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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's okay to make mention of a few spiritual matters, however, this is a Political Thread. If anyone desires to have a purely religious discussion, you best create your own thread or go to one of the many Religion threads.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't vote for Trump because he was or wasn't a Christian. I voted for him for the following reasons:

1) His desire to build a wall and protect Citizens from Terrorist organizations.
2) His desire to dismantle Obamacare, which is a total mess. The Middle Class
can't afford the monthly payments and the deductibles are so high that one cannot possibly use the Insurance.
3) I didn't want to see Hillary win the Presidency. I don't trust the Woman. Ever hear of Jezebel?


You're basically changing the purpose of this thread. If you continue doing this I'll ask that you be removed from this thread.

I would prefer to ONLY here from Trump supporters and fellow Christians at this point. So, if you're a "Left-Wing" zealot or an Athiest/Agnostic, just pretend this thread doesn't exist and move along. Even if you post something, I may ignore it anyway.


"Grosnick Marowbe" is already on the record that he wants to limit this thread to a select group and has no interest of having anyone with whom he disagrees participate in this thread.

When I last checked, this wass not his private thread or forum and its purpose is to facilitate debate and the exchange of ideas amongst its members - if "Grosnick Marowbe" is unwilling/unable to have his ideas challenged, he's come to the wrong place!


I would prefer to ONLY here from Trump supporters and fellow Christians at this point. So, if you're a "Left-Wing" zealot or an Athiest/Agnostic

"Grosnick Marowbe's" inference is that Trump supporters are Christians and that Trump critics can be summarily dismissed as "'Left-Wing' zealot(s) or an Athiest/Agnostic(s)!"

I simply challenged "Grosnick Marowbe's" underlying assumption that Donald Trump held fundamental Christian beliefs!

As for being off topic, it was "Patrick jane" who "bobbed and weaved" through 2 pages on this thread, refusing to comment as to how Christians can support a President who has stated publically the he sees no need to "seek God's forgiveness from sin!"

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Hall of Fame
3) I didn't want to see Hillary win the Presidency. I don't trust the Woman. Ever hear of Jezebel?

With the exception of gender, Trump IS the *Jezebel*. Remember, thrice, married adulterer who bragged (on tape) about sexually assaulting women. It's interesting that that fact is always glossed over.


Hall of Fame
"Grosnick Marowbe" is already on the record that he wants to limit this thread to a select group and has no interest of having anyone with whom he disagrees participate in this thread.!

Then it shouldn't be in the political section for ALL members, but rather in the EC section. Insofar as the thread topic, Mika was extremely composed. As always, Trump is unhinged.


I didn't vote for Trump because he was or wasn't a Christian. I voted for him for the following reasons:

1) His desire to build a wall and protect Citizens from Terrorist organizations.
2) His desire to dismantle Obamacare, which is a total mess. The Middle Class
can't afford the monthly payments and the deductibles are so high that one cannot possibly use the Insurance.
3) I didn't want to see Hillary win the Presidency. I don't trust the Woman. Ever hear of Jezebel?


To his credit,"Grosnick Marowbe" did address my question of Trump's religious beliefs, something that "Patrick jane" spent the last 2 pages refusing to address!

I agree with "Rusha," however, that his characterization of Hillary Clinton as a "Jezebel" strongly suggests a double standard - given Donald Trump's past and present moral and ethical "baggage" is legendary!

There was a time when Conservative Christians stood for "family values" - now they support a President whose words and deeds are often considered XXX rated.

Apparently conservative Christians can rationalize abandoning their principles in an overwhelming desire to back a "winner" - choosing short term expediency in exchange for long term condemnation!


patrick jane


1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalms 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Obviously "Patrick jane" is still unwilling to affirm his belief as to whether it is necessary for a Christian to seek God's forgiveness from sin!

Luke 13:3 - I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

1 John 1:10 - "If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us."

How many times do think we should repent? How do you know Trump didn't repent?

patrick jane


"Grosnick Marowbe" is already on the record that he wants to limit this thread to a select group and has no interest of having anyone with whom he disagrees participate in this thread.

When I last checked, this wass not his private thread or forum and its purpose is to facilitate debate and the exchange of ideas amongst its members - if "Grosnick Marowbe" is unwilling/unable to have his ideas challenged, he's come to the wrong place!


"Grosnick Marowbe's" inference is that Trump supporters are Christians and that Trump critics can be summarily dismissed as "'Left-Wing' zealot(s) or an Athiest/Agnostic(s)!"

I simply challenged "Grosnick Marowbe's" underlying assumption that Donald Trump held fundamental Christian beliefs!

As for being off topic, it was "Patrick jane" who "bobbed and weaved" through 2 pages on this thread, refusing to comment as to how Christians can support a President who has stated publically the he sees no need to "seek God's forgiveness from sin!"

You're being a nuisance


Then it shouldn't be in the political section for ALL members, but rather in the EC section. Insofar as the thread topic, Mika was extremely composed. As always, Trump is unhinged.
Trump, in his infinite wisdom, has elevated "Mika" and "The Joe" to must watch television!

The time is rapidly approaching for Pence, Ryan and McConnell to consider as to how to "repeal and replace" this President!


Hall of Fame
Trump, in his infinite wisdom, has elevated "Mika" and "The Joe" to must watch television!

Trump needs to turn off the TV and pretend he is capable of doing his job. He has had others harassing Joe and Mika for awhile now.

The time is rapidly approaching for Pence, Ryan and McConnell to consider as to how to "repeal and replace" this President!

The sooner the ... safer. For the sake of the country.
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