Perhaps it is time for you guys to move on. Like Knight I agree with your detractors. This Urantia stuff might as will be UFO nonsense. It kales just as much sense.
But your missing the fact of the detractors here, being those MISREPRESENTING the UB as a UFO cult which it is NOT. I've corrected this time and time again.
HERE. So, those 'lying' are the detractors here, since I'm being 'integrous' and 'correct' in my presentation of the UB, serving as an expositor/expounder in the interest of 'creative dialogue'. That's what I've done here for over 10 years on a variety of religious subjects.
What this whole UB issue presents is a challenge to ceratin belief-systems, open-mindedness and intellectual honesty, for one to research the matter for themselves, instead of just presuming ignorantly about the facts involved, and what the theology consists of, which is plainly shared in the first 5 papers, and beyond. After all, that's what the UB thread is about, exploring/discussing the concepts, relating them, debating them, expanding our own views and understandings of 'God' and the cosmos.
The UB is consistent and appropriate to be in the general 'Religion' section, since it IS a religious revelation, a universal text given to world, so its contents are worth investigating, if anything to expand, challenge and inspire a researching of the greater purpose and will of the Creator, in light of our own spiritual evolution and divine destiny. Open discussion of course includes debate.
If you want to ban or give a warning for TROLLING, you have no farther to look than the one making these mock UB threads.
I've invested a lot in these discussions in the interest of informing, enlightening and expanding one's religious perspectives,
mostly because it just happens to be an active thread here, and I've been a reader of the UB off and on over the years, - its only one book of many which I've explored, and incorporate into my eclectic studies. I know whereof I speak, therefore if any here misrepresent something, I will call it out and correct it.
This will be a learning experience, challenging some to reconsider their presuppositions and pre-figured judgments. Since Knight has allowed
at least one UB thread in the Religion section, I think that's fair. As to the poster making these mock-threads, you'll have to deal with him by warning, or banning him if needs be.
I could just as soon make new threads or resurrect a few of my old ones (those that are still extant), and have plenty to commentate upon with a UB thread not being here, but I still might from time to time refer some points shared in the UB as it relates to certain theological subjects, and naturally so,...since I draw from a
university of knowledge from many different traditions/cultures.
In any case,...again....
DEAL with the troll making all these mock-UB threads, who has an 'obsession' in this regard. That's where the 'dis-ease' is. Medicate that. I've remained true to the art of 'discussion', since that's what its all about.
Caino and I differ in some regards on the papers, as I've shared before, since he is more of a exclusive devotee of the text, in a fundamentalist sense as regarding it as the latest/greatest revelation to the planet, while I see it is a significant contribution to the whole expansion of cosmic revelation in general, yet limited to its own context of terms and meanings, while other revelations correlating to the whole also have their contributions. This is the view of the UB in general anyways, as it recognizes a dispensation of truth being given to all religious traditions in our planet's history, the zenith of truth being revealed in the bestowal of Jesus (Christ-Michael) to the planet and his teachings on the kingdom of heaven.