Museum Curator Dr. Kirk Johnson: I Might Not Exist!

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GuySmiley said:
Its also common terminology to say that the sun rises, and no one disagrees either unless a pastor that you like to nit pick says it.
The crux of the issue is the fact that Bob, while attempting to goad the Dr. into making an unequivocal statement, went ahead and made one himself, ie "the sun rose" lets look at what unequivocal means unequivocal ; said:
adj 1: admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion; "unequivocal evidence"; "took an unequivocal position"; "an unequivocal success"; "an unequivocal promise"; "an unequivocal (or univocal) statement" [syn: univocal, unambiguous] [ant: equivocal] 2: clearly defined or formulated; "the plain and unequivocal language of the laws"- R.B.Taney [syn: definitive]

You have to go to an absurd technicality to say that the sun doesn't really rise,
No, actually you need only have a grade school understanding of the Earth's rotation to see that it dosen't.
But this is really not the point of my attack on his statement, if it were mearly an "off the cuff" statement then you would be correct in saying I was nit picking, it was however not an "off the cuff" statement, it was in fact supposed to be an unequivocal, absolute statement of truth. Quite a different animal than an "off the cuff" statement.
The fact that he failed so miserably illustrates the peril at which one places onself when saying somthing is unequivocally, absolutly true. And may reveal why the Dr. was unwilling to make any statement when it is prefaced with those particular terms.

I think fool is nit picking Bob Enyart almost to 'ThePhy'-like levels.
If you go throwing around terms like unequivocal and absolute then you'd better be ready for some nit-pickin, and when Bob makes a whole show, and TOL makes a whole thread, about the fact that a museum curator declined to posit something "absolutly and uneqiuvocally" then you can count on fool bein there with the twezzers. Don't be a nit and you won't get picked.


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"Relativity applies to physics, not ethics" - some guy

Just heard this quote on tv, and it reminded me of this thread.



Formerly Shimei!
Vaquero45 said:
I was standing 5 feet away from Dr. Johnson when he said this. I seriously had to bite my lip to not bust out laughing. I have no idea how Bob could keep a straight face. One thing that struck me was that earlier the tour guide "Bill" had called out Dr Johnson and asked him if he believed in evolution. He said emphatically, so all could hear, "absolutely". Pretty shocking to later hear that he wasn't sure he believed that he himself existed, when he "absolutely" believed in evolution. :hammer:

I was there as well. It was nice to meet some of you!

We all had a great time at the Science Fiction Museum!!!

Remember, 'Teeth evolved from scales!'


Shimei said:
I was there as well. It was nice to meet some of you!

We all had a great time at the Science Fiction Museum!!!

Remember, 'Teeth evolved from scales!'

:wave: It was nice meeting you also Shimei....

I would like to take that tour again and invite a few other people I know that would really enjoy it.
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New member
Shalom said:

:wave: It was nice meeting you also Shimei....

I would like to atake that tour again and invite a few other people I know that would really enjoy it.
Is "Mockery Sunday" at the Denver Science Museum a regular event at DBC?


New member
Shimei said:
'Teeth evolved from scales!'

Perhaps of any of those who were present had any real interest in science they would investigate to determine if this is current thinking. Or perhaps they are simply more comfortable listenting to Pastor Bob's lessons on science.


Well-known member
Jukia said:
Perhaps of any of those who were present had any real interest in science they would investigate to determine if this is current thinking. Or perhaps they are simply more comfortable listenting to Pastor Bob's lessons on science.
The point is that it is displayed at the Denver Museum. If it isn't current thinking, it makes it that much worse.


New member
GuySmiley said:
The point is that it is displayed at the Denver Museum. If it isn't current thinking, it makes it that much worse.

Maybe they figure Denver's only good enough to rate outdated science! :devil:
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Well-known member
koban said:
Maybe they figure Denver's only good enough to rate oudated science! :devil:
I was wondering why the planetarium shows the Earth as the center of the universe? Anyway, I have an infection and I have to go have leeches applied, I'll respond more later.


