Moon Landing Hoax


How much wheat was Russia getting from the good old U.S. of A that you worship?

You do know there were 5 more Apollo missions to the moon after the first one?

That means they would have had to fake not only the first one, but all the other ones as well.

The Berean

Well-known member
The ignorance in this thread is astounding. There are no geosynchronous satellites orbiting the earth? I guess that means I've spent 14 years wasting my time designing and building geosynchronous telecommunications satellites. I've worked on more than 30 different satellites ranging from XM Radio, Sirius Radio, DirecTV, Intelsat, and many more European and Asian satellites. These satellites were mostly launched from either Kazakhstan or French Guiana. None of these satellites have anything to do with NASA. These launch facilities have nothing to do with NASA either. So we are to believe that the Russians and the French are also involved in faking satellite lauches? Also apparently all these satellite customers are paying upwards of $150 million for space junk and receive nothing in return for their investment? Really??
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There are no geosynchronous satellites orbiting the earth? I guess that means I've spent 14 years wasting my time designing and building geosynchronous telecommunications satellites.

I've been reading a lot about geocentrism.

Is it possible for a geostationary satellite to do what it does if the earth does not rotate, but space itself rotates around the earth?

Geocentrists say yes, it is possible.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Moon Landing Hoax

The ignorance in this thread is astounding. There are no geosynchronous satellites orbiting the earth? I guess that means I've spent 14 years wasting my time designing and building geosynchronous telecommunications satellites. I've worked on more 30 different satellites ranging from XM Radio, Sirius Radio, DirecTV, Intelsat, and many more European and Asian satellites. These satellites were mostly launched from either Kazakhstan or French Guiana. None of these satellites have anything to do with NASA. These launch facilities have nothing to do with NASA either. So we are to believe that the Russians and the French are also involved in faking satellite lauches? Also apparently all these satellite customers are paying upwards of $150 million for space junk and receive nothing in return for their investment? Really??

These moon hoax threads always crack me up. I leave you to your non-job of building non-satellites that don't exist...:rotfl:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why haven't you commented on the Nasa engineer admitting they have not figured out how to get a human safely through the VAB?
NASA engineer admits they can't get past the Van Allen Belts

Okay, watched the vid.
He didn't say they couldn't get past the belts.
This is a video about Orion's first test flight and how they will go thru the belts and back to test the shielding. The poster seems to think that means they haven't done it before. That's just wrong headed, of course they would send it out unmanned first to test it because it's a brand new design.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Earlier I asked about geocentrism and heliocentrism.

In the heliocentric model, the moon moves west to east, in the geocentric model the moon moves east to west.

The heliocentric model has the moon traveling at 3600km per hour.

The geocentric model model has the moon traveling at 98,424km per hour.

How come when I look up at the moon it travels east to west?

You got a sketch of that?


He didn't say they couldn't get past the belts.

If I said that, I was paraphrasing. You know the point I was getting at.
Yet you choose to focus on the non-issue of sending non-manned space crafts through the VAB.

He said "We must solve these challenges BEFORE we send people through this region of space".

Yea, it would be great to use the 1969 technology. I guess they lost it.


The ignorance in this thread is astounding. There are no geosynchronous satellites orbiting the earth? I guess that means I've spent 14 years wasting my time designing and building geosynchronous telecommunications satellites. I've worked on more 30 different satellites ranging from XM Radio, Sirius Radio, DirecTV, Intelsat, and many more European and Asian satellites. These satellites were mostly launched from either Kazakhstan or French Guiana. None of these satellites have anything to do with NASA. These launch facilities have nothing to do with NASA either. So we are to believe that the Russians and the French are also involved in faking satellite lauches? Also apparently all these satellite customers are paying upwards of $150 million for space junk and receive nothing in return for their investment? Really??

Hi Berean.

How far up in space are these satellites.

Again, I have no issues with Non-manned space things going up. The issue is with the Apollo missions and the images they provided as truth.


Your point is?

Faking 6 moon landings over 3 years would require a lot more people to fake it.

Do you remember the press conferences with the astronauts after each moon landing?

Instead of 3 astronauts faking those press conferences, it would mean 18 astronauts faked those press conferences.

When at least 3 people commit a crime, usually 1 sings.

Think about how many people it would have required to fake 6 moon landings? And think about what the odds would be that not one of those people would tell the truth after 45 years.


