LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

Nathon Detroit

HOW do you come up with these things?
Gallons of Pinot Grigio.
Seriously...it might all be wrong.
I'd say there is a 99% chance that my theory is TOTALLY wrong. :)
..but the fun is coming up with the ideas.
Finally.... somebody who gets it! :up:

When Claire got the box and neither she nor Jack knew what it meant I thought that was odd. I just chalked it up as another one of those "things" that probably wouldn't be explained.
It was odd and out of place wasn't it?
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Why don't you fly up to my house and watch it with me. :)
While getting on a plane to go watch a show that began and might end with a plane wreck sounds exciting, I think I'll pass. I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious.


Blessed beyond measure
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Did you guys see this on facebook? I have a feeling that nobody is going to be disappointed after Sunday night's episode. Well, maybe just disappointed that it's over. :(


Here's a completely wacky biblical connection that I am sure is totally off-base.

Claire has sung the lullaby, Catch a Falling Star ever since the beginning of the show.

Here is an excerpt of the lyrics...
For when your troubles startn multiplyin,
An' they just might!
It's easy to forget them without tryin,
With just a pocketful of starlight!

Catch a falling star an put it in your pocket,
Never let it fade away!
Catch a falling star an put it in your pocket,
Save it for a rainy day!​

Our losties troubles sure have multiplied (literally!!) :D And we know that the golden cave contains a golden light that Jacob and Esau's mother said they should protect and never let fade away. A little bit of that light is in each man (symbolically in our pocket). Not to mention that every rainy day on "LOST island" is usually sign that something bad is about to happen.

Claire and smokie left the temple after killing all the people who refused to join them, and as they left the carnage what song was playing? Claire was given a music box from her father at the reading of his last will and testament. The music box played (as you all already know... Catch a Falling Star). Clearly that song is important.

And what is significant about falling Stars???
(here's the stretch) :D

Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. - Revelation 8:10​

Ummm.. the star fell into a spring of water?? :shocked: Sounds like the same place the MIB "fell" into. (with a little "push" from his brother Jacob)

But there is more...

Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. - Revelation 9:1​

Whoa... a fallen star was given the keys to a bottomless pit??

But wait, there is more....

And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. - Revelation 9:2​

Uh.... whoa.... that's exactly what happened when the MIB "fell" into the pit of golden light which was in the middle of a watery spring. He turned into a column of smoke and arose from the pit.

I wonder what the name of this fallen fallen angel (fallen star) was???

Lets find out!

And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. - Revelation 9:11​

His name was what????

Apollyon??? Where have I seen that name before? Apollyon? Apollo Candy bars anyone???

Clearly this means that the golden cave that the MIB fell into was Apollyon's! Which means Apollyon is the origin of the golden cave and also the very same "smokie" i.e., fallen angel that haunt's us all and compels us to do all sorts of awful things to this very day (I embellished that part) :D. After he escaped the cave he started a candy company and one of their largest customers was the Dharma Initiative. :noid: (OK, that part was totally silly)

What??? Ya don't believe me??? Apollo candy cars are DARK Chocolate!!! :doh:

But wait... that's not all!!

Jack and Claire's dad was also (at times) the smoke monster (Apollyon). The smoke monster showed up OFF the island as Jack's dad in season 4 therefore we know that smokie has been off-island running around as Christian Sheppard. Currently (on the show) the smoke monster seems to be protecting Claire on the island. Could Apollyon (the smoke monster) be the actual father of Claire???? :shocked: Which would explain why he sung her a lullaby about his own journey to earth???

What does this all mean???? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!

chatmaggot said:
How do you come up with this stuff?
Gallons of Pinot Grigio.



While getting on a plane to go watch a show that began and might end with a plane wreck sounds exciting, I think I'll pass. I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious.



In all my years on TOL I don't think I've come across a thread more fun than this one.


Well-known member
I know.... it's wild isn't it?

I'm excited and also a bit sad. It's been so awesome spending time with our various LOST buddies, I hate seeing it all end.

Yeah, I feel the same... Wish this thread had started even sooner, but it's been really fun having it this season.

I'm seriously contemplating not watching tonight's episode and watching back-to-back with the finale.

But I'm sure I'll break.

At this point I think it's got to come down to Jack and Desmond, maybe Ben. But Jack as the "one" and Desmond as some sort of means to an end. As I'd said before, Jack's personal transformation this season has just been so remarkable.

I think Ben'll keep us guessing til the end... I expect at least one more allegiance change from him.

I feel like we've got to see the island sink?

I really hope there's some kind of deeper explanation of his and Widmore's "game," or "battle" or whatever it is... Widmore and Eloise are the two characters I'd really like to have some light shed on.

And where's Penny?

And I want to know what was up with Bernard and his prods and knowing stares at Jack in that scene a couple of weeks ago.


Well-known member
I think Jack's going to make some big ultimate sacrifice, aided by Desmond... And sink the island.

Maybe Jack will need to convince whoever's left to trust him and that they'll be okay even though they're going to die... Again, with some help from Desmond, maybe Desmond helps explain it to him? But maybe that's too cheesy (though after last week... :plain: ) And I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for the Desmond-to-Jack "you've got to lift it up" line.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear the "let it go" line pop up again either.

