Thunder's Muse
Well-known member
The spiritual man will judge all things, but he himself will not be judged.
Oh, I don't know what it is about you but you seriously have me cracking up this morning...oh, I do love to laugh, so thanks
The spiritual man will judge all things, but he himself will not be judged.
If you are right then we are both OK. My election and calling are sure.(Peter)
On the other hand if I am right you and your friends will be thrown into outer darkness.
If this is not worth careful and prayerful attention then you have my utmost sympathy, because the judgement is already upon you and it's late in the day.
Wouldn't it, though!
I love that song![]()
:doh: Untouchable but can put his finger in the rest of our food, theology, and salvation.The spiritual man will judge all things, but he himself will not be judged.
Are we believers primarily to be fruit inspectors and sorters, deciding who lives and who dies?
I got it playing, too...![]()
Necessary Musical Interlude | |
One of my major beefs with the church... We haven't been issued special glasses with which to see into the soul of a man. To suggest that our fruit or lack thereof is the measure of our salvation is to suggest that after our conversion, we're now judged by our works. I have news. I still sin. The only thing I have is my profession. All I have is my knowledge of how short I fall, continually. All I bring is my sin. I rely completely on Christ's righteousness, death, and resurrection for my salvation. This is why I rarely share my 'personal testimony' with anyone. Don't look at me. Christ and him crucified.
There are far too many instances of questioning one's salvation based on non-essentials on this site. Do we really believe that is God who saves? Does he save completely? Am I saved by my beliefs or by faith?
''So he is also able to save them to completion/shalom who come to Elohim through him - ever living to intercede for them''.
Therein lies the truth, the trust and the promise. Unfortunately there are those who have no interest in the Will of the Father who demand an inheritance.
I received a neg rep from His Worshipfulness for posting the Tom Jones music video.
Careful, Truster, I may get the idea you don't like me. :chuckle:
This message is hidden because Brother Vinny is on your ignore list.
Is this a pile of crap thread I see before me?
(With apologies to the bard...)
No, I will dwell in glory or burn in hell for His glory. I demand nothing from God and will remain His vessel for His good pleasure. You are Waaaaaaay too hasty with judgment that belongs to God. Yes, yes, I know, you "judge all things" but are not judged.Therein lies the truth, the trust and the promise. Unfortunately there are those who have no interest in the Will of the Father who demand an inheritance.
Kind of like watching fireworks. I'm not five years old anymore, fireworks are meaningless to me. Same goes for negs.
Posted from the TOL App!
And yet my point is that we don't have access to the list of those who are heirs of the promise... We cross a dangerous line when we presume that we can know a person's eternal destiny.
I think he's Tom Jones, incognito.
We'll know for sure if he breaks out into "It's Not Unusual".
That would be the awesomest thing to happen on TOL in a long while, actually.
We cross a line when we call a child of Satan brother.
We don't know their final outcome, but we are able to judge the state they are in now. I have a duty to do so and will do so as long as I am under His authority.
I have a neighbour who apperd at my door 6 years ago. He just stood there and then said, ''I'm like you now''! I said ''what""?
Like you he said, ''I'm a Christian now!''
I asked him who told him he was a Christian and he said the pastor in the ABC Ifion!
I told him this. Go back down there and tell him, he knows who I am' that (my name) says he's a liar. because you are not a Christian. He wasn't and he isn't…period.
Would you have me give that man a false security? That would be as disgusting a thing as I have ever heard of.