Remember when there were regular "emergency broadcast warning" tests on TV? ... Those always left me with an unnerving feeling when I was a kid. Especially late-night.
Come to think of it, they actually had a Dharma Initiative flavor to them.
If Ben "wakes up" in the alternative timeline....that would be a bad thing. He is such a nice guy compared to his backstabbing and selfish counterpart on the Island.
It's awesome.I do. I do. I'm waiting for the next gen. Maybe. Did you pre order one? If so, your verdict?
I've gotten very mixed reviews from friends so far.
Fo... sho!Also, I think Desmond's going to have two major roles... On and off island. I guess that's obvious, but I never know.
That's what I think as well. Although Ben isn't really switching sides, he jas been good ever since he Llana accepted his repentance. Now he is just tricking the MIB. Ben shot Widmore because Widmore was about to tell Smokey something that would have helped Smokey escape (or maybe Widmore was about to tell Smokey something that would have given away the escape plan i.e., switching realities to the ALT). Smokey said he heard what he needed to hear but he was lying. Smokey doesn't trust Ben anymore than Ben trusts Smokey.But today, I don't believe that. Today I believe Ben's going to come up good. Today, I believe he's playing MIB. (though whether MIB knows that or not is up in the air to me).
It seems that way doesn't it.I think Jack has Jacob powers for real now. Jacob had real powers, i.e. Richard, and when he said "you are just like me" those powers were the difference between Jacob and the rest of the humans.
That's what I think as well. Although Ben isn't really switching sides, he jas been good ever since he Llana accepted his repentance. Now he is just tricking the MIB. Ben shot Widmore because Widmore was about to tell Smokey something that would have helped Smokey escape (or maybe Widmore was about to tell Smokey something that would have given away the escape plan i.e., switching realities to the ALT). Smokey said he heard what he needed to hear but he was lying. Smokey doesn't trust Ben anymore than Ben trusts Smokey.
But some might say.... Ben killed Widmore and he wants to kill more people for Smokey! That doesn't seem good does it? Well, Ben knows that the ALT is where it is at, and he knows that killing off the right people on the island can save them if Desmond is successful in "waking" them up in the ALT.
Therefore, Ben knows there is still hope for Widmore in the ALT so shooting him to thwart the smoke-monster is a good thing, not a bad thing.... even for Widmore!
Good call.So perhaps it was Ben who helped Desmond escape.
AIt also appears that our rescuers (Desmond and Hurley) are not to quick to wake everyone. They must have felt like most LOST fans do about Anna Lucia because they made no effort whatsoever to wake her. :chuckle:
Good call.
After all.... Desmond helped Ben escape to the ALT by beating the crap out of him in the school parking lot.
:rotfl: Turbo and I were discussing that very topic yesterday on the phone.Beat the snot out of him! Who gets beat up more on this show than Ben, for goodness' sake? The man is a walking punching bag! It's like he has a "kick me" sign on his back, only it says "kick the ever-lovin' daylights out of me!"
One interesting question is.... which reality is really effecting the other? Does Jack and Locke need to let go in the ALT before they can do what is truly necessary on the island? Or does Jack need to trap and destroy the smoke monster on the island in order for he and Locke to let go in the ALT???? :think:
Does it even matter that the ALT is chronologically happening three years before the island reality? I suppose that part isn't important as long as Desmond and Hurley are successful in waking up who they want woken up before the island is sunk or destroyed.
I think you are onto something.Though again, maybe it doesn't matter at all.lain:
I think you are onto something.
Maybe they are in a "ground hog day" style time loop that is three years long. If they can't escape it..... it starts all over again. And Bill Murray thought one repeating day was miserable!
I think you are onto something.
Maybe they are in a "ground hog day" style time loop that is three years long. If they can't escape it..... it starts all over again. And Bill Murray thought one repeating day was miserable!
I am 99% sure that they are NOT going to just end the show with the re-initiation of another iteration of an infinite loop.
However, you guys bring up another fascinating mirror-image structure in the story, here.
How much time to they spend in the story in the present? 3 years.
How much time did they spend in the past on island? 3 years!
How much time does Desmond spend in the present storyline? 3 years
How much time did Desmond spend in the hatch, leading up to this? 3 years!
Mirror image, with the axis or focal point (center) being the crash of 815. :think:
Lindelof & Cuse confronted with early Lost memo | |