Mods, why was The Barbarian banned?


Well-known member
Perhaps this thread can expose a little bit of that for non subscribers

Most of us already know what a sham this site and many of its moderators are. That is except for Bybee. She is about the only reasonable member of the powers that be here. This site is a direct reflection on the person behind it all.

It sure seems that these people are afraid that their "truth smacking" would be less effective when all things are considered under the same light of scrutiny. And they think of Stripe as their big mouthed hero. So they defend him fervently.


Well-known member
The problem you have is that my posts are on target. You can read through that thread and see how exactly evolutionists do anything to avoid a rational discussion. Their sole aim is to protect their religion.

They will constantly deride a man's beliefs as if that were a rational contribution toward resolving a disagreement.

They gang up, mock and use every form of logical fallacy in their desperation to avoid analysis of what they believe.


Oh the irony is just too much sometimes.


Well-known member
And you insist on giving them money. Maybe that needs to be discussed. :rolleyes:

I don't. Precisely because of their strategy at "truth smacking". A while back Nineveh was their top dog. She has not posted much lately, so they were left with Stripe as sloppy seconds. Unfortunately he does not have Nineveh's same "stoic" style of debate. So he has to offer more of the obtuse strategy that is common with people of this ilk. Ultimately their strategies do them all a disservice. And they end up sleeping in the bed they made for themselves.


Well-known member
Yo folks.... if you think TOL is poorly moderated and unfair you are free to leave.

It is not "poorly moderated". And life is not fair, you should be quite aware of that reality. This site serves its purpose very well. Thank you. :thumb:


Well-known member
One final thought: Why is this thread in the religion subforum?

I know. I came here today looking for what you folks had to say about that Kentucky clerk that won't issue marriage licenses, and I got sucked into this thread. I sometimes get distracted.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That's about what I expected you to say.
Except I followed it with a negating bit of rationality you appear to have misplaced. Or, average isn't stupid any more than average is a Mensa applicant and the greater part of humanity is found around that line in the intellectual sand.
Because ultimately, you agree with me.
As a lawyer, you have to presuppose that I am correct
As a lawyer, I wouldn't.
You just don't want to admit it publically.
In the same way and for the same reason that I don't want to admit that cheese is a vegetable.
You don't want people to realize it and take it seriously. After all. It's your livelihood. You make money off of peoples' stupidity.
Look, let's focus on the particular thing here. Expanding the list of things you don't appear to fully understand will only drag this out.
In case any reader is interested: I once heard about a case in which one of the attornies asked the jury pool, during voir dire proceedings, whether anyone had a problem with accepting the medical testimony of a chiropractor as medically equivalent to a back surgeon's.That takes a special kind of stupid. And the attorney was looking to find it in the jury pool.
When I had a guilty client I mostly tried to pack it with philosophers. Best way to prolong the thing and even money you'd get a hung jury. . . or, failing, one everyone would agree should be.
I've taught university courses. I've graded papers. I beg to differ.
All that education and you still don't know better than to hang your opinion on the anecdotal. Remarkable.
Aliens. Do I really need to say more?
He was innocent. He was a decent and good human being.
He was a man well loved by many and respected by more, but one who held a dim view of the general public and appealed to elitists, some of whom, buying in, caused a great deal of suffering and injustice among the people of Athens.

Those people ultimately held him accountable. The charges were only the means and even then it was a slim majority and he was afforded the opportunity to be heard in defense. This was no lynch mob and the remedy he supplied in his sentence hearing, a phase that could have and likely would have saved him had he treated it with less disdain, was at the heart of his fate. Socrates might as well have engineered his own suicide. To many, that's precisely what he did.
His fault was that he made certain people look bad. When he talked to them one on one, he made them realize that they didn't know what they were talking about. They felt foolish. And they looked foolish in front of everyone else present at these conversations. So they decided to use their fancy talk and their public displays to get him killed.
No, that's the straw man in your head. It wasn't intellectual against some sort of nose picking mob that he'd offended/shown up enough times that it wanted a brutal revenge. Until you pull your head out of that conviction you're only going to see reflections of the truth on a wall of sorts, assuming there's light enough.
That's what happened. You tell me I should read Waterfield? I've already read Plato. He was a bit closer to the events. :nono:
I didn't say you should read Waterfield for the speeches, but for a context you don't appear to bring to it and that Plato, by virtue of his admiration and agreement, couldn't possibly give you, wouldn't be interested in giving you.
St. Paul wasn't exactly an average joe. :idunno:
But Peter was a fisherman. A guy you'd turn your nose from if Christ hadn't shoved him to the front of the line. God didn't pick Peter because he was an intellectual. He wasn't. He picked Peter because he was weak in ways that would magnify God's grace and strength, would by his nature lean into God, recognizing's man's weakness that is his greatest strength when it comes to God...intellectuals are too often like the rich young ruler or a certain man staring into a pool. What we love shapes us.
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New member
I don't. Precisely because of their strategy at "truth smacking". A while back Nineveh was their top dog. She has not posted much lately, so they were left with Stripe as sloppy seconds. Unfortunately he does not have Nineveh's same "stoic" style of debate. So he has to offer more of the obtuse strategy that is common with people of this ilk. Ultimately their strategies do them all a disservice. And they end up sleeping in the bed they made for themselves.

I operate from a fairly neutral zone. I'm grateful for the diversity in this forum.
Now that I am a moderator I have to behave myself!
Darn it!:shut:
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Well-known member
I operate from a fairly neutral zone. I'm grateful for the diversity in this forum.
Now that I am a moderator I have to behave myself!
Darn it!:shut:


Being able to operate from a fairly neutral zone means a more objective view of reality. It also requires one to detach from emotions on a certain level (though this does not have to be entirely or permanently) in order to free up frontal lobe activity for a rigorous and comprehensive analysis.


New member

Being able to operate from a fairly neutral zone means a more objective view of reality. It also requires one to detach from emotions on a certain level (though this does not have to be entirely or permanently) in order to free up frontal lobe activity for a rigorous and comprehensive analysis.

Keeping in mind that this not a college debate arena, one need not adhere rigorously to the accepted rules of debate, but, generally try to stay within the guidelines of courteous, informative and logical input., at least I try!CleverDan


Well-known member
Keeping in mind that this not a college debate arena, one need not adhere rigorously to the accepted rules of debate, but, generally try to stay within the guidelines of courteous, informative and logical input., at least I try!CleverDan

Debates are often aimed at being persuasive. And what is persuasive to the masses is not always an accurate representation of reality. With that in mind, it is true that the cool head often wins, that is from a multidimensional aspect. Yet sometimes we do have to call a spade a spade (this is not a racial comment for any who might want me banned).

The Barbarian

Two questions apply.
Did anyone think better or less of me for the ban?
Did anyone think better or less of Stipe for complaining?

The unwritten rule was violated, and the consequences ensued. People drew their conclusions.

Sometimes natural consequences are the best.


Well-known member
Two questions apply.
Did anyone think better or less of me for the ban?
Did anyone think better or less of Stipe for complaining?

The unwritten rule was violated, and the consequences ensued. People drew their conclusions.

Sometimes natural consequences are the best.

I realized a long while ago that you are a brave soul. And that Stripe is a pathetic cowardly wimp. So this only reinforces my previous understanding.


Hall of Fame
Two questions apply.
Did anyone think better or less of me for the ban?
Did anyone think better or less of Stipe for complaining?

The unwritten rule was violated, and the consequences ensued. People drew their conclusions.

Sometimes natural consequences are the best.

Well said. To answer you, no I didn't think less of you, and it's great to have you back. :)