My Ignored List


New member
I'm a little ticked that I didn't make the list. :)
Truster... We all love you! We just don't like your mean spirit.

Messiah Himself was accused of have an evil spirit and warned that we* would be treated in the same manner. It was the religious people of the day that accused Him and murdered the prophets that were before Him. You are far from being as unique or clever as you think you are.

We* The redeemed of Yah Veh.


New member
You see, here's the problem: how do you know the problem isn't with you? You merely assume the problem is with everyone else and not with you because you are so convinced of the purity and simplicity of your own intentions.

But, so is everyone else.

So, who should I believe? Why should I believe that he dwells more in you than in her? Simply because you say so isn't good enough because that's what almost everyone here says and obviously you can't all be right about that. Else there'd be far more agreement about fundamental issues like how one is saved or what it means to be in Christ, etc.

Sheep and goats. I recognise which is which.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Truster, you're what is called a, "know-it-all!" I'll bet
if you see a person tying their shoelaces, you'll
mention to them that, you know a better way of
doing it!


New member
Perhaps you, also, do not see what you are doing? Be very careful. God is far more inclusive than our limited capacity for understanding.

I know exactly what I am saying and doing. What I say is all said in trust. The truth I reveal is the truth I've received. Before revealing it I have lived by it and know the power of it.

If only one person, now or in the future has or will be nurtured or nourished by only one thing I've said, it will all be worth it. The divine plan is being worked out and His Truth is prevailing in the hearts of the Just. The gates of Hades shall not prevail against the ecclesia and neither will you.

Every offensive thought, word or deed aimed at His Children are aimed at Him. He will avenge:

And I see the heavens open; and behold, a white horse; and he sitting on him is called Trustworthy and True; and in justness he judges and wars. His eyes are as a flame of fire and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name scribed, that no man knows - except he himself: and he is arrayed with a garment baptized in blood: and his name is called The Word of Elohim. And the warriors in the heavens follow him on white horses, endued in white linen - white and pure: and a sharp sabre proceeds from his mouth to smite the goyim and to shepherd them in a scion of iron: and he tramples the wine trough of the fury and wrath of El Sabaoth. And on his garment and on his thigh he has a name scribed, SOVEREIGN OF SOVEREIGNS, AND ADONAY OF ADONIYM.

Does this resemble gentle Jesus meek and mild that you worship?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I know exactly what I am saying and doing. What I say is all said in trust. The truth I reveal is the truth I've received. Before revealing it I have lived by it and know the power of it.

If only one person, now or in the future has or will be nurtured or nourished by only one thing I've said, it will all be worth it. The divine plan is being worked out and His Truth is prevailing in the hearts of the Just. The gates of Hades shall not prevail against the ecclesia and neither will you.

Every offensive thought, word or deed aimed at His Children are aimed at Him. He will avenge:

And I see the heavens open; and behold, a white horse; and he sitting on him is called Trustworthy and True; and in justness he judges and wars. His eyes are as a flame of fire and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name scribed, that no man knows - except he himself: and he is arrayed with a garment baptized in blood: and his name is called The Word of Elohim. And the warriors in the heavens follow him on white horses, endued in white linen - white and pure: and a sharp sabre proceeds from his mouth to smite the goyim and to shepherd them in a scion of iron: and he tramples the wine trough of the fury and wrath of El Sabaoth. And on his garment and on his thigh he has a name scribed, SOVEREIGN OF SOVEREIGNS, AND ADONAY OF ADONIYM.

Does this resemble gentle Jesus meek and mild that you worship?

Why are you so against the female gender?


New member
It is an echo in here . . . can't seem to make it go away. ;)

Hi Nang, in one way I'm sorry you had to endure this, but then again I'm sure you've seen some false flag flying so, maybe its worth while.

I did a Bible study on tried and testing a number of years ago and it all comes down to pressure or stress. When something or in this case somebody has a stress applied to them there is a point under which they will prove to be useless. Please note that no steel rods were damaged in this test…hahah.

Did you hear something?


TOL Subscriber
Hi Nang, in one way I'm sorry you had to endure this, but then again I'm sure you've seen some false flag flying so, maybe its worth while.

I did a Bible study on tried and testing a number of years ago and it all comes down to pressure or stress. When something or in this case somebody has a stress applied to them there is a point under which they will prove to be useless. Please note that no steel rods were damaged in this test…hahah.

Did you hear something?


Some times you have to wait a few minutes before it bounces off the wall . . .


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
C'mon CM,

You make judgements against Roman Catholics and the RCC all the time.
I never make judgments on individual Roman Catholics state of grace. I do challenge the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church quite vigorously.


New member
I guess we don't need Jesus to judge any more then.

Judgement is a subject that needs a great deal of understanding. Judgement is an action that needs discerning of spirits. Test the spirits? In some cases.

Messiah not only approved of the ecclesia at Ephesus for judging the apostles, but approved of the fact they hated those that did evil. I confess to be of the self same Spirit.

I know your works and your labor and your endurance; and that you can not bear them who are evil: and you tested them who profess to be apostles and are not; and found them to be pseudos: and bear and have endurance; and for sake of my name, labor and weary not.