Muslim here. Ask me a question..

Greg Jennings

New member

Jesus is God in the Koran.

The premise starts with defining the term, itself.

You were shown this with رب العلمين

Now, its a simple matter of first defining محمد
Too bad nobody with any expertise in these subjects agrees with anything you have to say here.

Out of curiosity, how many Muslims have you ever conversed with about their faith? I'm going all in on none

Greg Jennings

New member
The last link I posted directly to you, resulting in you running away for six weeks...
Shouldn't that make you more likely to post a link? If they terrify me so much, why won't you post one?

The onus is on you, as you are the only one to have issue with it in the first place...
Again, clearly you've never talked to a Muslim in your life if you think what you say above is true. Color me shocked


New member
Perhaps instead of insulting his intelligence and calling him names, you could actually prove your point by taking the time to post links to what you imply are the correct websites.

Posting links result in GJ running away, and ignoring them.

But...then do direct quotes from lexicons....:rotfl:


New member
Too bad nobody with any expertise in these subjects agrees with anything you have to say here.

Out of curiosity, how many Muslims have you ever conversed with about their faith? I'm going all in on none

Too bad you don't know any Arabic...otherwise you could have already answered these questions for yourself...


New member
Shouldn't that make you more likely to post a link? If they terrify me so much, why won't you post one?

I don't need links to demonstrate my point(s).

Again, clearly you've never talked to a Muslim in your life if you think what you say above is true. Color me shocked

We can see where talking to Muslims about their Koran has gotten you....nowhere....:rotfl:

Greg Jennings

New member
Did you even bother to google past the first page of hits?

Not a single solitary one of your googled links shows anything other than unscholarly opinion.

If you feel otherwise, then pick their very best argument and defend it, yourself....that way we at least know that you actually read what you googled.

Some more scholarly options for you:
Read the first paragraph of the introduction, where it plainly supports anyone but you

And another (from Yale, too):

And one from Princeton as well:

Any more objections?


New member

Greg Jennings

New member
I don't need links to demonstrate my point(s).
You need them to prove you aren't either lying or terribly misinformed. Yet you won't provide them. I've been more than happy to do so myself. One can only wonder why you're desperately hiding from verification of your claims.....:think:

We can see where talking to Muslims about their Koran has gotten you....nowhere....:rotfl:
The fact that you think you can gain any knowledge of a religion by avoiding people of that particular religion is simply laughable. You've outed yourself today. I just had to give you a push

I've provided my scholarly sources. Why do you refuse to post any of your own? I'll ask one more time (in case you missed the previous 20 times I asked): Why do no living professors, theologians, religious scholars, or language experts agree with your translations?

I don't really expect you to answer. I just want everyone to see how sketchy you're being


New member
You need them to prove you aren't either lying or terribly misinformed. Yet you won't provide them. I've been more than happy to do so myself. One can only wonder why you're desperately hiding from verification of your claims.....:think:

Links, and direct quotes from lexicons, are two things that make you disappear and have nothing to do with either...

The fact that you think you can gain any knowledge of a religion by avoiding people of that particular religion is simply laughable. You've outed yourself today. I just had to give you a push

Running away is your already proved that...


New member

I'm not a Yale or Princeton professor, as my sources are. I am not qualified, just as you aren't, to pretend that I know better than they. Read, or quit the charade

You mean the ones that you, yourself, just now googled, and haven't even read yourself?

Show a little respect for yourself, and actually defend what you google.

Greg Jennings

New member
Links, and direct quotes from lexicons, are two things that make you disappear and have nothing to do with either...

Running away is your already proved that...

Well clearly you know you're defeated, and simply can't bring yourself in your strange, misplaced sense of pride to admit that people found you out.

Anyone who wants to see your "credibility" in action only has to review any of the last 8 pages or so. Amazing that you think you know better than Ivy League professors. Of course, I don't think you actually think you know better, which is why you are desperately trying to say my sources don't support me. However, anyone can click the links and see for themselves, which is more than I can say regarding anything you've ever posted.

I'm going to go work out now. I'm sorry, I wish I had time as you do to misrepresent things all day every day, but I do occasionally like to do other things besides sit at a computer and type away. I'll check back in later, friend

Btw, good luck in trying to get me banned for refuting you again. A little birdie told me you were angrily attempting to do so. :chuckle:


New member
Well clearly you know you're defeated, and simply can't bring yourself in your strange, misplaced sense of pride to admit that people found you out.

Anyone who wants to see your "credibility" in action only has to review any of the last 8 pages or so. Amazing that you think you know better than Ivy League professors. Of course, I don't think you actually think you know better, which is why you are desperately trying to say my sources don't support me. However, anyone can click the links and see for themselves, which is more than I can say regarding anything you've ever posted.

I'm going to go work out now. I'm sorry, I wish I had time as you do to misrepresent things all day every day, but I do occasionally like to do other things besides sit at a computer and type away. I'll check back in later, friend

You are too busy banging-out your next reply to even take time to study what you are arguing over. along...