LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

The Graphite

New member
Another "repeated history" from season 1!

The Losties want to blow up some explosive on a metal structure with a hatch on it (the airplane) in order to defend themselves from the other group of people on the island, who are bad. So, the Losties go off and find some dynamite, but the non-candidate there who thinks he/she is an expert ends up blowing him/herself up! And Hurley is there to "pick up the pieces," so to speak.

It's the return of Arzt! Well, sort of! Yet another parallel event from Season 1 to Season 6. The list just gets longer.

Nathon Detroit

Remember the funny and sweet Google Search Video commercial? Through nothing but Google searches, it told the story of a young fella who falls in love with a French girl, woos her, gets married, and it ends with him searching for how to ... well, if you haven't seen it, I won't spoil the cute ending. I think it was during the Super Bowl. Well, Google now lets you create your own, with a special engine at their site. From what I can tell, the vast majority of ones people create there are stupid, insipid, boring and/or altogether a waste of time.

But, in the hopes of changing that... I have created my own, showing the path taken by some of our favorite Losties! Hope you like them. Each is only 35 seconds long. Enjoy, cupcake!

Jack Shepherd :sherlock:

Kate Austen :shadowmd:

Hugo "Hurley" Reyes :TomO:

James "Sawyer" Ford :BillyBob:

Sayid Jarrah :Grizzly:

Desmond Hume :geek:

Richard Alpert :noway:

Benjamin Linus :readthis:
Those are awesome. But you forgot one...

John Locke


Well-known member
What is the significance (if any) between Jacob touching everyone, and memories being restored through touch by those who were on the island?

Beyond that touch can be significant regarding a bond between people (literally and symbolically), I don't know that there is neccessarily a connection to Jacob's touch. Charlie didn't touch Desmond; he recreated a situation. Faraday merely saw Charlotte to have his memory jogged and begin to return. For Hurley... A kiss (and the beach picnic scenario) brought his memory "back." Sun looked like she began reconnecting when looking in the mirror at the hotel. Jack has almost had his memory kick in through a mirror (maybe twice). Similarly, Kate seemed to through an object (the stuffed whale), and it looked like she had some memory when she saw Jack at the airport.

But whether metaphor or more (or some of both), there's obviously a significance to everyone reaching hands out to connect with people on the island.

The Graphite

New member
Doh! I forgot to post that one! I didnt' make a Locke one because someone else did, first, and that was the inspiration obviously. But I forgot to post it and credit them! Thank you for looking it up! :thumb:
You guys have too good of a memory for a show like this.

When we were watching last night, they seemed to try and make a big deal about Jack, Hurley, and Jin showing up at Locke's camp, and I couldn't understand why? What was the big deal?

I am more convinced that Locke (Smokey) is the bad guy.


Well-known member
You guys have too good of a memory for a show like this.

That's one theory. Another is that I've just spent way too much time on it. I like your theory better, but I believe mine might be correct...

Nah, I'll go with yours. :plain:

When we were watching last night, they seemed to try and make a big deal about Jack, Hurley, and Jin showing up at Locke's camp, and I couldn't understand why? What was the big deal?

Mainly 1) because they were stepping into evil's lair, 2) it's become clear that MIB/un-Locke needs to get all of the candidates together for his plan to unfold. I don't think there's much more to it than that. Most of them had made decisions to what "camp" they were in, and now they're coming together. And a lot of it is buildup for the viewers. Obviously, them coming back together is one major step in funneling us to the end. And having Jack and Locke interacting directly again ought to be good.

I am more convinced that Locke (Smokey) is the bad guy.

Yeah, it's gotten pretty difficult to deny. Well, at least to deny completely. :plain:

The Graphite

New member
And of course we have history repeating itself, again! (Season 1 &6, and Season 2 & 5, etc.)

It was awesome (though shocking) to see the "return" of Arzt! So many of the actions and situations and scenarios in season 1 have been repeated in season 6 (even Charlie's peanut butter, which really amazed me).

So, to see them make a plan to blow up something that has a hatch on it (in order to save everyone from the enemy group of people on the island), they go get the dynamite, but this results in a non-candidate blowing him/herself up in the process. And Hurley is right there to ... well, to pick up the pieces.

"Dude, you have a little Ilana on you..."

In a more general sense, of course in Season 1 you had the Losties split into two groups - the ones on the beach (in the light) and the ones in the cave (in the darkness). But eventually, they came together again as one people. And here we are, once again seeing that.

Likewise, we saw in Season 1 that Sun spoke English but Jin could not.... and now Jin can speak English, but Sun cannot. You would think that Sun losing her ability to speak English seems contrived in our final season.... but it is the writers telling us that much of what is happening is a mirror image, therefore we should expect more mirror images in the remaining part of the season. It is contrived... but for a specific reason. To show us the structure of what we're looking at.

Sayid was layed out on a table and restrained as electric wires were hooked up to him to shock him in order to ascertain information about him in a hidden dwelling place in the jungle. In Season 1, that is... and in Season 6, of course! It was even carried out, in both instances, by someone who had lost their child and didn't know if they'd ever see their child again. (For one, he was taken from his child by Jacob, and for the other, her child was taken from her by the Others... who serve Jacob.)

