My Religion

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Pardon me, I didn’t mean that you are actually crazy. I don’t think your crazy for believing in Jesus or the Catholic Church. It was just an expression.

What I do think is crazy....well, not crazy, but not true in the that there is one and only one right church. I personally think there are a total of zero right churches. I admit that church may be a beneficial thing for many people and for various being chief among them, but to be THE one right church. No.
If you believed in the Resurrection of Christ, do you think you'd have the exact same opinion on the matter?
To think such a thing is actually disparaging to God, IMO, because it makes him less. Additionally, as I have stated earlier in this thread, God is actually quoted in the Bible by saying that all souls belong to him. All means all.
PS. I do find it really strange that you enjoy satanic music, but I admire the fact that you don’t have fear associated with it.
I think that is a positive, while I would not consider that music positive for me personally. Peace be with you.
I thank you for that, and peace to you also.


Well-known member
Do you think you could get specific in describing this freedom Zeke?

I’d like to know exactly how you understand it, what it is and whether or not you’ve experienced it.

It's a paradoxical riddle to our mortal state of mind to grasp what being in the immortal Christ/conscience , and that immortal Christ conscience being in you actually requires of man to believe about himself, our sensory, and rationalism based in bondage to lower levels of conscience "states " of awareness constantly, and religiously witnesses against it's glorious conclusion, its beyond man's ability to process Romans 11:33-34, that's the mystery 1 Corinthians 3:16, you are only taught by what I would refer to as bits of new revelations of conscience data being opened by some word, event, visions, still small voice Romans 8:16, flash of illumination, inward intuition, Romans 8:20-21, etc.. symbolized as the process of waking up from a deep sleep called divine amnesia by some.

The pupae stage of conscience awakening to becoming perfect like the Father is a unknowable journey to timeline, it could be eons or in a twinkle you wake up Galatians 4:1, the scripture reveals it's riddles allegories when where ready to digest them, does a caterpillar know he is a butterfly while confined to earthly endeavors, don't know and I can't impute my experience into you or anyone else, the sign post that confirm my revelation is in the scriptures I post, other than that I don't have any set path because it depends on you being beyond the mind chatter to hear your divine voice of revelation.

Its not logical, rational, or possible, yet time has shown the eternal light of imagination, the lamp of creation can transcend those once unbreakable barriers in the minds of men asleep in Christ dream as a earthly man, Ephesians 5:13-14, John 1:9.


If you believed in the Resurrection of Christ, do you think you'd have the exact same opinion on the matter?.

No, I would not. My beliefs and opinions would be shaped by the Bible, my church, and by religious indoctrination.

Thanks for pointing that out. I should not be surprised that people don’t view God as I do around here.


New member
The bible does in fact say that it is OK to rape and kill people.

Note that it does not, for all unrepentant murderers will have to suffer for their murders forever in the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:8), along with Satan (Revelation 20:10) the murderer (John 8:44).

Deuteronomy 22:28 and 29 covers raping. You may rape a young virgin, but if it is found out it costs 50 shekels of silver and the woman must become your wife and you are not permitted to divorce her . . .

Note that the fine and lifelong-relationship requirement show that, even under the Old Covenant, it was not okay to rape.

Deuteronomy chapter 21 verses 10 and following instruct the proper way to rape a woman after you have killed her family.

Note that was under the Old Covenant, and the Israelite man had to marry her (Deuteronomy 21:13).

Please read it for yourself.

I did, but did you, or are you just going off an anti-Bible website?

Also, do you reject YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible because it calls something a sin which you like to do, and do not consider to be a sin (2 Timothy 4:2-4)?

Would you like to now stand corrected regarding your earlier comments that it is impossible for the bible to teach anything that is unrighteous?

No, for there is no reason to (2 Timothy 3:16). And Jesus' New Covenant is even more righteous than the Old (Matthew 5:20 to 7:29).


New member
Concern for what others might think about ones position is a huge deterrent to spiritual progression . . .

Good point.

For all that matters is what God's own Word the Holy Bible teaches (2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).

The fear dialectic is the weapon of choice for Religion . . .

Note that it is not a weapon, but how you can avoid going down into hell when you die (Luke 12:5).

No fear exist in perfect Love . . .

Amen (1 John 4:18).

