My Religion

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New member
Note that our insight must come through God's own Word the Holy Bible (2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).

The Bible contains the revealed will of the Eternal Almighty. As with a human will, it is accessible to all upon the death of the testator. Although it is accessible only the heirs can benefit under the terms of the will. You and your kind always read it and then claim the benefits that only belong to the heirs.
You read the will? So has Satan and he trembles.


Note that He can (Mark 3:5, Zephaniah 2:3).

Including through God's own Word the Holy Bible (1 Peter 1:17).

Your post demonstrates that you believe the Bible is the word of God. You have demonstrated your religion. I hope it really works for you, and that’s really great if it does. But, just because you post a scripture verse doesn’t mean that what you believe is right or true. It may be true to you, but that is most likely the result of your religious indoctrination which is based on fear. Fear is a tremendous motivator. It can make you change your life.

If the Bible said it was ok for you to rape and kill people, would you believe that raping and killing people is morally acceptable?

Would you enjoy raping and killing people?


New member
The Bible contains the revealed will of the Eternal Almighty.

Amen (2 Timothy 3:16).

As with a human will, it is accessible to all upon the death of the testator.

The New Covenant is accessible to all elect humans (2 Timothy 2:10) since the death of the testator (Hebrews 9:16).

It is not accessible to all humans (John 8:42-47), just as any single human-made "last will and testament" is not accessible to all humans, but only to those named in the will (Revelation 20:15).

You and your kind always read it and then claim the benefits that only belong to the heirs.

Any believer in the Gospel (of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, John 20:31) can know that he or she is elect. For only elect individuals become believers in the Gospel (Acts 13:48b).


New member
Amen (2 Timothy 3:16).

The New Covenant is accessible to all elect humans (2 Timothy 2:10) since the death of the testator (Hebrews 9:16).

It is not accessible to all humans (John 8:42-47), just as any single human-made "last will and testament" is not accessible to all humans, but only to those named in the will (Revelation 20:15).

Any believer in the Gospel (of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, John 20:31) can know that he or she is elect. For only elect individuals become believers in the Gospel (Acts 13:48b).

Why do you people insist on repeating what I've said using far more words than necessary? Rhetorical question.


New member
Your post demonstrates that you believe the Bible is the word of God.

Yes (2 Timothy 3:16).

But, of course, 2 Timothy 3:16 by itself can never prove to anyone that the Bible is God's Word. For 2 Timothy 3:16 will be believed only by those individuals who have already received God's miraculous gift of faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel (Ephesians 2:8, John 6:65; 1 Corinthians 3:5b, Romans 12:3b, Hebrews 12:2), and have received some measure of God's Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:11-16).

And only elect individuals can receive these things.

For the elect are those individuals, whether Jews or Gentiles, who were chosen (elected) and predestinated by God before they were born (Romans 9:11-24), and even before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-11; 2 Thessalonians 2:13), to become initially saved by faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel at some point during their lifetime (Acts 13:48b; 2 Timothy 2:10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). This initial salvation is possible only because of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross for our sins (Romans 3:25-26), which was also foreordained by God before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8; 1 Peter 1:19-20).

Everyone on his own is wholly corrupt (Romans 3:9-12). And so it is impossible for people on their own to ever believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel and be initially saved (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, John 20:31; 1 John 5:13) through their own will (Romans 9:16, John 1:13, John 6:65) or their own intellect (1 Corinthians 1:18 to 2:16). Unsaved people cannot comprehend the Gospel (1 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 1:18), because only initially saved people, who have received the miraculous gift of some measure of God's own Spirit, can comprehend it (1 Corinthians 2:11-16).

Nonelect people can never believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel and be initially saved, even when they are shown the truth (John 8:42-47, John 10:26, Matthew 13:38-42). For the ability to believe in Jesus and His Gospel comes only to elect individuals (Acts 13:48b) wholly by God's grace as a miraculous gift from God (Ephesians 2:8, John 6:65; 1 Corinthians 3:5b, Romans 12:3b, Hebrews 12:2) as the elect read (or hear) God's Word the Holy Bible (Romans 10:17, Acts 13:48, Acts 26:22-23), just as the ability to repent comes only as a miraculous gift from God (2 Timothy 2:25, Acts 11:18). Satan blinds the minds of non-Christians so that on their own they cannot repent and acknowledge the truth of God's Word (2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Timothy 2:25-26).