New member
GuySmiley said:
I was wondering why the planetarium shows the Earth as the center of the universe? Anyway, I have an infection and I have to go have leeches applied, I'll respond more later.


Gotta saddle up the horses, eh? :D


New member
GuySmiley said:
The point is that it is displayed at the Denver Museum. If it isn't current thinking, it makes it that much worse.

No, the point is that Pastor Enyart feels compelled to ridicule the proposition that teeth evolved from scales without further investigation or without citing any references to the contrary. He may be correct but given his track record I would not bet on it.


Well-known member
Jukia said:
No, the point is that Pastor Enyart feels compelled to ridicule the proposition that teeth evolved from scales without further investigation or without citing any references to the contrary. He may be correct but given his track record I would not bet on it.
Pastor Enyart didn't give the tour, sorry, I know how you like to focus on him. Does Pastor Enyart also have to prove that teeth didn't evolve from toe nails? The museum can say anything they want and its the visitors job to prove them wrong? You should be proud of Christians for being skeptical, its healthy for science right?


New member
GuySmiley said:
I was wondering why the planetarium shows the Earth as the center of the universe?
Well, from what I've learned here, it is, depending on your frame of reference!


New member
GuySmiley said:
Pastor Enyart didn't give the tour, sorry, I know how you like to focus on him.
TheologyOnline Forums > Bob Enyart Live > Bob Enyart Live > Museum Curator Dr. Kirk Johnson: I Might Not Exist!
GuySmiley said:
Does Pastor Enyart also have to prove that teeth didn't evolve from toe nails? The museum can say anything they want and its the visitors job to prove them wrong? You should be proud of Christians for being skeptical, its healthy for science right?
Do you see a difference between "skepticism" and "unshakable a priori disbelief"?

Or, phrased another way, can you really call your response skepticism when it derives entirely from your entirely unskeptical acceptance of a contrary view?

True skepticism is a very, very good thing.


New member
GuySmiley said:
Pastor Enyart didn't give the tour, sorry, I know how you like to focus on him. Does Pastor Enyart also have to prove that teeth didn't evolve from toe nails? The museum can say anything they want and its the visitors job to prove them wrong? You should be proud of Christians for being skeptical, its healthy for science right?

I focused on Pastor Enyart because it was his show that provided the basis for this thread and he was SOOOOO emphatic about how hilarious it was that anyone could think that teeth evolved from scales.

And yes, it is healthy for science to be skeptical. But one should provide some substance to their skepticism when one makes a point of it.


Well-known member
aharvey said:
Well, from what I've learned here, it is, depending on your frame of reference!
LOL, true! We just don't say that in common terminology, so it sounds stupid huh?


Jukia said:
Perhaps of any of those who were present had any real interest in science they would investigate to determine if this is current thinking. Or perhaps they are simply more comfortable listenting to Pastor Bob's lessons on science.


The only "real" science from your point of veiw Jukia, is your own science. It really gets old reading your posts to people who dont agree with you. Instead of posting anything with actual substance you just tell people to go learn some science, or read some science books. If you have such a deep understanding of science that you can prove all of us that disagree with you wrong, then please enlighten us instead of just constantly posting for us to go and learn science. It seems as you are just trying to dodge debating your point of veiw.


New member
Shalom said:

The only "real" science from your point of veiw Jukia, is your own science. It really gets old reading your posts to people who dont agree with you. Instead of posting anything with actual substance you just tell people to go learn some science, or read some science books. If you have such a deep understanding of science that you can prove all of us that disagree with you wrong, then please enlighten us instead of just constantly posting for us to go and learn science. It seems as you are just trying to dodge debating your point of veiw.
Well, the one time I did do some investigating on the manganese nodule beer can thread, guess what? Pastor Enyart was blowing smoke. It also pretty much shut down the thread.

Actual substance? Huh, I get criticized for questioning Pastor Enyart when he can pontificate on his radio show in areas that are completely over his head yet his minions jump on his band wagon and agree.

Debate what? Debate that those who believe in a young earth ignore the evidence? Been there, done that.
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