Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet you still defend these filthy child molesting barbarians.
(And here I thought Art was going to go off on one of his loony Phil Robertson rants. Give him time, the night is still young and he's probably only half way through his bottle).
Yes, along with this fake picture I had posted a picture of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger giving a speech at a Ku Klux Klan rally. Your friend annab wasn't upset that her beloved racist/eugenicist Sanger gave the speech, but was upset that it wasn't an authentic picture.
Then there's homosexual activist and defender of pedophilia Peter Tatchell. While he did write a letter to the editor defending having sex with children, the picture of him holding up a sign using the exact words that he wrote in the letter was fake.
Like anna, it wasn't the fact that homosexual activist Peter Tatchell defended pedophilia that bothered you, it was the fake picture that did (but then a good picture is worth a thousand sleepless nights isn't it Art?).
It's well established that followers of Islam rape little children. I'll be more careful in the future so that you child loving "fact checkers" don't go into a hissy fit over the truth behind these barbaric acts because the pictures displayed weren't accurately captioned.