ECT MADist thought for the day

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Have you noticed they won't explain how an 'accursed' gospel can be good news? is like saying that the law/which is the legal way to curse all men, is good news for those who are cursed by it.:shut:

They need to understand what the word 'accursed' means..and, come to realise it is NOT good news/gospel.

A troll-ette like yourself, who is clueless as to the meaning of the word "gospel," and is in a funk as to what the covenants are, and could not tell the difference between the book of Joel, and Billy Joel, is going to allegedly "splain anythin'' to us, including "what the word 'accursed' means?"

Good one.


New member
A troll-ette like yourself, who is clueless as to the meaning of the word "gospel," and is in a funk as to what the covenants are, and could not tell the difference between the book of Joel, and Billy Joel, is going to allegedly "splain anythin'' to us, including "what the word 'accursed' means?"

Good one.

You make me giggle...and, I love Billy Joel, he was a great guy.

Why don't you just answer the question, all knowing one?

How do you get 'good news' out of an accursed gospel?

Perhaps, if you look up the word "accursed", you will see what I mean.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You make me giggle...and, I love Billy Joel, he was a great guy.

Why don't you just answer the question, all knowing one?

How do you get 'good news' out of an accursed gospel?

Perhaps, if you look up the word "accursed", you will see what I mean.

"Why don't you just answer the question, all knowing one?"-NewScam

Woa! Never heard that one, perverter!

Why don't you just answer all the questions I have asked the last 2 years, one who claims she has the infallible teachings of God, troll-ette?

I just one upped you. Fun!

As asked numerous times: Chapter and verse where the LORD God demands I answer every and all questions addressed to me, especially from perverters, like yourself.


"How do you get 'good news' out of an accursed gospel?"-NewScam

Why aren't you raising the dead, per "the" gospel of Mt. 10 ff., Luke 9 ff?

Rev. 14 KJV
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

NewScam: That angel is accursed. My women teachers told me so, since I never, and never have, followed the teachings "of men"-only women and God, as I, NewScam, have their infallible teachings.

Deceiving troll-ette.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you think I am going to encourage your error, you are way off.

I will encourage you, as my brother IN CHRIST, to learn to put off the fleshly teachings you hold to.

I like your pm encouragement out of the blue like before you left last time - telling me i am not a christian and that you don't know why you come here, if you dont know then why are you here?

BTW stop pming me - this is the third time ive told you now, 2 times in pms and then now here openly since you cant get it in pm.


I like your pm encouragement out of the blue like before you left last time - telling me i am not a christian and that you don't know why you come here, if you dont know then why are you here?

BTW stop pming me - this is the third time ive told you now, 2 times in pms and then now here openly since you cant get it in pm.

Yikes! I knew something was wrong with her theology but had no idea she was messed up personally as well.


TOL Subscriber
I just want her to stop pming me, and telling her to stop in pms isnt stopping her.
She used to pm me. I too, asked her to stop. I even asked Knight if there was something he would do to stop her, but all he suggested was to put her on ignore.


New member
I like your pm encouragement out of the blue like before you left last time - telling me i am not a christian and that you don't know why you come here, if you dont know then why are you here?

BTW stop pming me - this is the third time ive told you now, 2 times in pms and then now here openly since you cant get it in pm.



New member
"Why don't you just answer the question, all knowing one?"-NewScam

Woa! Never heard that one, perverter!

Why don't you just answer all the questions I have asked the last 2 years, one who claims she has the infallible teachings of God, troll-ette?

I just one upped you. Fun!

As asked numerous times: Chapter and verse where the LORD God demands I answer every and all questions addressed to me, especially from perverters, like yourself.


"How do you get 'good news' out of an accursed gospel?"-NewScam

Why aren't you raising the dead, per "the" gospel of Mt. 10 ff., Luke 9 ff?

Rev. 14 KJV
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

NewScam: That angel is accursed. My women teachers told me so, since I never, and never have, followed the teachings "of men"-only women and God, as I, NewScam, have their infallible teachings.

Deceiving troll-ette.

I didnt think you would answer.

God Bless, anyway.


New member
I just want her to stop pming me, and telling her to stop in pms isnt stopping her.

I just want you to stop neg repping me, and falsely accusing others, in them, like Bybee.

Why don't you show all the pms I sent you?

I am not ashamed of anything I have done on here...accept what I have openly admitted on this board, to you and everyone, publicly, how I ONCE used to come here and judge the salvation of others..which God corrected me on, and eventually, He will correct all of you, likewise.

You are the one that called me a wolf...etc......


New member
She used to pm me. I too, asked her to stop. I even asked Knight if there was something he would do to stop her, but all he suggested was to put her on ignore.

When is the last time I pmed you?

We were having a conversation back and forth, as I remember it. I then stopped when I saw it was going no where.

You guys are paranoid.


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
flood your page? I think I posted once or twice there. What is the page for if not for leaving comments?

Just a sample,

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And so on, and so forth

I am not messed up, Volt, these are just more false accusations against me.


New member
Just a sample,

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And so on, and so forth

Anyone can do that.

How about I go copy and paste every statement that you have posted on someone's page, about me behind my back?

Are you up for it?..or you better go delete them all.....:bang:

Tell ya what STP. I have told you over and over that I have nothing PERSONAL AGAINST YOU. It is your theology that I cannot stand, but you cannot stand mine, what?

At least I do love you, as a the person you are.


New member
GP: "flood your page? I think I posted once or twice there. What is the page for if not for leaving comments?"

Your profile page is now at page 122. How long has it been since I posted a remark on your page, STP? Do you expect me to memorize everything, and besides, they were not harrassing remarks to begin with. Most of them were in the area of 'why did you neg rep me and call me ugly names'....kinda of thing.

If I posted every neg rep and ugly name you have given me, it would be alot more than the mere delete's that you have received from me...that were nothing more than, "why do you feel you have to neg rep me and call me ugly names?". You call that harrassment, I call it, trying to get you to stop being so obtuse.

I do not have to prove anything to anyone on this board, Jesus knows every step and every wrong I have done, and likewise, He knows the same about you...and, everyone else here, for that matter.

Stop being childish.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I do not have to prove anything to anyone on this board, Jesus knows every step and every wrong I have done, and likewise, He knows the same about you...and, everyone else here, for that matter.

GP: "GP: "flood your page? I think I posted once or twice there. What is the page for if not for leaving comments?"
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