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Grosnick Marowbe

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"Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are on the warpath against our President and all of those of us who voted for him. They've continually attacked him by calling names and being generally disrespectful of his office. Need I mention that, when we elect a President, he or "she" is usually a human being, as well.

As a fellow resident of planet earth, I can attest to the fact that every single human being at one time or another, 'strikes back" when continually being attacked by bullies and Weasels, the President is no exception. The left-wing Democrats want Trump out of office at any cost. The DEMS have an "unholy alliance" with the media, Hollywood, and the Antifa "warriors" out on our streets. I would suggest if the media can't take the heat, they ought to get outta Dodge, as I've often said.

I've seen quite a few Presidents in office during my sixty some years and have never seen such a barrage of insults, angst, anger, animosity, death threats and vitriol being heaped on any other President during his Presidency. Not even Johnson or Nixon received such negative feedback. We're living in a time of great uncertainty. We have a possibility of all out War with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. Any one of those countries could fire a missile our way, rather it is at one of our ships in the sea or somewhere within the confines of our Nation.

We also face a possible "Civil War" that goes beyond the "Psychological and verbal," and into the actual physical form of violence. There truly is a "Dark Cloud" hovering over our Nation at this point in history.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
To be honest, I honestly believe there's only ONE Cable Network one can trust at this point in time. I rely on them to report the news in a more truthful and honest manner. CNN, NBC, etc, are shills for the left-wing DEMS. I would call it; "Propaganda News." Joseph Goebbels" would be proud of these news networks, they are right up his alley.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Democratic Party has evolved into the "New Fascist State." They even have their own "Militant Arm" of the party, called "Antifa." Antifa is to the Democratic Party, what the "Brown Shirts" were to the Nazi Party. In nineteen thirties Germany the "Brown Shirts" went around "city to city" breaking glass in buildings and creating violence and destruction in their path. Does this sound familiar? Antifa decided to use an "Orwellian Tactic" by calling Conservatives; Nazis. In reality, they are the true, American Nazis today.


Well-known member
"As a fellow resident of planet earth, I can attest to the fact that every single human being at one time or another, 'strikes back" when continually being attacked by bullies and Weasels, the President is no exception.
I suggest that the President is indeed an exception. And I believe the historical record supports me on this. Many many people said some nasty, vile things about Mr. Obama while he was President. Did he respond the way Mr. Trump has? Every President will be subject to torrents of abuse - it comes with the job. I'll bet that few, if any, Presidents have elected to retaliate the way Mr. Trump has.

There is a reason why it is inappropriate for the President to engage in such "tit for tat" exchanges: there is a profound asymmetry in levels of power between the President and people like "Morning Joe" (or whoever he is). If I choose to call the President a buffoon, such rudeness on my part in no way materially interferes with Mr. Trump's right to pursue "life, liberty, and happiness" (and, in his case, the pursuit leggy supermodels as well). However, if Mr. Trump declares to the nation that I (expos4ever) am a buffoon, my employment prospects (as just one example) are arguably damaged. Suppose I am seeking work with the US federal government. If the hiring manager knows that the President considers me to be a buffoon, s/he may well fear for their own job should they hire me.

Note that I would level the same critique at President Obama when he implied that a police officer was motivated by racism for stopping a black man in a white neighborhood. He (Mr. Obama) should have stayed out of that affair and allowed the wheels of justice to otherwise work things out. To publically accuse this powerless man of racism, with all the weight of the authority of the President, was grossly unfair. To give Mr. Obama his due, he later backpedalled and actually met with the officer in question "for a beer" (if my memory serves).


Hall of Fame
I Thoroughly disagree with you in every way possible way.

I expect that ... and am fine with it. BTW, I always tape "Morning Joe" ... and in reference to the title of the OP ... Mika is fine. She brushed his childish, personal ego stroking comments off. What she *is* worried about is the safety and welfare of the country under such an unstable, inept "leader".


Well-known member
Grosnick Marowbe;5054483I would suggest if the media can't take the heat said:
A passing knowledge of human history has shown that attempts to discredit and / or stifle the media are hallmarks indicators of authoritarianism. In a democracy, the press serves the vital function of calling "the powers to be" to account for their actions. And when a leader attempts to discredit the press as a general institution - as Mr. Trump is doing - its a clear giveaway that he is not interested in democracy in its purest form. If the press feeds us falsehoods, then by all means the President (and his minions) have every right to set the record straight.

