All of the forces of Hell are out to bring down President Trump. One need only check out You-Tube to see copious amounts of Protests/Riots taking place in our States and Cities. Screaming, cursing, yelling, fights with Police, the damaging of property, combined with violence and vitriol. Left-wing extremists are calling Conservative voters: "Nazis" simply for voting for Trump. These "crazed" Mobs behavior is reminiscent of the insane inmates of Bedlam.
These "Thugs" in the streets cannot be reasoned with, and refuse to be debated with. They use well-known four letter words as "Weapons of Mass Destruction." They repeat made up slogans repetitively and loudly, sometimes using loud horns combined with Bull Horns. Wherever they go they wreak havoc and create violent mischief. The Police make arrests, toss smoke bombs into the crowd, and use rubber bullets to calm the rampaging hordes of irrational dissenters. These same malcontents, block Freeways, streets, and converge on buildings, oftentimes having to be forced out of these buildings by Police. They chant, yell, cuss, and act like wild animals.
If you haven't yet, check out these Criminals on You-Tube. It's been going on for many months and doesn't look as if it will discontinue anytime soon. There's a mixture of Anarchists, angered Hillary voters, a few Bernie Sanders voters, and a huge portion of teenagers through 30 somethings. You'll also see a few "Baby Boomers", ex-Hippies, and small children involved. The Democratic Party and people like George Soros are behind the curtain guiding these Protests/Riots. These "situations" are being well-financed and coordinated behind the scenes. These "Antifas" also will run onto Freeways while the Cars are zooming by and sometimes these misguided "Street Zombies" are hit by passing Cars that don't see them. Some of these situations occur in the dead of night.