Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"



Let me talk since the thread has my name in it.:)

And I would like to brag about the enormous amount I paid for posting.:)

You see, lifetime membership fee was enormous for posting. But I figure it is worth paying since I am not a welcome Christian. And I can expand Jesus' whole messages or good news that have been disregarded or dismissed by most churches.

Jesus seeks into our hearts mainly to see if we are true to Him.

It is worth everything I have for Jesus, my Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you Jesus for coming into my life and giving me a chance to serve You.


see you later:)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Let me talk since the thread has my name in it.:)

And I would like to brag about the enormous amount I paid for posting.:)

You see, lifetime membership fee was enormous for posting. But I figure it is worth paying since I am not a welcome Christian. And I can expand Jesus' whole messages or good news that have been disregarded or dismissed by most churches.

Jesus seeks into our hearts mainly to see if we are true to Him.

It is worth everything I have for Jesus, my Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you Jesus for coming into my life and giving me a chance to serve You.


see you later:)

You're ONLY serving your "self-interests." You have rejected the only "true Gospel" therefore, you will be facing the judgment of God and the Lake of Fire. Even if you had cut a check for one million dollars to TOL it still wouldn't gain you entrance into Heaven. Your supposed good deeds/works and gardening are worthless before ALL Mighty God.


Well-known member
Clearly, she is not listening to anyone, though ... Giving her a platform seems to be exactly what she wants...ie attention.
Yes, and by her own words. She has said she is not here to listen to anyone. She has said she is here to preach at us (doesn't like 'preach' but that's it). Other than "preach" these are her words verbatim. When she said them the second time almost two years ago, I believed her and immediately put her on ignore. If I start a topic, I will engage her temporarily, as long as it serves the thread.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Sirloin Syeak

Lets talk about yo momma, and how she taught you your unorthodox crock pot called 'Madism'.

Sirlion Syeak--->:nuke: I think we have a burnt Syeak. And that going to keep happening if he tries to get back on here. He's no longer welcome here.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I don't know, I'm interested in the two-poster theory, aren't you? I've noticed the discrepancy, had never taken it to this logical conclusion.
If true, it would marginalize her BUT the marginalizing would be atf and by mods at that point. I'm not sure if two people sharing an account is infraction-worthy though. I don't remember a TOL rule about it.
There is not any specific rule against it. You may want to discuss the matter with Knight. It is apparent that there are two different people posting under the account. I will do an IP review. If there are two people in the same house posting under the account, then I don't see any rule breaking. but if there are two different people from two different geographic locations posting, then we might have an issue.

Timeloop--Ran an IP check and the account passes muster.


Well-known member

Let me talk since the thread has my name in it.:)

And I would like to brag about the enormous amount I paid for posting.:)

You see, lifetime membership fee was enormous for posting. But I figure it is worth paying since I am not a welcome Christian. And I can expand Jesus' whole messages or good news that have been disregarded or dismissed by most churches.

Jesus seeks into our hearts mainly to see if we are true to Him.

It is worth everything I have for Jesus, my Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you Jesus for coming into my life and giving me a chance to serve You.


see you later:)

Oh, so you think you bought yourself some free advertisement, and that's what you're here for? That's as bad as directing people to other sites. I don't think you bought the right to your own personal number of threads. Too bad someone doesn't come along and buy you out, then we wouldn't have to see you strutting around like you own the place.:vomit:

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Let me talk since the thread has my name in it.:)

And I would like to brag about the enormous amount I paid for posting.:)

You see, lifetime membership fee was enormous for posting. But I figure it is worth paying since I am not a welcome Christian. And I can expand Jesus' whole messages or good news that have been disregarded or dismissed by most churches.

Jesus seeks into our hearts mainly to see if we are true to Him.

It is worth everything I have for Jesus, my Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you Jesus for coming into my life and giving me a chance to serve You.


see you later:)

Meshak, I interested to know why you do not believe in the Trinity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meshak

You have no evidence of your claims. Most your claims are lies.

Which means some of what I said about Meshak is truth.

Oh...the Mormons killed people and they despise the idea of the Trinity.


:think: Can't remember....Meshak?

So you think I did not meet bybee?

Yes, I have.

Her son lives in San Antonio and so do I. When she announced to visit him, I gave her my phon# and we met.

We chatted about an hour.

Why would I lie what I do?

You are so bitter person.

You are so good at investigating who said what. Why don't you try to look up what bybee said instead of trying to insinuating I don't tell the truth?

I know many members here remember about our meeting.

I announced about it on board before and after we met.