More From the Loony Left


@Jefferson, do you ever get your 'news' from anything other than The Gateway Pundit? Else, let us know when any of this is corroborated by, you know...a credible source?
The problem with your post is, those sources which you deem credible are fake news and they never run truthful stories that are worth posting. Real news either comes from Fox at the cable network news level, or from secondary sources like Newsmax.

Once again, as always when it comes to people like you, you don't actually address the facts that are being presented, you just try to smear the source. As I said before, you make a great Marxist and you are a credit to your Marxist party

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The problem with your post is, those sources which you deem credible are fake news and they never run truthful stories that are worth posting. Real news either comes from Fox at the cable network news level, or from secondary sources like Newsmax.

Once again, as always when it comes to people like you, you don't actually address the facts that are being presented, you just try to smear the source. As I said before, you make a great Marxist and you are a credit to your Marxist party
"Real news either comes from Fox at the cable network news level, or from secondary sources like Newsmax."

Wow, says it all!


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What says it all is that everyone liked my post and nobody liked your post. The people have voted. You're an idiot
Oh, were you under the impression that this is a popularity contest or something? You sound as childish as Trump...Funny how this news organization you venerate so much has folk like Hannity on it who completely backpedaled about election fraud when under oath? Guess it's not so easy to perpetuate falsities when in court so the truth did at least come from him in the end.

If votes are that important to you then the people voted in 2020 too. Result - Trump out!



Please tell me that everyone else here, except for Arthur obviously, sees the amazing and colossal hypocrisy of this man.

The only reason that the China model works is because their capitalism is supported by an authoritarian communist regime which removes all roadblocks and red tape that stands in the way of their companies and their businesses profits. Imagine a company building a bridge in China and a company building a bridge in America. In America the company will have to provide all sorts of environmental impact reports, will probably have to fight several Court battles from the environmentalists, will have to pay amazing high wages to union workers, and the bridge will come in at an insanely high cost. The company in China will not endure any of that because the communist government there will just squash it all and make sure the bridge gets built, probably with some cheap slave labor too.

That is why the China model works.

But wait a minute. All those environmentalists and environmental impact reports and high union wages are things of the left. Once again, we see a great example of the left versus the left. If the China model was adopted in America, the very first people who would get butthurt would be the left, because the China model would smash their iron communist Jack boot down on the throats of the environmentalists and round up everybody who makes trouble.
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they are like pontius pilate , what is truth ?

It could be worse than that. I think a lot of them actually know the truth and they are on the side of evil. If you are an antifa person or a BLM person and you wave around a flag with a hammer and sickle on it, then you are no longer asking what truth is. You have made a choice to embrace evil

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And you call me strange? Your little Marxist buddy called me a girl and you make up a name for me. I have never revealed my name here. Liberalism truly is a mental disease
No, I call you Terry as this is who you are:

You still had your "Catholic Crusader" mantle on another forum and this was on your bio at the time. That's the thing when you keep posting all over the place, you forget that it doesn't take much to add things up. Heck, you are hopeless at coming back here under various guises and pretending to be somebody new to the forum. You give yourself away even when you're initially trying to be subtle about it. Your whacko persona soon comes to light where it comes to Trump. Heck, how many mantles have you actually had on here? Plenty, that's for sure and it really isn't very bright to resurrect old threads that were started by you in the first place and compliment your own posts dude, it's transparent as anything...

Do you deny that this is you? If you take lying seriously then you should think carefully before responding. Heck, if you reigned in your hardcore stance on Catholicism you wouldn't have been banned here as often as you have but that's all on you.

Oh, and where it comes to you being called a girl? Well, you're the one who masqueraded on here as a twenty year old female college student so what do you expect?

way 2 go

Well-known member
It could be worse than that. I think a lot of them actually know the truth and they are on the side of evil. If you are an antifa person or a BLM person and you wave around a flag with a hammer and sickle on it, then you are no longer asking what truth is. You have made a choice to embrace evil
Pontius Pilate knew

(John 19:4) Then Pilate went out again and said to them, Behold, I bring him out to you so that you may know that I find no fault in him


Pontius Pilate knew

(John 19:4) Then Pilate went out again and said to them, Behold, I bring him out to you so that you may know that I find no fault in him
Thank you, you are correct. And the Marxist Democrats know too. And that's what makes them evil because they knowingly embrace evil