The idea is to try to be free in the realest sense of the word.
I am on there because I dared to correct your lies with the truth.There is nobody on my list that isn't there for a very good and valid reason.
He's better than 007. He has a licence to damn.
When you are free, you don't have to try, you just are![]()
I'd say you are still in it.
So when I say I had a past I'm speaking the truth.
But not stirred.When you give a fruit tree a really good shake all the rotten fruit falls out. Consider yourselves shaken.
Damn Another Day.
The Priest Who Damned Me.
Damn Royale
Dr, No [You're not going to heaven]
You only live once [coldly]
Damnations Are Forever...
The World Is Not Enough [We must damn unborn children pre-emptively]
Delicious. That's why I like him. He sets you up for the kill.
Posted from the TOL App!
I have treated the sisters I have found on this site with due repect. Its the children of Satan I disrespect and I do so out of the same emotion David exercised.
''Do not I hate them, O Yah Veh, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?''
For the sake of the flock I shall point them out and oppose them.
You can see it anytime you want.I just noticed that three people on my list are actually reading this thread. Moreso they are posting when they know I won't see it.
It seems that some are empowered to proclaim others crazy, and liar, and coward. [edit] and you're unnecessarily disruptive, classic :rotfl:[edit]That's what I thought.
Well you are already as big of a hypocrite as any seen on this forum.If any of us* became hypocrites the Eternal Father would have to deny the Eternal Son His inheritance. And even the thought of that makes me shudder…..I kid you not.
In hindsight, ignore list in the signature.I don’t like anything to be hidden. I don’t like deviousness and if a man is not prepared, in good conscience, to make known his acts and facts then he should not perform nor speak them.
I also know how valuable time is and I realise that anyone who is ‘ignored’ without knowing so and answers my threads is indeed wasting their time. I don’t want that burden on my conscience.
It is because of this I must, in good conscience, reveal that I do have an ignore list and also state who is on there.
Angel4Truth, gloydaz, Bill Fortenberry, CatholicCrusader, genuineoriginal and the first man to get on the list Grosnick Marowbe .
There are others who have earned the privilege of not having their posts read, but if they aspire to be completely ignored, I shall update this list.
10/10 for whoever thought of this ignore facility.
I just noticed that my ignore list is equal to my friend list. The difference being is I was moved to ignore, whilst Messiah moved others to befriend me. How blessed is that?
Angel4Truth, gloydaz, Bill Fortenberry, CatholicCrusader, genuineoriginal and the first man to get on the list Grosnick Marowbe …plus meshak, plus Brother Vinny, plus
The fact that you think we are to wash our own "robe", instead of understanding that He covers us with HIS righteous robe proves you are still under the law.
And, the fact that you claim we can "step out" of Jesus sums up very well why I question your salvation. The message you preach is one you have to live long as you keep preaching it.
You go right ahead and point your finger at the "robe" you think I should be washing, and I will trust in the Lord to do HIS work in me. I have no doubt Jesus will never leave nor forsake me....even for one moment. He is not a revolving door as you seem to insist on accusing Him of being. :nono:
Why do you or how can you say this?
I evaluate the thread as being dark without judging the motives of the OP.
For posterity, I was totally without Christ, I was saved by no merit of my own, and atoned for at the Cross. He called me irresistably and I persevere by His will and workmanship.In hindsight, ignore list in the signature.
My ignore list: Lon (for not liking A.W. Pink and a couple of other hyperCalvinists.
God bless you Truster.
my goodness.
student x put truster on pedestal and denounce his friend.
just amazing.
That verse was directed at hypocrites and not the election of grace.
If any of us* became hypocrites the Eternal Father would have to deny the Eternal Son His inheritance. And even the thought of that makes me shudder…..I kid you not.
Its obvious that you really haven't got a clue about the scriptures and you keep putting yourself in the mire. Repent before you step over the mark, because there will be no return.
Us* the election of grace.