Can you HEAR me rex? (rexlunae has had me on ignore up until recently because the truth is hard for him to handle).
I think I hurt his/her feelings.
If you can read this post I'll provide numerous examples of Christian bakers, florists, innkeepers, photographers and other businesses that were targeted by the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement for failing to sell out God and bow to their perversion.
That wouldn't answer my question, so I'd interpret that as avoiding it.
Now all that you have to do rex (provided you don't have me on ignore again and can read this) is show a case or two where Muslim business owners who denied sodomites service were brought up on criminal charges and/or sued in civil court.
Why would I have to do that? It's the contention of some on this thread that Muslim service providers get away with a bigotry that Christians aren't permitted. For that to be true, you'd have to uncover a pattern of behavior. You haven't found a single example. You're all just speculating about what would happen based on your persecution complexes.
For the record though, just so we're clear about it, if you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, or anything else, you can't refuse to provide a service to someone on the basis of their sexual orientation. Period.
There won't be a case because the LGBQT community doesn't have a beef with Christians.
I know this is pretty hard for you to believe, but they just want to be treated like everybody else, and not arbitrarily excluded and humiliated because of who they are.
The theory is not kooky at all. Who did the LGBQT set their sights on? The christian community.
That's exactly backwards. The "Christian community" generally has had it out for LGBTQ people literally for as long as there have been Christians. It's only recently in the US and some other places that the political systems have started to protect LGBTQ people's rights, and their lives. This is new for a lot of Christians, but it's no different from how civil rights legislation protects people of racial, ethnic, and yes even religious minorities. But if you're privileged enough, equality feels like oppression.
There are thousands of Bakers to choose from. Why did they single out a bakery with an owner who had strong christian beliefs?
Why did a baker single out gay people for discrimination. That's a far more important question. If the baker had done what the baker was supposed to do, it never would have even been an issue.
If that isn't being held to a different standard than any other group of people, what is pray tell?
Again, it's not a double-standard unless you can actually show the other standard that some people are being held to. You cannot, so you're just speculating and expecting that the rest of us are going to feel badly about a hypothetical that hasn't even happened.
It's not paranoid nor is it a dream when it happens right before your eyes.
Again, reality is not paranoia. However, denying reality is a mental sickness.
So you do have a specific example? When or where did it happen? When was a Muslim baker allowed to practice discrimination against gay people?
They were singled out on purpose for destruction knowing what their shopped for judge would do. Now, the bakery lost in court and is likely millions in debt. Don't know what the penalty was but I'm sure I'm not far off.
It's really amazing to me that you can feel that this is unfair to you. Any of these businesses that refused service to gay people chose to do that, knowing that they were likely breaking the law. What has happened to them since is entirely their doing, just as paying restitution is the consequence of destroying your neighbor's property, and just as going to jail is the consequence of robbing a liquor store. You don't have immunity to discriminate, that was never unclear to any of these bigoted business owners, and they chose to ignore the fact.