. . . just because you post a scripture verse doesn’t mean that what you believe is right or true.

Note that it does, for every scripture verse is right and true (Matthew 4:4).

It may be true to you, but that is most likely the result of your religious indoctrination which is based on fear.

Note that Christians are supposed to fear God (Romans 11:20-22).

Fear is a tremendous motivator. It can make you change your life.

Indeed, so you won't have to go down into hell when you die (Luke 12:5).

If the Bible said it was ok for you to rape and kill people, would you believe that raping and killing people is morally acceptable?

Note that is impossible because the Bible only teaches that which is righteous (2 Timothy 3:16).

That is why people reject YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible when they want to continue in their sins (2 Timothy 4:2-4).


New member
Jesus expects His followers to be committed to Him until the end.

Amen (Matthew 24:13).

And that includes being committed to His Word to the end (John 8:31b).

And that includes every word of YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible (Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).


Note that is impossible because the Bible only teaches that which is righteous (2 Timothy 3:16).

That is why people reject YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible when they want to continue in their sins (2 Timothy 4:2-4).

I cannot note that it is impossible, because you are mistaken. Not only is it possible, it is factual. So, while you claim that you believe the bible, that it is only righteous, and that it is God's Word, you are unaware of what messages it actually contains.

The bible does in fact say that it is OK to rape and kill people.

Deuteronomy 22:28 and 29 covers raping. You may rape a young virgin, but if it is found out it costs 50 shekels of silver and the woman must become your wife and you are not permitted to divorce her, as you could other wives who displease you.

Deuteronomy chapter 21 verses 10 and following instruct the proper way to rape a woman after you have killed her family. Please read it for yourself.

Would you like to now stand corrected regarding your earlier comments that it is impossible for the bible to teach anything that is unrighteous?


That is why people reject YHWH God's own Word the Holy Bible when they want to continue in their sins (2 Timothy 4:2-4).

This is apparently religious babble. It's just a kind of platitude that makes you feel better about your religion....I think. Following the OT of the bible would actually make you a sinner. So, what you have said here isn't really true.


Would you like to now stand corrected regarding your earlier comments that it is impossible for the bible to teach anything that is unrighteous?

Bibleverse2, I repeat the question. Do you stand corrected for your false statements about the Bible?


Well-known member
Kode, first let me say I appreciate you responding in this thread, and may the peace of God be with you.

I have come to the place where I understand things, and I know that bibleverse2 and I cannot help each other. I respect his/her beliefs and the right to believe them, but I’ve been down that road. Now, that is a long story and it involves telling things which I don’t wish to say to Christian people, because I think every person is on their own journey.

But I can’t accept that type of speaking because of fear. I truly believe that those who follow fear don’t know God. So, I don’t wish to debate it. My view is that it is 180 out. Completely.

I hope that will allow you to see my position, but I don’t know if it will or not.

May peace be with you.

Concern for what others might think about ones position is a huge deterrent to spiritual progression, leaving approved traditional programming is a stone of stumbling for a lot of professing Christians who have doubts about the doctrinal corral their herded into.

The fear dialectic is the weapon of choice for Religion and empirical governments, both become parasitical to freedom of conscience, the only place of spiritual revelation that transcends the conventional wisdom of religious flesh and blood dogmatism that degrade the conscience as a worthless rag, a beggar, slave to sin, which is physiological war to create indentured servants.

No fear exist in perfect Love, that's the goal of total reconciliation for each individualized conscience of what God is, pure conscience awakened to being I AM, and that is a never ending progression of discovery, no beginning or end in eternity.


Concern for what others might think about ones position is a huge deterrent to spiritual progression, leaving approved traditional programming is a stone of stumbling for a lot of professing Christians who have doubts about the doctrinal corral their herded into.

Well said, Then I will express. People are herded and controlled in this religion because of religiously inspired fear. For example, even though it is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of rational observers that raping and killing people is wrong on every level, these religious people have a hard time admitting it.

Reason? You don’t want to be a doubting Thomas, do you? Do you want to be a Judas? You want to be the devil? No?

