My Religion

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Right. The fall in the garden of Eden. Ok. That’s what you believe in. If that works for you, great.

Well I don’t. In fact, I think it’s not even a particularly clever expression of God. But whatever. Opinions are opinions. Yet, facts are facts, and the fact is that we now know for a fact that this planet was populated by humans on nearly every continent since before the agricultural revolution.
I'm just saying, there are Christians who are outside their fold, and whatever they are doing out there running around dodging wolves, they aren't one and the same with the real Church of the authentic Christian faith. Catholic and non-Catholic Christians shouldn't be thought of as a single cluster of people; you should instead think of non-Catholic Christians as one with all the other non-Catholics, atheists, Satanists, etc. They are more akin to them, than they are to Catholics in full communion, who are identical to the Christians in the New Testament.


I'm just saying, there are Christians who are outside their fold, and whatever they are doing out there running around dodging wolves, they aren't one and the same with the real Church of the authentic Christian faith. Catholic and non-Catholic Christians shouldn't be thought of as a single cluster of people; you should instead think of non-Catholic Christians as one with all the other non-Catholics, atheists, Satanists, etc. They are more akin to them, than they are to Catholics in full communion, who are identical to the Christians in the New Testament.

Ok. Thank you. I understand your perspective from this. May I ask you...

What do you know of Satanism?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Ok. Thank you. I understand your perspective from this. May I ask you...

What do you know of Satanism?
Not very much! I know that they really like Satan, hate going to Mass, and they largely want fornication of all kinds to be fully legal.


Not very much! I know that they really like Satan, hate going to Mass, and they largely want fornication of all kinds to be fully legal. don’t know a thing about it. But that’s fine, I wouldn’t expect you to. I understand that you were simply using the word “satanism” to express your belief that any belief, if it not be your is not the right belief.

Would you agree that’s a fair assessment?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond don’t know a thing about it. But that’s fine, I wouldn’t expect you to. I understand that you were simply using the word “satanism” to express your belief that any belief, if it not be your is not the right belief.

Would you agree that’s a fair assessment?

and what do you know about satanism?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ don’t know a thing about it. But that’s fine, I wouldn’t expect you to. I understand that you were simply using the word “satanism” to express your belief that any belief, if it not be your is not the right belief.

Would you agree that’s a fair assessment?
Anything that isn't Catholicism is Satanic, that much is true. And maybe I know nothing about Satanism, but I doubt that you're any expert on the matter yourself, and I also doubt that your favorite musician in the world is an energetic Satanist, like how mine is.


Anything that isn't Catholicism is Satanic, that much is true. And maybe I know nothing about Satanism, but I doubt that you're any expert on the matter yourself, and I also doubt that your favorite musician in the world is an energetic Satanist, like how mine is.

Nice. Now you have respect.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
pretty sure the pope doesn't agree with that
Non-Catholics who really believe in Christ are really Christians, that much is true, but there is one fold for all the sheep, and it's Satanic to be outside that one fold, and to approve of being outside the fold, and to instruct others to be outside the fold. And the question when it's one of faith or of morals isn't really what the current supreme pastor of the Church thinks, but what the Apostles thought and believed and taught; and the Apostle Paul is the one who spoke about real Christians who were outside the one fold, in 1st Corinthians 5:5 KJV and 1st Timothy 1:20 KJV.


Non-Catholics who really believe in Christ are really Christians, that much is true, but there is one fold for all the sheep, and it's Satanic to be outside that one fold, and to approve of being outside the fold, and to instruct others to be outside the fold. And the question when it's one of faith or of morals isn't really what the current supreme pastor of the Church thinks, but what the Apostles thought and believed and taught; and the Apostle Paul is the one who spoke about real Christians who were outside the one fold, in 1st Corinthians 5:5 KJV and 1st Timothy 1:20 KJV.

You Catholics killed off the Chumash People of the central coast of California almost to a man. You literally used your religion as a means of irreversible damage to the population of Gods people, and you tortured the people of Europe to death if they would not accept your religion.

I mean, just to state some facts.

Your priests molest little boys. You want to tell me your religion is right? You’re crazy.

Your religion is right for you and all the other Catholics. That is it.

And, as far as religions go, Catholicism isn’t really that bad. IMO. FWIW.


Well-known member
That is not a sentence.
The Church goes back really to the Apostolic era.
Because He said that the Church was His plan from the fall in the Garden of Eden, and all along from then until Christ, He told His people more and more about what He had planned for the world and everybody in it, and now so much of it He has fulfilled.

Cathedrals and temples made with hands (Acts 7:48,Acts 17:24,) are idols built by men who think God needs them to fellowship with his off spring John 10:30, John 14:11, Ephesians 5:14, John 14:23, Christ speaking through Jesus told you where the kingdom of God was located, in mans conscience Luke 17:20-21, Paul also teaches the same 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 13:5, etc. these pearls are in scripture for the awakening spiritual man to dig up, tradition has man going around in dead letter circles blocking entrance to the kingdom of Christ that is not of this world Matt 23:13.