The same things are happening, again and again. But in a very cool way, imho! I love this aspect of the storytelling. :thumb:

The Graphite

New member
Yeah, it's gotten pretty difficult to deny. Well, at least to deny completely. :plain:

But, that doesn't negate the question of whether Jacob is actually good, or if Jacob and MIB are actually two sides of the same person/entity to begin with! (And I still lean toward that latter prediction, so far.)


Well-known member

But, that doesn't negate the question of whether Jacob is actually good, or if Jacob and MIB are actually two sides of the same person/entity to begin with! (And I still lean toward that latter prediction, so far.)

Yeah, I'd started typing something about MIB being bad doesn't mean that Jacob's good (or mean that he's all bad)... But I've been trying to keep my LOST posts from being TOO meandering.

I just don't know about the 2-sides thing right now. I'd thought they were different, but I'm rethinking... It sure looked to me like that kid in last night's episode had dark hair rather than blonde (as the kid before had blonde hair. bloody hands and non-bloody hands versions). But it was definitely the same kid.

Nathon Detroit

Doh! I forgot to post that one! I didnt' make a Locke one because someone else did, first, and that was the inspiration obviously. But I forgot to post it and credit them! Thank you for looking it up! :thumb:
Actually, I made that one... Didn't ya notice my flocke polar bears? :D


New member
Hall of Fame
And of course we have history repeating itself, again! (Season 1 &6, and Season 2 & 5, etc.)
Maybe after season 6 ends, you can piece together how season 1 was originally going to end had the show not exploded in popularity and milked for 5 more.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, I finally watched all the previous episodes of Lost with the family over the interwebz, then caught Tuesday's episode. So I'm caught up and feel I can spout opinions all over the place.

Right now all I got is...when the heck are Kate, Jack and Sawyer just gonna fall in a ditch and die?! Oh, goody gumdrops, I can't stand them! Jack is almost palatable...if not for every single episode where he utterly fails to push Kate and Sawyer in a ditch. :doh:

And why did Charlie have to die?! He was one of my favorite characters. One of those that made the idiots worth putting up with. :IA:

And why did Claire and Seyid turn evil?! Again, two more characters I really like that made the idiots worth putting up with. :sozo2:

And Jin is too good for Sun. I'm almost can't root for them anymore...except they're the best of what's left. :nono:

Hugo's my guy so far. I really like Hugo. :thumb:

Everyone else....:execute:

Okay, so there. Been wanting to say that for a month. :p

The Graphite

New member
Sawyer is my second-favorite character of the series! Second only to Ben, in fact. Not that I like them as people, certainly not. But fascinating characters with intriguing complexity and unpredictability.


New member
Hall of Fame
Sawyer is my second-favorite character of the series! Second only to Ben, in fact. Not that I like them as people, certainly not. But fascinating characters with intriguing complexity and unpredictability.
Ben is a character with intriguing complexity and unpredictability. Sawyer is just an adolescent bad-boy. Honestly, whenever Sawyer comes on screen I just can't help but think how much better everyone's life on that island would have been if he just hadn't survived the plane crash. That pretty much sums him up for me. Plus the fact that he's a major indicator for me that the writers of Lost think all women everywhere are utter morons.

The reason Kate bugs me is that, even if Sawyer hadn't been around, she'd still have made everyone who got close to her suffer. They just wouldn't have had the glaring neon warning indicator that her relationship with Sawyer gave them. :think: And because I know that, were I trapped on that island, that's the girl I'd have fallen in love with...and ended up pushing off a cliff myself. Probably in the first season.

Jack bugs me pretty much because he's such a smart, capable leader (or at least, has the potential to be) and yet fails to recognize Kate's a complete waste of time even with the glaring neon warning indicator. Again, I really kept expecting him to be wise enough to shove the other two off a cliff and I'm fed up with him for consistently failing to do so. I really want to like him but he just won't let me. :nono:

You know, I think I realize exactly what bothers me about so many of the characters on Lost. Most of them just need to be smacked in the head with some grow the hell up.



New member
Hall of Fame
What? No Vincent fans??? :idunno:

Where the heck does Vincent go for two out of three episodes anyway?

But then, if I was a dog on an island like that...I'd be having a blast. Surprised a boar ain't got him yet, though.


Suppose Vincent's a candidate? If so, he's got my vote (after Hugo) to take Jacob's place. :D

Edit: Which reminds me. Jeremiah has a theory that both the MIB/Locke and Jacob are evil somehow. He points out that there's a definite, though subtle, evil vibe with him sometimes. :think:

Nathon Detroit

Where the heck does Vincent go for two out of three episodes anyway?

But then, if I was a dog on an island like that...I'd be having a blast. Surprised a boar ain't got him yet, though.


Suppose Vincent's a candidate? If so, he's got my vote (after Hugo) to take Jacob's place. :D

Edit: Which reminds me. Jeremiah has a theory that both the MIB/Locke and Jacob are evil somehow. He points out that there's a definite, though subtle, evil vibe with him sometimes. :think:
Have ya ever considered that Jacob is hiding in Vincent's body??? :think: