Melody Smythe


New member
Hall of Fame
Good Morning, real last name is Luecke, Happily Married going on 21yrs. My husband has two children, we now have 4 grandaughters, Brynlee, Bailey, Jocelyn and Adalyn. They call me Granna! love being a grandmother!

Love the Word of God! Love Truth! not the best at debate....but love to try to engage. I do find it a bit exhausting and heart tends to pound pound pound! when I believe I am right about something. So very relieved that I have been wrong at times when I look back.

Met Bob E. back in 97, so enjoyed his show and the seminars attended. Learned so very much! from the Plot! still Highly recommend it!

Love to ride bicycle!! ride a Klein 2009! participate in the Hilly 100, have now for the past 5yrs.

Work at RR Donnelley& Sons Printing Co. going 30yrs.
Worked at Depuy Orthopadics 10yrs. (part-time) got the axe in July.

Welcome Melody!

Pull up a log and have a warm biscuit. Stay a spell, I think you'll like it.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Mel!!! Where have you been?!?

A bunch of us were up in Warsaw about a year and a half ago for a meeting to start up Personhood Indiana. We tried to look you up in the phone book to invite you but you weren't in the book. We figured you'd moved out of state.

Melody Smythe

New member
Jefferson! what a bummer!! no I still live here, we moved to Melody Acres 6yrs. ago. I do believe we have emailed since I have moved here. I did have a phone no. change. My land line:574-376-4126, my cell:574-549-7287. Would so love to be involved, just a bit lost as to how to get it started. My address: 1514 W. RiverCrest Dr. Warsaw In. 46580. So GOOD to HEAR from YOU!!!

Melody Smythe

New member
I am so sickened at the rationalization of murdering the innocent. Since when does a person need a body to be validated. God is Spirit, when we die our bodies are left, but our Spirit/Soul departs. The Incarnation is the Spirit of the Son of God taking on flesh, took him 9months to be physically born, but he entered the world when he entered the womb.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Welcome to TOL Melody! You have come to the right place. Plenty of Bob Enyart fans here. :)