TOL Subscriber
We are not differing on action. We are differing in who is the cause of that action.
You are arguing that you and God consult together in causing sanctification. I am arguing that just as God caused us to be raised from death unto life, God also caused us to be justified and is causing us to be sanctified (set apart) for His glory. We cannot set ourselves apart by our own efforts. We don't cause our sanctification. God orchestrates our lives and causes us to be made, more and more, in the likeness of Jesus. Malachi 3 presents this as Jesus being the silversmith who refines us. The silver does not refine itself. It is only refined by the efforts of the silversmith in heating the silver and skimming off the impurity until the silversmith can see his reflection in the purified silver.
Malachi 3:2-3
[2]“But who will be able to endure it when he comes? Who will be able to stand and face him when he appears? For he will be like a blazing fire that refines metal, or like a strong soap that bleaches clothes.
[3]He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the lord.
Unfortunately, many mistakenlly think that the Monergist denies that the necessity of good works unto obedience is required of the Christian, but this is a false view. The book of James obviously refers to good works being the fruit (and required witness) of the believer's profession of faith.
What the Monergist does deny is the error of a Christian wanting to take credit for any of their good works or becoming dependent upon personal piety with the motive to earn merit with God.
Such leaning upon producing meritorious good works leads to a variety of doctrinal errors and/or pride. It is to look upon one's self instead of solely looking to and trusting in the Person of Jesus Christ for all righteousness.
Jesus taught the dynamic and purpose of monergistic sanctification in John 15:1-8.
For He said, " . . without Me, you can do nothing." John 15:5b