Please tell me that everyone else here, except for Arthur obviously, sees the amazing and colossal hypocrisy of this man.
The only reason that the China model works is because their capitalism is supported by an authoritarian communist regime which removes all roadblocks and red tape that stands in the way of their companies and their businesses profits. Imagine a company building a bridge in China and a company building a bridge in America. In America the company will have to provide all sorts of environmental impact reports, will probably have to fight several Court battles from the environmentalists, will have to pay amazing high wages to union workers, and the bridge will come in at an insanely high cost. The company in China will not endure any of that because the communist government there will just squash it all and make sure the bridge gets built, probably with some cheap slave labor too.
That is why the China model works.
But wait a minute. All those environmentalists and environmental impact reports and high union wages are things of the left. Once again, we see a great example of the left versus the left. If the China model was adopted in America, the very first people who would get butthurt would be the left, because the China model would smash their iron communist Jack boot down on the throats of the environmentalists and round up everybody who makes trouble.