Melody Smythe

Melody Smythe

New member
Good Morning, real last name is Luecke, Happily Married going on 21yrs. My husband has two children, we now have 4 grandaughters, Brynlee, Bailey, Jocelyn and Adalyn. They call me Granna! love being a grandmother!

Love the Word of God! Love Truth! not the best at debate....but love to try to engage. I do find it a bit exhausting and heart tends to pound pound pound! when I believe I am right about something. So very relieved that I have been wrong at times when I look back.

Met Bob E. back in 97, so enjoyed his show and the seminars attended. Learned so very much! from the Plot! still Highly recommend it!

Love to ride bicycle!! ride a Klein 2009! participate in the Hilly 100, have now for the past 5yrs.

Work at RR Donnelley& Sons Printing Co. going 30yrs.
Worked at Depuy Orthopadics 10yrs. (part-time) got the axe in July.


New member
Good Morning, real last name is Luecke, Happily Married going on 21yrs. My husband has two children, we now have 4 grandaughters, Brynlee, Bailey, Jocelyn and Adalyn. They call me Granna! love being a grandmother!

Love the Word of God! Love Truth! not the best at debate....but love to try to engage. I do find it a bit exhausting and heart tends to pound pound pound! when I believe I am right about something. So very relieved that I have been wrong at times when I look back.

Met Bob E. back in 97, so enjoyed his show and the seminars attended. Learned so very much! from the Plot! still Highly recommend it!

Love to ride bicycle!! ride a Klein 2009! participate in the Hilly 100, have now for the past 5yrs.

Work at RR Donnelley& Sons Printing Co. going 30yrs.
Worked at Depuy Orthopadics 10yrs. (part-time) got the axe in July.

Welcome Melody. We can get your heart pounding here. I hope you enjoy the company!

Melody Smythe

New member
Oh! Yeah! just listened to Bob's Antisocial Networking suggestions....had me laughing, so so true! I so think back to things I so wish I had not said. I was on FB for 2wks actually enjoyed it...but made a decision to leave the network.

Melody Smythe

New member
The Plot book review

The Plot book review

would love to, where would you like to begin? I have not read for quite sometime though, a bit rusty...actually need to get my Plot book returned to me. Loaned it out.
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Melody Smythe

New member


Does time = a measured amount of space? for example prior to creation did a 24hr day exist?

From Observation in Creation isn't it the Sun and the Moon that divide the day and the night.

So do objects difine time? or space? or both?

I believe time is circular, it has no beginning or end but is defined and measured by God and experienced by his creatures thru the Created order of the Universe.

I believe Sin brought an experience of time as a burden, we never seem to have enough of it! Of coarse Death brings and unwanted end to time/life as we know it, only because of the resurrection can we now even embrace the time of death as a friend and not an enemy. Only if you are a purchased by the blood of Christ of coarse.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Welcome to TOL, Melody! :wave:

My introduction to right division was from Bob in '97 also, I believe.

Have fun!


Melody Smythe

New member
Thankyou! Randy. Had the priviledge of viewing a few shows in Southbend and we also held 3 bible seminars in Warsaw Ind. He even kept his commitment when 911 hit. He arrived in a Camper/vehicle titled the Hilton on wheels. His friend Art drove him all the way to do the Seminar