masks work .. to infect you :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Indeed. As I, and perhaps others, have asserted before, people with undisciplined minds are more likely to believe a narrative than to believe facts. And Donald Trump makes a living off this susceptibility in the neural tissue, such that it is, lurking under red ball caps. So against hard facts, we get stories like:

- a cabal of satan-worshipping child molesters is out to undermine me (Trump) (by not repudiating such idiocy, Mr. Trump is clearly endorsing it);
- the media is conspiring against me (Trump), and is the enemy of the people;
- global warming is a Chinese hoax.
- them brown-skin furreners is comin' to get your jobs.

and so on.

Consider Trump's clever strategy of referring to SARS-Cov 2 as "the virus from China".

Trump is no dummy; his followers, well, ............?

He is selling them an appealing story - a narrative about a "good us" and a "bad them" (or, perhaps, in this instance, a reckless them).

Anyone with more than a couple of neurons will know that while it is true that the virus originated in China, Mr. Trump has nevertheless fumbled the ball in leading American response. He is trying to shift blame, hoping that his less-than-nimble-witted supporters will be duped. And I suspect his hopes have come true. A disciplined mind will accept two facts: (1) the virus originated in China; (2) Mr. Trump has bungled badly. The Trump supporter, by contrast, is seduced by an over-arching narrative that whispers into his ear that the "other" - whether the Chinese, or the Moo-zlims, or the Mexicans - is a threat.

If you don't like Trump, don't vote for him :idunno:

The Barbarian

Indeed. As I, and perhaps others, have asserted before, people with undisciplined minds are more likely to believe a narrative than to believe facts. And Donald Trump makes a living off this susceptibility in the neural tissue, such that it is, lurking under red ball caps. So against hard facts, we get stories like:

- a cabal of satan-worshipping child molesters is out to undermine me (Trump) (by not repudiating such idiocy, Mr. Trump is clearly endorsing it);
- the media is conspiring against me (Trump), and is the enemy of the people;
- global warming is a Chinese hoax.
- them brown-skin furreners is comin' to get your jobs.

and so on.

Problem is, some of them are starting to wise up. Trump is frantically trying to delay that process with his new fairy tales about Hunter Biden. It's not working.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Problem is, some of them are starting to wise up. Trump is frantically trying to delay that process with his new fairy tales about Hunter Biden. It's not working.

Same to you. If you don't like Trump don't vote for him. See how easy that is?

Then in three days when your hopes are dashed you can react as a sane person instead of what I fear most of your compatriots are going to react as - insane people.

Try not to be an insane person barbie.

Start practicing now. :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Indeed. As I, and perhaps others, have asserted before, people with undisciplined minds are more likely to believe a narrative than to believe facts. And Donald Trump makes a living off this susceptibility in the neural tissue, such that it is, lurking under red ball caps. So against hard facts, we get stories like:

- a cabal of satan-worshipping child molesters is out to undermine me (Trump) (by not repudiating such idiocy, Mr. Trump is clearly endorsing it);
- the media is conspiring against me (Trump), and is the enemy of the people;
- global warming is a Chinese hoax.
- them brown-skin furreners is comin' to get your jobs.

and so on.

Consider Trump's clever strategy of referring to SARS-Cov 2 as "the virus from China".

Trump is no dummy; his followers, well, ............?

He is selling them an appealing story - a narrative about a "good us" and a "bad them" (or, perhaps, in this instance, a reckless them).

Anyone with more than a couple of neurons will know that while it is true that the virus originated in China, Mr. Trump has nevertheless fumbled the ball in leading American response. He is trying to shift blame, hoping that his less-than-nimble-witted supporters will be duped. And I suspect his hopes have come true. A disciplined mind will accept two facts: (1) the virus originated in China; (2) Mr. Trump has bungled badly. The Trump supporter, by contrast, is seduced by an over-arching narrative that whispers into his ear that the "other" - whether the Chinese, or the Moo-zlims, or the Mexicans - is a threat.

