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Grosnick Marowbe

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I couldn't stand Trump from YEARS prior to the election, based on his lack of character. Now we can see how unstable he actually is ...

While I am not overly crazy about Ted Cruz, at least he (and ever other GOP candidate from the last primary) isn't mentally unfit to lead the nation.

Are you a qualified Psychiatrist and mental health advisor? If not, it's just your opinion.


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"Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are on the warpath against our President and all of those of us who voted for him. They've continually attacked him by calling names and being generally disrespectful of his office. Need I mention that, when we elect a President, he or "she" is usually a human being, as well.

As a fellow resident of planet earth, I can attest to the fact that every single human being at one time or another, 'strikes back" when continually being attacked by bullies and Weasels, the President is no exception. The left-wing Democrats want Trump out of office at any cost. The DEMS have an "unholy alliance" with the media, Hollywood, and the Antifa "warriors" out on our streets. I would suggest if the media can't take the heat, they ought to get outta Dodge, as I've often said.

I've seen quite a few Presidents in office during my sixty some years and have never seen such a barrage of insults, angst, anger, animosity, death threats and vitriol being heaped on any other President during his Presidency. Not even Johnson or Nixon received such negative feedback. We're living in a time of great uncertainty. We have a possibility of all out War with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. Any one of those countries could fire a missile our way, rather it is at one of our ships in the sea or somewhere within the confines of our Nation.

We also face a possible "Civil War" that goes beyond the "Psychological and verbal," and into the actual physical form of violence. There truly is a "Dark Cloud" hovering over our Nation at this point in history.
But none of those other presidents spewed out such vitriol or misogyny as this one and so early. He throws the first punch and then is shocked people react. Then he reacts and then so on. Karma, plain and simple. Trump does not believe in the golden rule. It's amazing that anyone defends his behavior. What have you to gain? If his base stopped defending this behavior I expect then he would take notice. You keep defending him and keep him off the agenda you want. That certainly works for me.
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The Democratic Party has evolved into the "New Fascist State." They even have their own "Militant Arm" of the party, called "Antifa." Antifa is to the Democratic Party, what the "Brown Shirts" were to the Nazi Party. In nineteen thirties Germany the "Brown Shirts" went around "city to city" breaking glass in buildings and creating violence and destruction in their path. Does this sound familiar? Antifa decided to use an "Orwellian Tactic" by calling Conservatives; Nazis. In reality, they are the true, American Nazis today.

That's a steaming pile. Nazis love Trump and Republicans. But you are in the Faux News bubble that even they had to drop their hypocritical motto F&B


Well-known member
I expect that ... and am fine with it. BTW, I always tape "Morning Joe" ... and in reference to the title of the OP ... Mika is fine. She brushed his childish, personal ego stroking comments off. What she *is* worried about is the safety and welfare of the country under such an unstable, inept "leader".

I watch also. She expresses concerns about him with the worst thing is his fitness to be president. No vitriol like Trump. I also watch Fox News and they only say nice things about him and excuse his behavior because he is new. I work in the business world and this behavior is not tolerated and can harm a business. Fox News should know about this with Allies and Bill O'Reilly. This shows their hypocrisy.


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We (Conservatives) voted for him because of his desire to clean up America and for the kind of man that he is. We accept that he's just a human being like the rest of us and has his shortcomings. Obama was a form of charismatic leader that had an ability to "Smooze" the people. Trump is more, "down to earth" and human. That's what's so enduring to his followers. One can easily understand whatever his subject happens to be. Obama was way to "polished" and not easily understood. People listened to him and assumed he MUST know what he's talking about even if we don't comprehend what he's saying.

Obama spoke from his "Parties Perspective" whereas, Trump speaks from his heart.


I connect with someone who doesn't speak out of both sides of their mouth. Trump fails that test.


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Just in case anyone wants to know my Political Persuasion, I consider myself an "Independent Conservative." However, from Reagan on, I've always voted Republican. I can't see any other alternative. To vote for a Democrat goes against my Christian values.