Rome like OT Israel legitimized Baal worship, that is their contributions to the spirit of mankind since the third century, its trail of blood and coveting spirit is well known among the native peoples, Psalms 40:6, John 5:22,12:47, rebukes any need of appeasement to God by man or animals blood, all spiritual allegory applied literally by traditions of men that void it spiritual voice, Galatians 4:24-25.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You Catholics killed off the Chumash People of the central coast of California almost to a man.
I didn't kill anybody.
You literally used your religion as a means of irreversible damage to the population of Gods people, and you tortured the people of Europe to death if they would not accept your religion.
Again, you're conflating dead people with me; I didn't do any of this.
I mean, just to state some facts.
Or not.
Your priests molest little boys.
Everybody's religious leaders molest little boys then, as I'm sure you're aware, since you're so keen on facts. The pederasty problem in the Catholic Church is as it is everywhere, with the exception that the Catholic Church with abandon is waging an active campaign right now to stamp out pederasty everywhere within her purview. Some other religious traditions are coming to find that they also have a problem, and are just beginning to deal head-on with their own problem, e.g. the Southern Baptists are taking up the matter in their convention this summer.
You want to tell me your religion is right? You’re crazy.
Of course you think that. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ (you know Him as 'Jesus of Nazareth') died and was buried, and then rose from the dead on the third day. You can't think anything else but that I'm crazy.
Your religion is right
for you and all the other Catholics. That is it.

And, as far as religions go, Catholicism isn’t really that bad. IMO. FWIW.
Of course it's not.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Cathedrals and temples made with hands (Acts 7:48,Acts 17:24,) are idols built by men who think God needs them to fellowship with his off spring John 10:30, John 14:11, Ephesians 5:14, John 14:23, Christ speaking through Jesus told you where the kingdom of God was located, in mans conscience Luke 17:20-21, Paul also teaches the same 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 13:5, etc. these pearls are in scripture for the awakening spiritual man to dig up, tradition has man going around in dead letter circles blocking entrance to the kingdom of Christ that is not of this world Matt 23:13.

Rome like OT Israel legitimized Baal worship, that is their contributions to the spirit of mankind since the third century, its trail of blood and coveting spirit is well known among the native peoples, Psalms 40:6, John 5:22,12:47, rebukes any need of appeasement to God by man or animals blood, all spiritual allegory applied literally by traditions of men that void it spiritual voice, Galatians 4:24-25.
And so Zeke here is proffering that they are someone to listen to, Zeke is trying to be a shepherd, even though they are a sheep outside the fold of the One Shepherd. Rather than listen to a wayward and rebellious sheep try to pretend to be a shepherd, if you yourself are a sheep who believes in Christ, come into His fold, the Catholic Church. Pick a nearby parish of the Catholic Church, and go to Mass. Give money at the collection. Meet the priest. Talk about conversion with him. Get back in the fold, it's where you belong, and it's where the Lord Jesus your Shepherd wants you to be, for your own good..


Well-known member
And so Zeke here is proffering that they are someone to listen to, Zeke is trying to be a shepherd, even though they are a sheep outside the fold of the One Shepherd. Rather than listen to a wayward and rebellious sheep try to pretend to be a shepherd, if you yourself are a sheep who believes in Christ, come into His fold, the Catholic Church. Pick a nearby parish of the Catholic Church, and go to Mass. Give money at the collection. Meet the priest. Talk about conversion with him. Get back in the fold, it's where you belong, and it's where the Lord Jesus your Shepherd wants you to be, for your own good..

You are brainwashed, but you serve a purpose so carry on with the propaganda. When Luke 17:21 infiltrates your indoctrinated mind you will have true freedom instead of being a human resource for corporate manipulators.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are brainwashed, but you serve a purpose so carry on with the propaganda. When Luke 17:21 infiltrates your indoctrinated mind you will have true freedom instead of being a human resource for corporate manipulators.
I am brainwashed by Jesus, yes. You should be too.


Of course you think that. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ (you know Him as 'Jesus of Nazareth') died and was buried, and then rose from the dead on the third day. You can't think anything else but that I'm crazy.
Of course it's not.

Pardon me, I didn’t mean that you are actually crazy. I don’t think your crazy for believing in Jesus or the Catholic Church. It was just an expression.

What I do think is crazy....well, not crazy, but not true in the that there is one and only one right church. I personally think there are a total of zero right churches. I admit that church may be a beneficial thing for many people and for various being chief among them, but to be THE one right church. No.

To think such a thing is actually disparaging to God, IMO, because it makes him less. Additionally, as I have stated earlier in this thread, God is actually quoted in the Bible by saying that all souls belong to him. All means all.

PS. I do find it really strange that you enjoy satanic music, but I admire the fact that you don’t have fear associated with it. I think that is a positive, while I would not consider that music positive for me personally. Peace be with you.


You are brainwashed, but you serve a purpose so carry on with the propaganda. When Luke 17:21 infiltrates your indoctrinated mind you will have true freedom instead of being a human resource for corporate manipulators.

Do you think you could get specific in describing this freedom Zeke?

I’d like to know exactly how you understand it, what it is and whether or not you’ve experienced it.
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