Instead of giving me neg reps for this post and calling me ugly names, why don't you attempt to discuss this, in a rational way?
Why don't you attempt to answer the questions posed?
Did Jesus rescue you from this present evil world or not? The earth abideth forever, it is the world, and it's system that He came to rescue us from..the law of
I try to be patient with you...but, all your neg repping and ugly name calling gets on my nerves.
I would like to have a civil discussion, so what are your answers?
Has He translated you or not? If He has, why then are you made subject to the old systems earthly elements?
Taste not, touch not, etc....(physical things), which all are to perish with the using, for they all stem from the old system...of law of moses.
They only work condemnation.
We are in the new covenant, where all things have been made new; and the new 'earth' is the same created earth where righteousness NOW dwells.
You can deny it all day long, I believe the word.
The point being, is that IF you are in the new covenant, all things have become NEW, old things have passed away, there is no physical your world, as pertaining to salvation...and, salvation is the context.
We have already been spiritually translated into the Kingdom of God...upon salvation; it is done.
You can get yourself cut off; and thrown back down to the earthly or physical realm, by returning to the old systems ways, however....the gospel is from faith to faith; faith is of the spirit; it works through love, not law.
You are still working by law...because you don't really believe Jesus fulfilled it. If you did; you wouldnt be on here arguing with those whom do believe He did....everyday.
Why did Jesus say His own were not of this world? Because christians are not of the earthly, physical realm...we have been rescued from it.