Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My point is that by promoting legalization of marijuana, you're pushing a harmful narcotic onto society.

If it becomes legal are you going to smoke it? I'm not, do you lack self control or something?

Save your Ron Paul survival of the fittest speech for someone else.

But Paul had an answer to this criticism. “How many people here would use heroin if it were legal? I bet nobody would,” he said to applause and laughter. Paul was claiming that good people — people like the Republicans in the room — would not abuse their freedom, unlike those others who don't deserve our sympathy.

The problem, of course, is that even people in the room may have had sons or daughters who struggled with addiction. Or maybe even have personal experience with the freedom that comes from alcohol and drug abuse. One imagines they did not laugh or cheer.

Libertarians often cover their views with a powdered wig of 18th- and 19th-century philosophy. They cite Locke, Smith and Mill as advocates of a peaceable kingdom — a utopia of cooperation and spontaneous order. But the reality of libertarianism was on display in South Carolina. Paul concluded his answer by doing a jeering rendition of an addict's voice: “Oh yeah, I need the government to take care of me. I don't want to use heroin, so I need these laws.”

This is not “The Wealth of Nations” or the “Second Treatise on Government.” It is Social Darwinism. It is the arrogance of the strong. It is contempt for the vulnerable and suffering.


New member
you persecute many yet provide light for few..

to say you are no Lucifer yet you are Satan would be an understatement.


Like I said: It will be a short thread because no one can refute that the legalization of recreational drugs INCREASES the size of government.
And how much of that has to do with pot still being illegal everywhere else in the country? If pot had the same legal status as alcohol (as in, legal but regulated throughout the entire country) then the authorities in Colorado and Washington wouldn't have to worry about making sure that the legal pot in those states remains within their borders. It would certainly be a lot less work for Colorado if they didn't have to actively make sure that people couldn't carry pot across the border into Wyoming or Utah. So there's one cause of "more government".

Legalized pot would be a huge blow to the drug cartels that also deal in the really bad stuff like cocaine and heroin. They would lose a significant chunk of their business, and revenue, to the legal dispensaries where one would be able to get a product of known quality, purity and potency and not have to deal at all with shady, criminal elements.

But aCW is a hardcore authoritarian who believes that he has the right to tell everyone else what they're allowed to do; what they are allowed to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms and what substances they are allowed to put in their own bodies, among other things. And I think it's a safe bet that we can add what movies and TV shows people are allowed to watch, what books we're allowed to read, and what music we're allowed to listen to to the list of things that he thinks he should get to decide for us.


I’m a recovering addict, 28 years clean. I started with cigarettes, then weed and on and on. I know whereof I speak.

* Drugs are not addictive because they are illegal, they are addictive because of the general weakness of the human state. Young children, whose minds and hearts are still in development, are particularly vulnerable, forever changed, souls robbed!

* Pot is very easy to grow, it’s a weed, if you can grow tomatoes (water them) you can grow pot, and just a few plants can give you a freaking years supply! So tax benefits will go up in the smoke of economic reality, unlike alcohol that requires much more effort, pot heads wont want to pay a bunch of tax, being how they sit on their *** watching MTV instead of working.

* I'd say reduce imprisoning users, but get much more harsh on drug dealers.

• With so many drug treatment centers for pot addicts, I’d say the distributers will be open to class action lawsuits for product liability like tobacco.

Prisons need to be self sustaining for all offences!​



* I'd say reduce imprisoning users, but get much more harsh on drug dealers.

Being that the States of Colorado and Washington have now taken over the role of pushing drugs onto society, here are pictures of two drug dealers: WA Governor Jay Inslee and CO Governor John Hickenlooper.



(Hickenlooper was against legalization, but nonetheless signed the bill into law).

What kind of sentence should we impose upon them?


Legalized pot would be a huge blow to the drug cartels that also deal in the really bad stuff like cocaine and heroin. They would lose a significant chunk of their business, and revenue, to the legal dispensaries where one would be able to get a product of known quality, purity and potency and not have to deal at all with shady, criminal elements.

Pay attention to the OP Kitty.

CRIME: Legalization opponents say residency requirements won't prevent criminal cartels from setting up straw-man growing operations. The states also have tracking systems to make sure what is grown ends up sold legally. Colorado, however, also allows people to grow pot at home, making it impossible to keep track of where it is coming from and where it's going.

Again: What part of legalizing marijuana means LESS government?


Not talking to you. But for the republicans who are going to continue to lose. Pot is no longer taboo unless you're in your 80's or late 70's.

Legalizing weed would at least save money fighting the lazy stoners who keep getting busted and imprisoned over it. I don't feel the same way about coke or heroin or meth but weed - you gotta be kidding. This is one area where republicans like Reagan were fools.


New member
Hall of Fame
Pot is no longer taboo unless you're in your 80's or late 70's.

Well i am nowhere near there, and i consider it taboo, because i believe that God wants us to retain a sound mind instead of allowing something else to control it.


And now a few words from a supposed "Christian" who wants to push the harmful recreational drug marijuana onto society:

Not talking to you. But for the republicans who are going to continue to lose. Pot is no longer taboo unless you're in your 80's or late 70's.

Legalizing weed would at least save money fighting the lazy stoners who keep getting busted and imprisoned over it. I don't feel the same way about coke or heroin or meth but weed - you gotta be kidding. This is one area where republicans like Reagan were fools.

BTW: Where is this LESS government that you Christian Libertarians are always ranting about? Watch the video, everywhere there is a police presence.


And now a few words from a supposed "Christian" who wants to push the harmful recreational drug marijuana onto society:

BTW: Where is this LESS government that you Christian Libertarians are always ranting about? Watch the video, everywhere there is a police presence.

My sons a south central undercover narc cop.

What are you 80?


My sons a south central undercover narc cop.

Ask him to tell you about the harm that recreational drug use has brought to the Black and Hispanic communities that he works in.

On that note:

I'm going to move this thread in a direction that other dope threads haven't done:

I'll ask that those who promote the legalization of drugs come forward ONLY if they are recreational drug users.

If past recreational drug users that want to the promote drug legalization want to come forward, tell us why you quit using recreational drugs (if recreational drugs were harmful to you, why would you want to push them on someone else's son, brother, father, daughter, sister or mother?).

I see that not many of TOL's Libertarians have come forward to promote marijuana legalization (Wizard of Oz, Doc Brumley, etc.).

I'll patiently wait while they come forward with the recent guidelines in mind.
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