I've decided there's just been such a huge emphasis on Jack's transformation, and also, he's been hemming and hawing around the flight coincidences and island memories so much in the LAX_Alt that it's got to be building up to something (seems could also be related to Locke?). And there was the mirror/neck wound in the first LA_X episode. I believed Sayid when he said "it's you, Jack," (no idea how he might know, though), and I think he sacrificed/redeemed himself there based on that.

Also, Matthew Fox was supposedly the one who knew the ending first. And they keep saying it's extremely "emotional" and "moving," so I figure there's got to be some heavy decisions and some big sacrifices/deaths...

Anyone have ideas on whether Jack's island memory will kick in tonight, or will it be in the finale? I'm thinking he won't mind-merge until the finale. Locke too.


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Well, I probably won't be able to see it until tomorrow (whenever it gets onto iTunes, which can be kind of random), but I was looking at the viewer ratings, and it looks like people seem to think it was pretty good. :)

Also, through everything I've been reading regarding the finale, it sure looks like there'll still be plenty to talk about for a while afterwards... I think a lot of things are going to be very much left open to interpretations.


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Hall of Fame
Last nights episode showed once againt that Ben is and has always been out for Ben.

I hope that wasn't the end of Richard. Anyone else think he might be hanging out up in a tree somewhere? Perhaps in Henry's balloon!


Well-known member
Last nights episode showed once againt that Ben is and has always been out for Ben.

I hope that wasn't the end of Richard. Anyone else think he might be hanging out up in a tree somewhere? Perhaps in Henry's balloon!

I don't believe Ben's new allegiance.

I'm not sure whether Richard's dead... I'm an even 50/50 on it. I'm fine with the abruptness (liked it), but it did seem an incomplete way to end it for such a fan favorite, without even a final shot of him.

I enjoyed this episode. Watched it over a nice big cup of coffee.

I loved MIB saying, "Ben, you never cease to amaze me." (After Ben shot Widmore). I can just imagine him watching over Ben's antics on the island over the years, shaking his head.

One thing I didn't like is that this episode looks to end the possibility for some clarity on Ben & Widmore, and I'd really hoped for some insight there.

The sense I got is that Widmore did deserve to be kicked off the island (likely for exactly what Ben had originally said, and what most of us figured - power, greed, control, etc), but I would have liked to learn more about what Ben and Widmore's battle involved. And I wanted some understanding of the "I know what you are, boy" line. I thought it was such an odd line.

I'd read an interview with Alan Dale, where he was asked whether after finishing his role if he felt that Widmore's character had a sense of completion, and he basically said no, that when he was done he still didn't understand the character. I feel the same. Maybe there''ll be more in the LAX_Alt, but I can't imagine there'd be much.

But at the same time Widmore wasn't a fit leader for the others, it looks like Ben had been unwittingly being worked by MIB/smokie the whole time he was in charge, so he didn't seem much of a leader for the others either.

Any ideas on who got Desmond out of the well? I think Rose and Bernard.

Nathon Detroit

Last nights episode showed once againt that Ben is and has always been out for Ben.

I hope that wasn't the end of Richard. Anyone else think he might be hanging out up in a tree somewhere? Perhaps in Henry's balloon!
We didn't get to see that part.

Of all things a tornado warning obliterated that part of the show for us. How dare a swirling dark cloud of smokey death prevent us from seeing a swirling dark cloud of smokey death knock Richard into the jungle! :madmad:


Well-known member
We didn't get to see that part.

Of all things a tornado warning obliterated that part of the show for us. How dare a swirling dark cloud of smokey death prevent us from seeing a swirling dark cloud of smokey death knock Richard into the jungle! :madmad:


But ugh. How much did you miss?


Well-known member
:ha: that would be cool!

I figure 1) they've got to show up again, 2) it would be kind of lame if folks just stumbled upon them in the jungle again, since that's already happened (though Miles is out there).

But Claire seems a good possibility, too.

Nathon Detroit


But ugh. How much did you miss?
About 5 minutes! :madmad:

We were "filled in" as to what happened but it was really annoying.

Seriously.... what's so important about a stupid tornado??? This is LOST we are talking about here!! :noid:


Well-known member
About 5 minutes! :madmad:

We were "filled in" as to what happened but it was really annoying.

Seriously.... what's so important about a stupid tornado??? This is LOST we are talking about here!! :noid:

Yep, that's ridiculous. You might consider moving to a tornado-free zone before Sunday.


Blessed beyond measure
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Seriously.... what's so important about a stupid tornado??? This is LOST we are talking about here!! :noid:

I get so sick of weather alerts when there are tornado watches around here (which is all the time). Weathermen butt in at every new grey cloud that pops up.

Besides, you could probably tell that it was serious weather just by looking and feeling outside. And if you happened to have seen Ned flying across the window, I'm sure that'd been your cue to take cover.


The Graphite

New member
We didn't get to see that part.

Of all things a tornado warning obliterated that part of the show for us. How dare a swirling dark cloud of smokey death prevent us from seeing a swirling dark cloud of smokey death knock Richard into the jungle! :madmad:

Wha.....? I don't get it. We are in the Denver metro area and it wasn't blocked out for us, at all! In fact, all of our weather/tornado updates were given strictly during commercial breaks, and during those updates they even made a point of saying they were not going to interrupt Lost at all. My wife Laura taped the whole show and we watched it when I got home at 11:30 pm.

I can't imagine how yours was pre-empted but ours was not! You're not that far away from us, at all, and surely you would be watching the same local Denver station broadcast we were...