Faking 6 moon landings over 3 years would require a lot more people to fake it.

Do you remember the press conferences with the astronauts after each moon landing?

Instead of 3 astronauts faking those press conferences, it would mean 18 astronauts faked those press conferences.

When at least 3 people commit a crime, usually 1 sings.

Think about how many people it would have required to fake 6 moon landings? And think about what the odds would be that not one of those people would tell the truth after 45 years.

Manhattan project. This is a good example how secrecy works in the government. Over 100,000 people worked on the project and yet the Vice President didn't know about it. Read about it here

As the only person knowledgeable about the entire project, Groves stood at the pinnacle of power.

The number of astronauts is small compare to the 911 hoax. It is like a fraternity. Gus Grissom ended up dying as he was going to speak out. If they know you are going to speak out, like the parrot in Neil Armstrong speech, they will take care of you.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Okay, watched the vid.
He didn't say they couldn't get past the belts.
This is a video about Orion's first test flight and how they will go thru the belts and back to test the shielding. The poster seems to think that means they haven't done it before. That's just wrong headed, of course they would send it out unmanned first to test it because it's a brand new design.

He also said that the most dangerous part of the flight is reentry, not the Van Allen belts. I wonder if Nimnoo thinks reentry is faked too.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He said "We must solve these challenges BEFORE we send people through this region of space".
You're ignoring the context and focusing on the wrong word.
We must solve these challenges before we send PEOPLE through this region of space (in this brand new design)
Yea, it would be great to use the 1969 technology. I guess they lost it.
When they build a new airliner do they fill it up with passengers for it's maiden flight? Does that mean they lost the technology from all the previous airliners? Or does it mean all previous airliners were fake?

Mocking You

New member
These moon hoax threads always crack me up. I leave you to your non-job of building non-satellites that don't exist...:rotfl:

Yep. My Dad designed power supplies for the lunar lander. Apparently if the kooks are to be believed he went to a fake job every day, got paid, and they ended up putting his circuitry in airplanes, I guess.

The fact that the U.S. spent billions of dollars on the moon shot employing millions of people over almost a decade is something that you can't fake.


We must solve these challenges before we send PEOPLE through this region of space (in this brand new design)

Certainly it is a new design. The shape looks very similar, so it shouldn't take too long. Unless they never did this before.

1969 technology should be easily incorporated into the design with ease.
Kind of like putting Atari 2600 in my tablet.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Certainly it is a new design. The shape looks very similar, so it shouldn't take too long. Unless they never did this before.

Which of the following two choices do you think is more likely:

1) NASA was stupid enough to admit on video that they've never sent astronauts through the Van Allen belt; or
2) You don't actually know what you are talking about?


You know you are on the right path when the opponent say things like this.

IMBECILES who still claim that the Moon landings were faked.

ignorant the hoaxers demonstrate to be with their idiotic "proofs"

The idiots exist, yes. About 6 percent

Lots of imbeciles abound

It's too bad we don't have natural selection anymore. Otherwise I guess these individuals will be eliminated from the gene pool really fast.

The only thing going in slow motion today seem to be your neurons.

hahahahaha, I want to meet you just to be able to laugh at your face.

stupid theory many times. It's a dumb conspiracy theory. Let someone like Rocketman tell you of the idiocy of it.

Mythbusters they really touch all the crap that has been put out there

your ignorance is duly noted

The conspiracy sites put up truckloads of manure.

It's because of their deep-seated jealousy that they have not contributed anything important to humanity and this makes them want to tear down what others have contributed.

Just a bunch of thankless, socially suicidal punk agitators with too much time on their hands.

Only in flying saucers controlled by the Zionists.

Evolutionists present babble (and moon-landing conspiracies)

yet another utter and complete FLAKE here on TOL...

I am getting quite a good laugh reading the absolute ignorance being posted here

no more stupid than what you have posited in this thread

The ignorance in this thread is astounding.

I wonder if Nimnoo thinks reentry is faked too.

Apparently you can not discuss Moon hoax theory without it.
Why do they behave like this? imo. Pride. They don't like it when they are told they are wrong. AND. With evidence as damning as this, they really, Really, REALLY hate it.

For those who are still sitting on the fence about the Moon. See the video in the first post. The Evidence confirms the hoax.