Well, then you better not doubt “Gods Word.”

You’re in a cage if you think this way, but you don’t even know it. You mean, you don’t wish to violate that image that you yourself have created.

Sad really. But no one ever said truth would be easy.

Here’s some truth - to speak it plainly for the simple. Raping and killing people is wrong, therefore, it wasn’t God who said it was ok. It was someone else.

So, here’s my question to those who are interested. If it were not God himself who commanded the raping and killing.....then who did?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
People are herded and controlled in this religion because of religiously inspired fear.
Hey, "this religion" is two distinct things. One is the authentic Christian Church (the Catholic Church), and all the rest of them are sheep outside their fold. There are definitely a lot of problems with those sheep, and why wouldn't there be, them being sheep, outside their fold. Wolves and such, wolves who can't invade the fold, but the sheep outside the fold are on their own. Yeah, they have some crazy theology, of course they do, would you expect anything else, them being sheep outside their fold?


Hey, "this religion" is two distinct things. One is the authentic Christian Church (the Catholic Church), and all the rest of them are sheep outside their fold. There are definitely a lot of problems with those sheep, and why wouldn't there be, them being sheep, outside their fold. Wolves and such, wolves who can't invade the fold, but the sheep outside the fold are on their own. Yeah, they have some crazy theology, of course they do, would you expect anything else, them being sheep outside their fold?


What I would consider silly is the idea that all sheep are not all Gods sheep, all goats are all Gods goats, and all things which are belong to God, and they are exactly as they should be.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

What I would consider silly is the idea that all sheep are not all Gods sheep, all goats are all Gods goats, and all things which are belong to God, and they are exactly as they should be.
If we possess free will, then the Shepherd isn't going to drag us into the fold. We're not talking about sheep who are lost, who want to be in the fold---these are rebels. They cannot be justly thought of as Christians, in any way other than their faith. In their bodies, they are the same as Satanists. They don't want to go to Mass, they don't want to be in full communion with the Church, they don't want to heed their bishops. The door is open to them but they decline. They are still sheep, and they still need help, but they're not out there looking to be rescued, they're out there stubborn and surly about it, and they sure do not want to come into the fold. They despise the fold, they suspect it, they put the nastiest most uncharitable spin possible upon the fold.


If we possess free will, then the Shepherd isn't going to drag us into the fold. We're not talking about sheep who are lost, who want to be in the fold---these are rebels. They cannot be justly thought of as Christians, in any way other than their faith. In their bodies, they are the same as Satanists. They don't want to go to Mass, they don't want to be in full communion with the Church, they don't want to heed their bishops. The door is open to them but they decline. They are still sheep, and they still need help, but they're not out there looking to be rescued, they're out there stubborn and surly about it, and they sure do not want to come into the fold. They despise the fold, they suspect it, they put the nastiest most uncharitable spin possible upon the fold.

How in the world could be the church be the only expressed of God in this world that God has made?

I mean, I don’t mean to insult....but the church only really goes back to 400 CE/AD.

The world has been around so much longer than that. Can you not recognize that God was with our ancient ancestors just the same as he is with us now?

If not, why not?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
How in the world could be the church be the only expressed of God in this world that God has made?
That is not a sentence.
I mean, I don’t mean to insult....but the church only really goes back to 400 CE/AD.
The Church goes back really to the Apostolic era.
The world has been around so much longer than that. Can you not recognize that God was with our ancient ancestors just the same as he is with us now?

If not, why not?
Because He said that the Church was His plan from the fall in the Garden of Eden, and all along from then until Christ, He told His people more and more about what He had planned for the world and everybody in it, and now so much of it He has fulfilled.


That is not a sentence.
The Church goes back really to the Apostolic era.
Because He said that the Church was His plan from the fall in the Garden of Eden, and all along from then until Christ, He told His people more and more about what He had planned for the world and everybody in it, and now so much of it He has fulfilled.

Right. The fall in the garden of Eden. Ok. That’s what you believe in. If that works for you, great.

Well I don’t. In fact, I think it’s not even a particularly clever expression of God. But whatever. Opinions are opinions. Yet, facts are facts, and the fact is that we now know for a fact that this planet was populated by humans on nearly every continent since before the agricultural revolution.
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