History tells us how we treated the native American Indian. This is what we live in fear of, we just don't want other people to treat us in the same way.
Do you feel that the Islamic refugees will make the countries better places for all concerned?
History tells us how we treated the native American Indian. This is what we live in fear of, we just don't want other people to treat us in the same way.
We have a very large contingent of Somalis in the Minneapolis/St Paul area. And the surprising fact is that many of the young men in the community became radicalized unbeknownst to their families. All of a sudden the young men disappeared and were found to have gone to terrorist camps for training.
That is false, according to their beliefs they are required to subdue and force their religion on the entire world.
How is this supposed to work?
It is Tuesday, and the police come to Dearborn Michigan, and round up thousands of US citizens because of their religion, and deport them to...
I don't see this.
Do you feel that the Islamic refugees will make the countries better places for all concerned?
I think it needs to very clearly stated what the penalty will be if you allow anyone in your family to be radicalized... and that penalty needs to be enforced.
But of course it would have to go through review.
Punishing the parents for the sins of the (adult) children? Did I suddenly get transported to North Korea and didn't realize it?
The Anti-American authoritarian state worship being advocated in this thread is running rampant.
History tells us how we treated the native American Indian. This is what we live in fear of, we just don't want other people to treat us in the same way.
You can't really blame them for wanting to escape the middle east and it's not easy for people to change who they are. You have to remember that our ancestors didn't change when they arrived in the Americas. They did as much bad as they did good to the people who were already here, probably more bad. They sure didn't change and adapt to the natives' tribal ways. So, you can't expect any different of Muslims.
While I don't think they will assimilate well at all, I don't think we should close our doors and shun them. Seems like a bit of a cowardly thing to do. Maybe we should welcome them in and just beat some sense into them when they act up.K:
Figuratively speaking of course :noid: .
Punishing the parents for the sins of the (adult) children? Did I suddenly get transported to North Korea and didn't realize it?
The Anti-American authoritarian state worship being advocated in this thread is running rampant.
What is "their" beliefs? You really don't understand religion if you haven't by now realized that it is all subject to interpretation and muddled full of contradictions.
I understand what their book says and those that actually follow it are what others call the radicals.
No difference between a liberal christian and a moderate muslim - neither believe their books.
Then you would know it says these things:
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. - The Cow 2:256
Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil. (Al-Tirmidhi)
Now if they incline toward peace, then incline to it, and place your trust in God, for God is the all-hearing, the all-knowing (8:61)
Truly those who keep the faith, and the Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabaeans -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and performs virtuous deeds -- surely their reward is with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, neither shall they grieve. (2:62)
Regardless, there are hundreds of millions of Muslims that don't follow everything in the book. Same with Christians.
If you want to hear an enlightened conversation about how to deal with Islam and what is actually at the core of the problem rather than your hate filled right wing blogs, then listen to this:
Let's be fair and honest. Christianity cherry picks to support agendas all the time.You are cherry picking to suit your pacifist agenda?
Let's be fair and honest. Christianity cherry picks to support agendas all the time.
You are cherry picking to suit your pacifist agenda?
"The Qur'an contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with non-believers. Some are quite graphic with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called hypocrites and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter. Qur'an: (2:191-193) 'And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution of Muslims is worse than slaughter of non-believers.
Also Sura's: (2:244; 2;16; 3:56; 3:15; 4:74; 4:95; 5:33; 8:12, I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them." From "The Religion of Peace.com" home page.
Recently an Imam was quoted as saying that beating of woman is an act of love.
Muslims must be kicked out of the West in Full
Do you feel that the Islamic refugees will make the countries better places for all concerned?