Yes, my hope was that Knight would do something about her.
He is free to do so, but I have not done anything that you and the rest of your 'group' have done.
I have apologised for saying you were not saved. Have you ever apologised to those who you and your group constantly harass as unsaved? As far as I am concerned there is no worse type of harrassment. It is your group that is constantly doing this to Tet, Andy, Godrulz, myself, and some others....
it is a shame.
This latest episode all began because Angel4, sent me a neg rep,
.because I had amened a post from Bybee....and, she hatefully told me in her neg rep that Bybee was talking about people like me,
who are unsaved.
So you know,. I did pm Bybee and ask her if it was true. She said for me not to worry about it, that it was not true, that she knows I am saved, and she too, despises the hateful harrassment of telling saved people that they are not saved. You guys whine about being harrassed, when it is YOU and your gang that does this daily to us.
Like I said, I once did, but God corrected me.
I believe you all are just as saved as me.
I believe likewise that God is sad because of this.
It is my hope that you will take heed to your own wrong doing, and learn something new.
I am praying that Knight is more mature than you nit wits.
I believe he is.