Spot on...

It's bewildering to see how so many people can honestly be so gullible and frankly, thick.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... Mr. Trump has nevertheless fumbled the ball in leading American response.

Since we can't set back the clock, what would YOU do if you were in his shoes TODAY?

What SPECIFIC actions would YOU take, TODAY, to address the pandemic in America?

And when you get done with that, then perhaps we can discuss Trudeau's mismanagement of YOUR country's response to the Kung Flu.

Last edited:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
mask use has increased in the UK and Spain so

see OP, 70% of the infected people always wore masks

which is what the evidence shows below


High quality masks such as N95 masks worn properly by trained people can be effective. That's why they're used in hospitals and nursing homes and places where people can be trained to wear them properly. But a cloth mask is worse than useless - it gives a false sense of security. And the only reason some people are so stoked on it is because they're responding emotionally to the the browbeating, the emotional bullying that's going on on social media to coerce people into wearing these stupid things.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trudeau's mismanagement

expos4ever disappeared, eh?

As I thought he would.

Do you think the Halloween murderer in Quebec City will end up being linked to the French Muslim attacks that are ongoing over in France?

So thats what Freeland looks like :thumb:

Who is the Sihk behind Pierre? Harjit?

way 2 go

Well-known member
High quality masks such as N95 masks worn properly by trained people can be effective. That's why they're used in hospitals and nursing homes and places where people can be trained to wear them properly. But a cloth mask is worse than useless - it gives a false sense of security. And the only reason some people are so stoked on it is because they're responding emotionally to the the browbeating, the emotional bullying that's going on on social media to coerce people into wearing these stupid things.

High quality masks such as N95 masks worn properly by trained people can be effective.

But a cloth mask is worse than useless - it gives a false sense of security.
which is the point of this thread

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
mask use has increased in the UK and Spain so

see OP, 70% of the infected people always wore masks

which is what the evidence shows below


The reason cases are going up is because we're hitting a second spike which is probably going to be worse than the first. To argue that masks somehow work to infect people is patently absurd. They don't give a sense of security either which nobody is arguing. I don't wear one thinking I'm somehow protected by the things, I wear them so I'm not directly breathing on other people.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
High quality masks such as N95 masks worn properly by trained people can be effective.

But a cloth mask is worse than useless - it gives a false sense of security.
which is the point of this thread

Well if that's the "point" of your thread then it wasn't very well thought out was it?


way 2 go

Well-known member
The reason cases are going up is because we're hitting a second spike which is probably going to be worse than the first. To argue that masks somehow work to infect people is patently absurd. They don't give a sense of security either which nobody is arguing. I don't wear one thinking I'm somehow protected by the things, I wear them so I'm not directly breathing on other people.
you're mentally ill ,

"The reason cases are going up is because we're hitting a second spike" :doh:

what is the cause of the increase ,

it is "everyone" wearing cloth masks and the careless mishandling of the masks
along with the false sense of security of the cloth mask

8:36 mark


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
you're mentally ill ,

"The reason cases are going up is because we're hitting a second spike" :doh:

what is the cause of the increase ,

it is "everyone" wearing cloth masks and the careless mishandling of the masks
along with the false sense of security of the cloth mask

8:36 mark

You are flat out nuts. There was always the likelihood of a second spike when the colder weather hit and it's nothing to do with masks you conspiracy nut.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Where I live, not wearing a mask is a really bad idea. It's not just the shops, buses, trains etc that turn you away, it's the fines.

All our medical workers wear masks all shift long, and then I read laymen trying to be clever about why they don't work. Duh.....

Duh pretty much sums this thread up.

way 2 go

Well-known member
Where I live, not wearing a mask is a really bad idea. It's not just the shops, buses, trains etc that turn you away, it's the fines.

All our medical workers wear masks all shift long, and then I read laymen trying to be clever about why they don't work. Duh.....

so cases of the kung flu are way down where you live ?