Tambora said:
And I don't see what you say as being any more offensive than some posting that Trump and all his voters or supporters are white supremacist bigoted racists.
What I've been saying is by definition LESS racist and offensive than the garbage that SJWs spew on a regular basis. The thing that you have to understand about intersectional feminism is that it is a demographic based power politic.
You know why kmoney, Town Heretic, Arthur Brain or Anna Benedetti refuse to take the anti-white racism that I've been bringing up seriously? Because it doesn't fit into the SJW power politic.
[MENTION=4651]kmoney[/MENTION], when I told him to watch the Sargon of Akkad video, essentially told me that I was whining.
Would he say the same thing to a BLM activist? To an hispanic? To a Muslim?
Anna Benedetti told me to stop whining and called me a white boy (which is, for the record, HIGHLY racist), regardless of the anti-white racism in question.
Because that's what the racist intersectional feminist power politic requires.
When I demand a white ethnostate based purely on pragmatic grounds, that is not inherently racist. I am in favor of an ethnostate only under the condition that there is persistent, widespread and irresolvable racial strife.
I am not an ideological racist.
SJWs are ideological racists, and white people are evil by definition in their worldview.
That's why it's not acceptable to post fliers with so harmless a message as "It's OK to be white."
Because in their eyes, it isn't.
White genocide may or may not be happening. But SJWs wouldn't shed a single tear if it did.
But this right here .....
.... is just you stupidly shooting yourself in the foot if you had any intention of actually staying around and discussing.
So far as I can see, she banned me for essentially three things I did in the posting:
1. I wrote (JEW!) next to the names of actual Jewish people.
2. I asserted that Wall Street is infested with Jews.
3. I insinuated that the Democratic party has sold out to Jews.
I am willing to admit that these are all offensive things to say. Here's the thing, though: they aren't inherently objectionable, and they aren't patently untrue. I haven't really done the research, but I am willing to bet that if you look into Wall Street and the donors to the democratic party, you'll find a disproportionate number of Jews.
And really, please note this:
I didn't say that Wall Street is only infested with Jews. Nor did I say that all Jews infest Wall Street. I didn't say that the democratic party has only sold out to Jews, nor did I say that all Jews have tried to purchase the democratic party.
I intentionally phrased things to be both intentionally provocative...and nice and
Because, believe it or not, I'm neither ignorant nor unreasonable. Provocative? Certainly. Ignorant of obvious facts? Nope.
If [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] would like to dispute the fact that there are Jews in Wall Street, or that there are, in fact, Jewish donors to the democratic party, then by all means, I would love to see her try.
But she can't. Because it's an indisputable fact.
But I get banned for "racism" simply for bringing it up?
No, I'm sorry, but that's unreasonable.
And the simple fact is that, if I'm going to be censored and banned for saying things that don't involve racial slurs, incitements to violence, statements that are slanderous, libelous, etc., in a word: if she is going to ban me regardless simply because she doesn't like the content of what I am saying:
Then why shouldn't I post youtube links to Johnny Rebel songs just to spite her?
I'll get banned regardless, because, after all, "racists" are bad, right?
Of course, if all of my previous infractions are reversed and she and Ebenz issue an apology...