But it is only if Christians perfectly love God that they will not misbehave (1 John 5:3, John 14:21-24) and so they will not have any fear of any impending punishment from God for any misbehavior (1 John 4:18). But if they become so wicked that they lose their fear of God (Psalms 36:1, Psalms 10:13) and so continue to misbehave without repentance, then they do need to fear impending punishment from God in the form of temporal chastening (Hebrews 12:6). And if they refuse to repent even after receiving temporal chastening (Revelation 3:19, Revelation 2:21), then they need to fear God's ability to cast them into hell (Luke 12:5) for their unrepentant misbehavior (Hebrews 10:26-29, Luke 12:45-46).


Note that it does not, for all unrepentant murderers will have to suffer for their murders forever in the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:8), along with Satan (Revelation 20:10) the murderer (John 8:44). doesn't say unrepentant says murderers. You've changed the bible because of your religious indoctrination and you don't even know it. Revelation 21:8 says,

"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

It says here that all liars and murders will go to the lake of fire, along with cowards.

Note that the fine and lifelong-relationship requirement show that, even under the Old Covenant, it was not okay to rape.

Note that was under the Old Covenant, and the Israelite man had to marry her (Deuteronomy 21:13).

I did, but did you, or are you just going off an anti-Bible website?

I note that you don't have the ability to call a spade a spade. That implies deception or delusion. That is why I said that we can't help each other. My religion doesn't allow my to accept non-truth as a basis for truth.

Also, do you reject YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible because it calls something a sin which you like to do, and do not consider to be a sin (2 Timothy 4:2-4)?

No, I don't. The bible says different things about the same things. That's why you can consider it a sin to kill, or murder people in the New Testament, when it was obviously approved in the Old Testament. I reject the bible from being the word of the actual - real - God, ie. maker of all things because it is unrighteous and inconsistent. Not because I wish to do some "sin" that the bible forbids.

No, for there is no reason to (2 Timothy 3:16). And Jesus' New Covenant is even more righteous than the Old (Matthew 5:20 to 7:29).

You don't stand corrected. I understand. Thank you for participating and may peace be with you.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Do you think you could get specific in describing this freedom Zeke?

I’d like to know exactly how you understand it, what it is and whether or not you’ve experienced it.
You didn't ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

There is no greater freedom than being a Catholic Christian. Believing in Christ, and being in full communion with His Church, is the life that the Lord wants for all His sheep; He wants us in His fold.

We are under His care, we are safe from wolves, and we live "as free" (1st Peter 2:16 KJV, cf. Galatians 5:13 KJV).

Of course this all depends upon the Resurrection of Christ being nonfiction historical fact, which I know you deny, but there's my answer for you. Peace to you.

Bright Raven

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You didn't ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

There is no greater freedom than being a Catholic Christian. Believing in Christ, and being in full communion with His Church, is the life that the Lord wants for all His sheep; He wants us in His fold.

We are under His care, we are safe from wolves, and we live "as free" (1st Peter 2:16 KJV, cf. Galatians 5:13 KJV).

Of course this all depends upon the Resurrection of Christ being nonfiction historical fact, which I know you deny, but there's my answer for you. Peace to you.

You are a captive to sin. You must have a priest to absolve you of sin. Protestants do not require that.

1 John 1:9 English Standard Version (ESV)
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are a captive to sin.
No I'm not.
You must have a priest to absolve you of sin.
If I commit grave sin, then I should meet with my priest, as he represents the Church, to reconcile with her; because I might be guilty of breaking communion with her, if I commit grave sin.

This meeting is called "Confession." If I do not reconcile with the Church through confession /penance, then I should not partake of the body and blood of the Lord until I do, because doing so, after breaking communion with the Church through committing grave sin, is grave sin itself, and grave sin with significant temporal penalties (1Co11:27KJV, 1Co11:29-30KJV).
Protestants do not require that.
Protestants are outside the fold, and those who believe in Christ will be saved as by fire (1Co3:15KJV), and the Church is justified in treating you as a heathen man and a publican, because you neglect to hear the Church (Mt18:17KJV), even though you are bona fide Christians; you are in effect delivered unto Satan (1Co5:5KJV, 1Ti1:20KJV).

You should come into the fold. You are welcome. Just start going to Mass at a nearby Catholic Church parish, and mention conversion to the priest. Give money. During the Eucharist /Communion, you are not authorized to receive the elements, but you can put your arms across your chest and request instead a blessing, which the priest will be happy to give to you, and if you instead come to an 'extraordinary Eucharistic minister' make sure they understand that you would like a blessing, and not to receive the bread or the wine.
1 John 1:9 English Standard Version (ESV)
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The Catholic Church believes the whole Bible.


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No I'm not.
If I commit grave sin, then I should meet with my priest, as he represents the Church, to reconcile with her; because I might be guilty of breaking communion with her, if I commit grave sin.