But, for all and intents and purposes, Mr. Trump is attacking the press as an institution. And that is deeply problematic. Ask the citizens of nations where the press has been demonized and stripped of its right to challenge power.


Hall of Fame
I suggest that the President is indeed an exception. And I believe the historical record supports me on this. Many many people said some nasty, vile things about Mr. Obama while he was President. Did he respond the way Mr. Trump has? Every President will be subject to torrents of abuse - it comes with the job. I'll bet that few, if any, Presidents have elected to retaliate the way Mr. Trump has.

There is a reason why it is inappropriate for the President to engage in such "tit for tat" exchanges: there is a profound asymmetry in levels of power between the President and people like "Morning Joe" (or whoever he is). If I choose to call the President a buffoon, such rudeness on my part in no way materially interferes with Mr. Trump's right to pursue "life, liberty, and happiness" (and, in his case, the pursuit leggy supermodels as well). However, if Mr. Trump declares to the nation that I (expos4ever) am a buffoon, my employment prospects (as just one example) are arguably damaged. Suppose I am seeking work with the US federal government. If the hiring manager knows that the President considers me to be a buffoon, s/he may well fear for their own job should they hire me.

Note that I would level the same critique at President Obama when he implied that a police officer was motivated by racism for stopping a black man in a white neighborhood. He (Mr. Obama) should have stayed out of that affair and allowed the wheels of justice to otherwise work things out. To publically accuse this powerless man of racism, with all the weight of the authority of the President, was grossly unfair. To give Mr. Obama his due, he later backpedalled and actually met with the officer in question "for a beer" (if my memory serves).

Well said. :BRAVO: I will add to this that it's rather telling that these types of attack (regarding blood, looks, etc.) are ALWAYS aimed at strong, intelligent women.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We (Conservatives) voted for him because of his desire to clean up America and for the kind of man that he is. We accept that he's just a human being like the rest of us and has his shortcomings. Obama was a form of charismatic leader that had an ability to "Smooze" the people. Trump is more, "down to earth" and human. That's what's so enduring to his followers. One can easily understand whatever his subject happens to be. Obama was way to "polished" and not easily understood. People listened to him and assumed he MUST know what he's talking about even if we don't comprehend what he's saying.

Obama spoke from his "Parties Perspective" whereas, Trump speaks from his heart.


Well-known member
Those who believe Trump has any "REAL" connection to Putin and Russia, are not thinking in a reasonable/logical manner. Either they're not speaking the truth or they have been "brainwashed." Therefore, they're delusional.
Well, what is your argument? What credible evidence can you present that demonstrates that there is no such connection? There may indeed be none for all I know. As a person committed to reason and the general principles of justice, I believe we need to suspect judgment on this till the investigation has reached a conclusion. But you appear to be claiming that it has already been determined that there is no connection.

How have you reached that conclusion?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I expect that ... and am fine with it. BTW, I always tape "Morning Joe" ... and in reference to the title of the OP ... Mika is fine. She brushed his childish, personal ego stroking comments off. What she *is* worried about is the safety and welfare of the country under such an unstable, inept "leader".

We'll have to, "Agree to Disagree."


Well-known member
I will add to this that it's rather telling that these types of attack (regarding blood, looks, etc.) are ALWAYS aimed at strong, intelligent women.
Indeed. One of the many disturbing dimensions of the Trump victory is that it is a setback for women as they pursue their right to equal treatment. What is especially disturbing is that so many women voted for Mr. Trump knowing full well his dubious history in this area. I guess we have not progressed as far as I had thought.

However, I believe that while the Trump victory discloses a dark undercurrent in American culture, it is most likely a temporary setback. And I would appeal here to the big picture - I suggest (to borrow a metaphor) that the arc of history is bending, slowly perhaps, towards justice and progress. In short, I think that the world in general is getting better with time. If true, this is no license to relax - the fact that there are solid reasons to think humanity is moving in the right direction does not mean the project cannot go off the rails. But, on the whole, I am optimistic, at least on the "big picture" scale.
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