keep an old man from this small pleasure in life, would ya? :think:

If that's what makes ya happy then you crack on with it dude. At least that's honest.



Eclectic Theosophist
Remark Options.....

Remark Options.....

I'm thinking your points have been considered....which is why you get neg reps.

Yes, any can disagree or 'disapprove', - they can also debate and dialogue the points, but some just may not feel the need to bother, disinterested perhaps. - I have noticed though that here on TOL the rep system is LIMITED only to 'approve' or 'disapprove' a red rep does in a generic sense indicate that one 'disapproves' of a post, for whatever reason. - thats fine. - that appears to be the only way to note your 'disagreement'. - so it does detract from ur rep score.

Im involved on another forum that allows a greater variety of responses to posts which is kinda cool, and it leave little icons at the bottom of the page too - here is a list of different marks you can leave - 'like, dislike, agree, disagree, funny, winner, informative, friendly, useful, optimistic, creative'. - this the format used by - 'Forum software by XenForo™ ©2010-2016 XenForo Ltd'. (11 different end note options)

Just sharing not to dis TOL in any way, just to recognize there being a limited amount of options for post remarks. I'm wondering if Knight could expand options in the format software here, which may be more useful for posters :) - I also wonder if hes proposed or considered a new forum format, its been awhile. Just points for consideration.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, I think Barb cared enough, after all, he left TOL, right?

For the time being. He's a long time happily married man after all and has plenty of things in life outside of forums. He sure didn't say he was leaving for a while because of neg reps did he? Did he care enough to leave the same in turn? In fairness it's kinda been hilarious to see just how much he winds some of you zealots up by being completely unflappable and reasonable in the wake of such. I couldn't be as laid back as he is even if I don't neg rep.


Well-known member
Shouldn't sell your fellow countrymen and women short GM. Sherman certainly knew about the word that you were so ignorant of and plenty others would as well. It's called the English language.

If that's what makes ya happy then you crack on with it dude. At least that's honest.


Shut up, smarty artie. The word "whing" in any of it's derivaties is NOT well known here in America. It isn't in my Webster 1828 dictionary, so it isn't even a real word. Get off your "high horse"'s only a rocking horse for crying out loud.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Shouldn't sell your fellow countrymen and women short GM. Sherman certainly knew about the word that you were so ignorant of and plenty others would as well. It's called the English language.

If that's what makes ya happy then you crack on with it dude. At least that's honest.


Yep, I'm all about honesty. How about you, Brit?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Alas, Old GM must say, adieu to this prestigious thread. It was worthy of my attention for a small period of time, however, it has become a bit of a bore recently. I'll stop by once in awhile, but, please don't expect me to participate on those occasions. I'll just be an observer.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.......He's a long time happily married man......

He's a lowlife piece of garbage just like you and this swamp freak Wheezer of Oz.

As I just posted in the freak's exit thread:

It is so telling that a thread marking the exiting of a leftwing extremist, a supporter of murdering children by abortion, a supporter of sexual perversity, and a man who is an abomination to the faith he claims to adhere to, becomes the occasion to attack me.

I believe in God, the sanctity of Life,... ...I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. Politically I believe in small government, low taxes, and the free market.

In short, I am a normal person, the exact opposite of this freak Barbarian. That's why evil people hate me because I am on the side of good. If you want to know who supports evil in this forum, look at the lowlife scum who hate me, and you'll get your answer.

He's a freak and a hypocrite, a perfect friend for am inbred Limey like you and this punk sniveller Wearer of Bras, or Wiener of Oz, or whatever the scum is called.


Hall of Fame
You are a liar. I said no such thing.

Prove me wrong...

I read no such thing from you ... though I will continue to state that serial, neg repping is PETTY, as well as revealing. There is one intent and only one: GANG UP on someone for the sole purpose of silencing them. It works against the very premise of having *intelligent*, well thought-out discussions with the goal of the other side gaining knowledge of why their point is not agreed with.


New member
He's a lowlife piece of garbage just like you and this swamp freak Wheezer of Oz.

He's a freak and a hypocrite, a perfect friend for am inbred Limey like you and this punk sniveller Wearer of Bras, or Wiener of Oz, or whatever the scum is called.

What exactly is your problem with me? Do you even remember?

Unless you have a specific gripe you just sound angry for the sake of it.


New member
Yep, I'm all about honesty.

Funny you should say this right after being caught in a lie in this very thread.

You'll even lie about being honest.

Alas, Old GM must say, adieu to this prestigious thread. It was worthy of my attention for a small period of time, however, it has become a bit of a bore recently. I'll stop by once in awhile, but, please don't expect me to participate on those occasions. I'll just be an observer.

Probably a wise move to tuck tail at this point. I'd hate to see that corner you've painted yourself into get any smaller.