This meeting is called "Confession." If I do not reconcile with the Church through confession /penance, then I should not partake of the body and blood of the Lord until I do, because doing so, after breaking communion with the Church through committing grave sin, is grave sin itself, and grave sin with significant temporal penalties (1Co11:27KJV, 1Co11:29-30KJV).

Your priest doesn't have that authority.

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, - 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Protestants are outside the fold, and those who believe in Christ will be saved as by fire (1Co3:15KJV), and the Church is justified in treating you as a heathen man and a publican, because you neglect to hear the Church (Mt18:17KJV), even though you are bona fide Christians; you are in effect delivered unto Satan (1Co5:5KJV, 1Ti1:20KJV).

You should come into the fold. You are welcome. Just start going to Mass at a nearby Catholic Church parish, and mention conversion to the priest. Give money. During the Eucharist /Communion, you are not authorized to receive the elements, but you can put your arms across your chest and request instead a blessing, which the priest will be happy to give to you, and if you instead come to an 'extraordinary Eucharistic minister' make sure they understand that you would like a blessing, and not to receive the bread or the wine.
The Catholic Church believes the whole Bible.

They apparently don't believe 1 Timothy 2:5-6.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Your priest doesn't have that authority.
You believe in something resembling the 'cessation of gifts,' but instead it's the cessation of the authentic Church pastorate, the Bishop (1Ti3:1KJV), established by the Apostles, including dear Paul.

I don't believe in that. I believe the pastorate the Apostles themselves established remains to this day.
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, - 1 Timothy 2:5-6

They apparently don't believe 1 Timothy 2:5-6.
I believe the whole Bible, including that the Apostles established the authentic Church pastorate called the office of Bishop (1Ti3:1KJV).

You, do not.


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You believe in something resembling the 'cessation of gifts,' but instead it's the cessation of the authentic Church pastorate, the Bishop (1Ti3:1KJV), established by the Apostles, including dear Paul.

I don't believe in that. I believe the pastorate the Apostles themselves established remains to this day.

Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said.

I believe the whole Bible, including that the Apostles established the authentic Church pastorate called the office of Bishop (1Ti3:1KJV).

You, do not.

Which, again, has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said.

What I said was that your priest does not have the authority to act as a mediator between you and God, as you claim he needs to.

That position is TAKEN by the LORD Jesus Christ, as per:

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, - 1 Timothy 2:5-6

It cannot be filled by any other man.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said.
Yes it does.
Which, again, has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said.
Yes, it does.
What I said was that your priest does not have the authority to act as a mediator between you and God, as you claim he needs to.
I never claimed that. The priest represents the Church.
That position is TAKEN by the LORD Jesus Christ, as per:

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, - 1 Timothy 2:5-6

It cannot be filled by any other man.
'Never said otherwise.


like marbles on glass
You didn't ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

There is no greater freedom than being a Catholic Christian. Believing in Christ, and being in full communion with His Church, is the life that the Lord wants for all His sheep; He wants us in His fold.

We are under His care, we are safe from wolves, and we live "as free" (1st Peter 2:16 KJV, cf. Galatians 5:13 KJV).

Of course this all depends upon the Resurrection of Christ being nonfiction historical fact, which I know you deny, but there's my answer for you. Peace to you.

The last time we talked about it (must be around a year ago or so), you were not a Catholic. You desired to be, but you were not.

Have you been received into the Church since then?


You didn't ask me, but I'm going to chime in anyway.

There is no greater freedom than being a Catholic Christian. Believing in Christ, and being in full communion with His Church, is the life that the Lord wants for all His sheep; He wants us in His fold.

I appreciate that you probably intend this as your opinion, but you say it as if it were a fact. To be able to claim it as a fact, you would have to have experienced all types of freedom available, then make an informed decision. I was a Catholic and a Protestant, Evangelical, and Pentecostal at one time or another during my life. I was a practicing Christian up until about, well, I don’t know....less than ten years ago.

The greatest freedom that I have ever experienced comes from my religion now. It is a religion based upon truth, and experience. Since I believe that God is good, I can live my life without fear about an angry God, or the afterlife being a place of suffering. This has been more freeing to me than anything, and so in that sense the truth has actually set me free.

We are under His care, we are safe from wolves, and we live "as free" (1st Peter 2:16 KJV, cf. Galatians 5:13 KJV).

Of course this all depends upon the Resurrection of Christ being nonfiction historical fact, which I know you deny, but there's my answer for you. Peace to you.

Your peace be returned.

PS. According to my religion, all human beings, every living thing and all which exists is under Gods loving care. FWIW.
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