Meet Caitlyn Jenner


New member
would you like me to post more?

Also, the guy cherry picked those 5 sources for only things that supported their assertions in spite of there being a lot of gray areas in those studies that do not support his position.

In other words, he was taking a page from the climate change deniers handbook to prove his point.
From my perspective, you haven't contested anything. You dismissed all five of them with a blind sweep saying they were all "short sighted". A lazy parry at best.

john w

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Hall of Fame
I think I could take on Brucie, one on one, and win, as I've fought bigger girls than her/him/it, before.


I have small tattoo around my ankle in remembrance of the holocaust when a number of my relatives were murdered. You can't see how that is a huge character flaw that I have? Come on.

Tattoos are ok as art but in the bible states that tattoos as branding to belong to something like a cult. You can't have a tattoo of a catholic cross cause its brading to belong to a cult. But those laws are over and probably ok to paint the body, today, without any problems for everyday people who wants to be everyday people. The character flaw would be that the tattoos are a distration to return the mind to mindfulness meaning you have some sort of fame greed in your heart, a show off social disease that prevents you from praying the proper way.


You go Caitlyn!

Why is this news? Did everyone somehow forget about Chas Bono?

Haven't we already been through this before?






New member
Tattoos are ok as art but in the bible states that tattoos as branding to belong to something like a cult. You can't have a tattoo of a catholic cross cause its brading to belong to a cult. But those laws are over and probably ok to paint the body, today, without any problems for everyday people who wants to be everyday people. The character flaw would be that the tattoos are a distration to return the mind to mindfulness meaning you have some sort of fame greed in your heart, a show off social disease that prevents you from praying the proper way.

View attachment 19833
This ^^^
is a reminder to me of the storms that my faith has brought me safely through, and also an opener for witnessing opportunities. The only "cult" I belong to is the one of Jesus Christ. This tattoo was to glorify Him, and what He has brought me through, not to show off. So I'm not agreeing with you on this one. ;)


View attachment 19833
This ^^^
is a reminder to me of the storms that my faith has brought me safely through, and also an opener for witnessing opportunities. The only "cult" I belong to is the one of Jesus Christ. This tattoo was to glorify Him, and what He has brought me through, not to show off. So I'm not agreeing with you on this one. ;)

It's the branding like belonging to a group. Might be same as no art during those times. I don't think Jesus meant its ok only to use it to identify belonging to Christ. But today, its different regarding tattoos. The apple watch won't work on top of tattoos and can't keep up with you.


New member
View attachment 19833
This ^^^
is a reminder to me of the storms that my faith has brought me safely through, and also an opener for witnessing opportunities. The only "cult" I belong to is the one of Jesus Christ. This tattoo was to glorify Him, and what He has brought me through, not to show off. So I'm not agreeing with you on this one. ;)

Blessed are those that have heard but not seen.

Christianity is not a religion of sight, but of good conscience.

Visual aids are a crutch and get in the way of your spiritual development... not to mention they are permanently disfiguring the body God gave you... which is his temple.

Do you plan on writing graffiti all over God's temple in heaven someday?


New member
From my perspective, you haven't contested anything. You dismissed all five of them with a blind sweep saying they were all "short sighted". A lazy parry at best.

None of those 5 studies were geared toward accessing the long term mental and physical health of the patient. They were all geared toward 'satisfaction' (whatever that is... no other medical procedure is all about satisfaction except plastic surgery). The fact that people that have had SRS are in a higher risk category for all sorts of self destructive behavior is being glossed over.


New member
It's the branding like belonging to a group. Might be same as no art during those times. I don't think Jesus meant its ok only to use it to identify belonging to Christ. But today, its different regarding tattoos. The apple watch won't work on top of tattoos and can't keep up with you.

All the more reason to get one. ;)


New member
Blessed are those that have heard but not seen.

Christianity is not a religion of sight, but of good conscience.

Visual aids are a crutch and get in the way of your spiritual development... not to mention they are permanently disfiguring the body God gave you... which is his temple.

Do you plan on writing graffiti all over God's temple in heaven someday?

I'm sorry you believe this. Any opportunity to witness is a good opportunity. An inquiry about this tattoo gives me a chance to explain my faith to someone to whom I would not have encountered before. Do you not see the Bible as a kind of visual aid? How about representations of the cross? Religious art?


Sexual immorality has no end in the world. It is acceptable and popular thing to be tolerant of sexual immorality.


New member
Hall of Fame
Because it is a small part of a "great tectonic plate shift."

And because most Christians are hysterically fixated on matters related to human sexual behavior.

You mean gays are hysterically fixated on christians being forced to be ok with it.


It was ok to have multiple wives in OT but Jesus corrected to one and one.

You see, that's why we need to focus on what Jesus says instead of paying attention to contradicted practice of OT.