Because "on liberal grounds" is the only relevant criterion for "objectionable." If we remove "on liberal grounds," then anything can be considered objectionable.
You are a SJW? I'm offended. You need to be banned.
You called me a "white boy"? I'm offended. You need to be banned.
You no longer consider yourself a Catholic? I'm offended. You need to be banned.
You don't sympathize with the plight of white people? I'm offended. You need to be banned.
You don't like Metallica? I am offended IN THE EXTREME. You need to be PERMABANNED.
If we remove "on liberal grounds," then "objectionable" boils down to sheer personal preference, and when you say "objectionable" you are simply emoting. You are just saying "BOOOOOO!"
Because you cherry-picked and qualified. Won't work.
At this point "racist" is so over-used and practically meaningless that it's probably a good idea to abandon it anyway.
Does anyone have a right to citizenship in a given country, to live in a given area, etc.? Is that a universal, human right of all persons?
You can't say "yep," because you don't agree with you. You could only agree with you if you were actually libertarian leaning on the rights of businesses. Given that you aren't, you are quite literally forced to disagree with you.
It certainly does matter, since you were actively celebrating my being censored, not simply noting that I was.
Quit with the obfuscation. You already know: Your faith was getting in the way of your racism.
Nothing that I've said contradicts the paragraph and you know it.