Trump does exhibit Christian values. Adulterous, lying, narcissistic, doesn't pay his contractors..

Tell me you think he is a good Christian.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
So far as Trump being a Christian goes, I don't consider him to be a member of "The Body of Christ" as far as I can tell? However, from what he's stated, he does have a belief in God and he has a real respect for the Bible. God has used men in the past who weren't, His people, in order to bring glory to Himself. Pharaoh of Egypt comes to mind. I believe God chose Trump to be the President at this point in America's history. No one seems to be able to figure out HOW Hillary lost to Trump? By all intent and purpose, worldly speaking, she should have. The Bible says in Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

God has His own reasons for allowing a particular leader to rise at a particular time in history. No one or anything can bring down Trump as long as it's God's Will that Trump remains our leader. Not even Satan and all his demons can remove Trump. Antifa, Hollywood, the media, and the left-wing DEMS are no match to the purpose and will of God. It's the responsibility of every "True Christian" to pray for Trump and his family's Salvation and for Trump's Presidency. We must also pray for God to guide all of our Governments decisions regarding our Nation.

The Democratic Party thus far has only acted as "Obstructionists." We must have our entire Government, both Democrats and Republicans working for the betterment of our country. The DEMS are so irate over their loss that they're acting like petulant children. This is outrageous and unacceptable.


Well-known member
No one seems to be able to figure out HOW Hillary lost to Trump? By all intent and purpose, worldly speaking, she should have.
I suggest there are at least two very plausible explanations why the polls were so wrong:

1. A substantial fraction of Trump supporter were too embarrassed (and rightly so, in my opinion) to tell pollsters that they intended to vote for him.

2. The prejudicial effect of the Comey statements, uttered just days before the election.

No one or anything can bring down Trump as long as it's God's Will that Trump remains our leader. Not even Satan and all his demons can remove Trump. Antifa, Hollywood, the media, and the left-wing DEMS are no match to the purpose and will of God.
I think there is a problem with your reasoning. On the one hand you argue that it must have been "God's will" for Mr. Trump to be elected through the actions of voters. Fine so far - God can and does uses human actions to achieve His purposes. But you then go on to deny that some other actions of such humans - such as an impeachment for example - would undermine the will of God.

Which is it? If God can use humans to vote Trump in, why can't He use humans to remove him (e.g. by impeachment)?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All of the forces of Hell are out to bring down President Trump. One need only check out You-Tube to see copious amounts of Protests/Riots taking place in our States and Cities. Screaming, cursing, yelling, fights with Police, the damaging of property, combined with violence and vitriol. Left-wing extremists are calling Conservative voters: "Nazis" simply for voting for Trump. These "crazed" Mobs behavior is reminiscent of the insane inmates of Bedlam.

These "Thugs" in the streets cannot be reasoned with, and refuse to be debated with. They use well-known four letter words as "Weapons of Mass Destruction." They repeat made up slogans repetitively and loudly, sometimes using loud horns combined with Bull Horns. Wherever they go they wreak havoc and create violent mischief. The Police make arrests, toss smoke bombs into the crowd, and use rubber bullets to calm the rampaging hordes of irrational dissenters. These same malcontents, block Freeways, streets, and converge on buildings, oftentimes having to be forced out of these buildings by Police. They chant, yell, cuss, and act like wild animals.

If you haven't yet, check out these Criminals on You-Tube. It's been going on for many months and doesn't look as if it will discontinue anytime soon. There's a mixture of Anarchists, angered Hillary voters, a few Bernie Sanders voters, and a huge portion of teenagers through 30 somethings. You'll also see a few "Baby Boomers", ex-Hippies, and small children involved. The Democratic Party and people like George Soros are behind the curtain guiding these Protests/Riots. These "situations" are being well-financed and coordinated behind the scenes. These "Antifas" also will run onto Freeways while the Cars are zooming by and sometimes these misguided "Street Zombies" are hit by passing Cars that don't see them. Some of these situations occur in the dead of night.
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