This list was created for those who identify here as
Christian. With the new software upgrade, religious affiliation is not given so I don't know that anyone else will be added.
Within some Christian circles a list of heretics will include those who subscribe to Dispensationalism as the preferred Hermeneutic.
While within some Dispensational circles a list of heretics will include those who subscribe to Mid-Acts and Acts 28 Dispensationalism.
And arise...and arise...these lists and their factions continue to...
All of it is absolute nonsense, 1 Cor. 1.
I get along fine with one Post-Tribber, and visa versa, and not so with another; this latter of the two insisting on his insistence in his insistent manner.
Likewise with the contrast in their spirit towards others between, say, Gary DeMar and John Noe.
Where DeMar is not only intolerant of, but beligerent towards anyone who does not hold his view, Noe is fair and even handed with one and all, preferring instead, to simply explore differences in understanding between his own, and that of others.
Beyond their use as a possible consideration of where some might be coming from on SOME things, such lists far too often end up the fool's gold that ever is the ready made "one size fits all" end of consideration on any matter.
Its best you neither allow yourself such a list's too often one sided victimizing, nor allow your self traffic in its trade on others.
You'll be the wiser for it; for you will then truly be able not only to "prove ALL things" much more objectively, but to know what to "hold fast" as to "that which is good" that much more objectively, as well.