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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
DEMS cannot overcome the fact that Donald Trump won over Hillary. They don't want to accept it and are continuing to scratch their wound, therefore, it doesn't have time to heal. They will go to all lengths necessary to disrupt, encourage violence, and make death threats. Pelosi, Waters, Schumer and their ilk have made it their "life's goal" to not only impeach Trump but to obstruct and destroy everything he tries to do. Since they can't have the Presidency, they seek to bring down our country along with Trump.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Hopefully, the Black Community will wake up to the fact that the Democratic Party is just using them for votes. Obama was in office for eight long years and what did he do for those Black folks who voted for him? History tells us that the Democratic Party were behind the KKK. Lincoln, who was a Republican went to war against the Democratic South during the Civil War. Google "Pickwick Drumstick" to see how Lester Maddox, the Democrat Governor of Georgia treated Black folks back in the 60s. Yet, the Black Community keeps falling under the "Svengali Effect" of the Democratic Party. It's a real shame.


"Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are on the warpath against our President and all of those of us who voted for him. They've continually attacked him by calling names and being generally disrespectful of his office. Need I mention that, when we elect a President, he or "she" is usually a human being, as well...

Evidently Republicans as well as Democrats didn't like the way the misogynist Degenerate in Chief handled himself.

Trump earns bipartisan criticism for crude tweets

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump launched a crude Twitter attack on the brains, looks and temperament of a female TV personality Thursday, drawing bipartisan howls of outrage and leaving fellow Republicans beseeching him: Stop, please just stop.
Trump's tweets aimed at MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski revived concerns about his views of women in a city where civility already is in short supply and he is struggling for any support he can get for his proposals on health care, immigration and other controversial issues.


And yes Grossie, I purposely chose the MOSCOW-Pullman Daily News as the source, because Donald does love Moscow so very much.


Hall of Fame
DEMS cannot overcome the fact that Donald Trump won over Hillary.

Working with an anti-American, adversarial government to achieve a victory is not what I would consider a win. The losers ... the country and all of the *former* allies who previously looked up to the United States.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
At least our society learned some of the "Far Lefts" jargon after the election went all wrong on them. Xenophobe, Islamophobe, etc. We also learned "several" childish slogans from the Democrat Antifas. An example: "Hey Hey, Ho Ho Trump has to go." How do ya like this one: "No Trump, no KKK, no Fascist USA." They chant these silly things while starting fires, using the foulest of language and name calling, and causing property damage.

These are good examples of how the Democratic Party responds to losing an election.


Hall of Fame
Indeed. One of the many disturbing dimensions of the Trump victory is that it is a setback for women as they pursue their right to equal treatment. What is especially disturbing is that so many women voted for Mr. Trump knowing full well his dubious history in this area. I guess we have not progressed as far as I had thought..

It was surprising and disappointing to see how little women thought of themselves as well as other women by propping up such an abuser of women.

However, I believe that while the Trump victory discloses a dark undercurrent in American culture, it is most likely a temporary setback. And I would appeal here to the big picture - I suggest (to borrow a metaphor) that the arc of history is bending, slowly perhaps, towards justice and progress. In short, I think that the world in general is getting better with time. If true, this is no license to relax - the fact that there are solid reasons to think humanity is moving in the right direction does not mean the project cannot go off the rails. But, on the whole, I am optimistic, at least on the "big picture" scale.

I wish I could be as optimistic as you are ... however, I fear the well-being of our country and especially all of those targeted by this horrible *man*. Minorities. Elderly. Disabled. Women.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Working with an anti-American, adversarial government to achieve a victory is not what I would consider a win. The losers ... the country and all of the *former* allies who previously looked up to the United States.

I see that you KNOW something Robert Mueller and his team aren't privy to. You ought to notify them so we can close this case once and for all.


DEMS cannot overcome the fact that Donald Trump won over Hillary. They don't want to accept it and are continuing to scratch their wound, therefore, it doesn't have time to heal. They will go to all lengths necessary to disrupt, encourage violence, and make death threats. Pelosi, Waters, Schumer and their ilk have made it their "life's goal" to not only impeach Trump but to obstruct and destroy everything he tries to do. Since they can't have the Presidency, they seek to bring down our country along with Trump.

As a life long liberal Democrat--trump won, I know. And no one needs to seek to bring down the country, trump is doing that on his own.
He remains clueless and an insecure 5th grade bully. The rest of the world recognizes that, his Republican colleagues are beginning to as well.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Just in case anyone wants to know my Political Persuasion, I consider myself an "Independent Conservative." However, from Reagan on, I've always voted Republican. I can't see any other alternative. To vote for a Democrat goes against my Christian values.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As a life long liberal Democrat--trump won, I know. And no one needs to seek to bring down the country, trump is doing that on his own.
He remains clueless and an insecure 5th grade bully. The rest of the world recognizes that, his Republican colleagues are beginning to as well.

You, like Rusha, have a "Special way" of looking at things.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really don't expect to convince a "Far left Democrat" of anything. Their political mindset is, way too ingrained in their psyche. An example of that is the militant side of the Democratic Party, called, "Antifa."

Our country is divided and if a "Fort Sumter" type of attack takes place, it could quite possibly start another Civil War in our Nation? Let's hope this never takes place. However, "Never Say, Never Again."


Hall of Fame
You, like Rusha, have a "Special way" of looking at things.

I couldn't stand Trump from YEARS prior to the election, based on his lack of character. Now we can see how unstable he actually is ...

While I am not overly crazy about Ted Cruz, at least he (and ever other GOP candidate from the last primary) isn't mentally unfit to lead the nation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If I were to give a title to a movie about what's going on with the "Far-Left Movement" in the streets of our country, I'd call it, "Rage of the Planet of the Apes." Former NRA President and Actor, Charlton Heston would probably approve of that.
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