My Ignored List

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, you haven't shown the ladies here due respect, just as you haven't in this post. Everyone knows that the two you dislike the most are NOT children of Satan, rather they are Sisters in Christ. They didn't say "Yes sir" to you and they challenged some of your nonsense, so now you call them children of Satan. You're so full of yourself that you don't have a clue.

Good post!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I find this highly offensive....

That you should place your name next to WS and take credit for editing......

Otherwise, I just see a troll obsessed with the ignore feature and making sure everyone knows you've had your delicate countenance wounded by mere words.......

Truster is fearful he may be offended beyond repair therefore,
he places others on ignore before they can hurt him! He's
very sensitive!


Well-known member
I'm not under the Law. That covenant is no more.

I didn't make the statement, Yeshua did. What part of "if you remain in me" don't you get?

I didn't state that Yeshua is a revolving door. God and Yeshua do not live in sin. When we sin, we step outside of Yeshua. He's always there for us but He won't go to sinful places with us. It's our choice to remain in Him.

Oh, what part don't you get? We don't just "step outside" and step back in when we're all done washing our robes.

John 15:6
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

I did not point my finger at the robe, Yeshua did.
"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city." It's not rocket science. He said it, I believe it.

It's not rocket science to see that verse is not talking about those who have already passed from death unto life.


New member
Oh, what part don't you get? We don't just "step outside" and step back in when we're all done washing our robes.

John 15:6
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

Perhaps you should read all of John 15. You're missing things.

It's not rocket science to see that verse is not talking about those who have already passed from death unto life.

Just as you are missing the gist of 1John 3.


Well-known member
Perhaps you should read all of John 15. You're missing things.

Just as you are missing the gist of 1John 3.

I didn't miss a thing. If you aren't abiding you get burned up. There is no stepping in and out of Christ. You'd best think up something better than to tell me I need to read the whole chapter. I have.


New member
I see two great ladies both loving Jesus fighting for no reason... other then boredom really... this is a major problem..


Well-known member
I see two great ladies both loving Jesus fighting for no reason... other then boredom really... this is a major problem..

Whether you realize it or not, it's critcal people don't preach we move in and out of Christ. This isn't a minor issue and this is a theology board. We are SEALED with the Holy Spirit of Promise. A seal acutally does mean something.

Odd how you see it as "ladies fighting" when women discuss Scripture. Do I sense a bit of "Truster" in women not have the right to disagree in the same way you men do?


New member
Whether you realize it or not, it's critcal people don't preach we move in and out of Christ. This isn't a minor issue and this is a theology board. We are SEALED with the Holy Spirit of Promise. A seal acutally does mean something.

Odd how you see it as "ladies fighting" when women discuss Scripture. Do I sense a bit of "Truster" in women not have the right to disagree in the same way you men do?

Yeah you are right,,as a man I should have not said that,,but since you are both women I felt to say it,,as a man,,im sorry...

If it was two guys I would not have said it that way,, as in ,,I see two men,, you are right,,I apologize


Well-known member
Yeah you are right,,as a man I should have not said that,,but since you are both women I felt to say it,,as a man,,im sorry...

If it was two guys I would not have said it that way,, as in ,,I see two men,, you are right,,I apologize

Thank you. You're very sweet.

Now I'll have to make up for that neg rep I gave you. :chuckle:

I should have counted to were very quick.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I respond, but when I find them in counterfeit I move quickly away. I'm pleased to be able to do so.

What does Paul say to do about idle talkers and deceivers? View my internet signature if you need a clue.


Whether you realize it or not, it's critcal people don't preach we move in and out of Christ. This isn't a minor issue and this is a theology board. We are SEALED with the Holy Spirit of Promise. A seal acutally does mean something.

Odd how you see it as "ladies fighting" when women discuss Scripture. Do I sense a bit of "Truster" in women not have the right to disagree in the same way you men do?

I got me sum truster. Woman. Be quiet hehehe

Posted from the TOL App!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don’t like anything to be hidden.
What's the password to your bank account?

I also know how valuable time is and I realise that anyone who is ‘ignored’ without knowing so and answers my threads is indeed wasting their time. I don’t want that burden on my conscience.
I bet anyone who has time to spend on an internet forum isn't worrying about wasting the time they do. It's a bit like discretionary spending, no?

It is because of this I must, in good conscience, reveal that I do have an ignore list and also state who is on there.
That sounds more like, "I want people who I can't see to know I can't see them"...a bit like the last word taken to a peculiar extreme, though if someone is attacking you on a personal level in lieu of reasoned difference often enough I can understand it.

Angel4Truth, gloydaz, Bill Fortenberry, CatholicCrusader, genuineoriginal and the first man to get on the list Grosnick Marowbe .
But you could have PM'ed them if the point was their knowledge and your conscience. Instead, you went as public with your disdain as you could and ladled conscience over the insult as if to raise it to a virtue.

I'm not adverse to putting someone on ignore if you feel you have to, but let's call it what it is plainly, a personal issue that can't be resolved reasonably.

There are others who have earned the privilege of not having their posts read,
Not having a post read by you is a privilege?

but if they aspire to be completely ignored, I shall update this list.
If you aren't reading them how exactly is it substantively different, other than your publicly naming them?

I just noticed that my ignore list is equal to my friend list.
That's too bad. But it's early yet. Who knows how you'll shake out?

The difference being is I was moved to ignore, whilst Messiah moved others to befriend me. How blessed is that?
:think: Are you saying the only way you can make a friend is if God forces them into it? :shocked:

Well, if you're going to make statements like that you'd better have a solidly self depreciating sense of humor, don't you think?

Angel4Truth, gloydaz, Bill Fortenberry, CatholicCrusader, genuineoriginal and the first man to get on the list Grosnick Marowbe …plus meshak, plus Brother Vinny, plus
Simplify, simplify. :poly:


What's the password to your bank account?

I bet anyone who has time to spend on an internet forum isn't worrying about wasting the time they do. It's a bit like discretionary spending, no?

That sounds more like, "I want people who I can't see to know I can't see them"...a bit like the last word taken to a peculiar extreme, though if someone is attacking you on a personal level in lieu of reasoned difference often enough I can understand

Yea, well I want people who put me on ignore that even if they can't see my posts, know that I doing my best to desecrate and desolate their threads. What's so bad about that?

What about squiggly or whatever his name is? At least if he's on ignore you will save a ton of space from your view cause he has to answer every question with a 6000 word thesis.

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New member
What's the password to your bank account?

I bet anyone who has time to spend on an internet forum isn't worrying about wasting the time they do. It's a bit like discretionary spending, no?

That sounds more like, "I want people who I can't see to know I can't see them"...a bit like the last word taken to a peculiar extreme, though if someone is attacking you on a personal level in lieu of reasoned difference often enough I can understand

Yea, well I want people who put me on ignore that even if they can't see my posts, know that I doing my best to desecrate and desolate their threads. What's so bad about that?

What about squiggly or whatever his name is? At least if he's on ignore you will save a ton of space from your view cause he has to answer every question with a 6000 word thesis.

Posted from the TOL App!

I'd rather see my screen filled with the verses Squeaky posts than have your opinions thrust upon me.