Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"


To what teachings are you referring? God the Father's teachings on earth, the teachings the Saviour gave while on earth,or the Lord Jesus Christ's teachings, from the third heaven, as given to Paul, and taught by Paul?

Not a whimper.

Sorry, John.

I don't understand your rumbling.


Wow, I don't remember that thread. I guess it was posted when I was banned.

It sure is trashy thread and this kind of despicable personal attacks never changed since.

Why does it bother you so much how I write or type or who edit my convictions?

I made it very clear that sometimes my son who is not with me anymore did it for me. I wanted make sure my writing is clear.

Yes, when he edited, it was much more clear. But it is my conviction regardless.

It so sad that you guys are so intimidated by my claims of your faith.

My claim has been only one thing: Jesus is the center of Christianity. So if you bear His name, you better know what He teaches and try to be like Him.

Jesus says "if you love Me, keep My commands".

Jesus' teachings are His followers' law.

You guys don't seem to love Jesus. Why does it bother you so much that my claim of Jesus' teachings is the center of Christianity?

BTW, my children stopped editing my posts long time ago.

So you still have problem with my writing?

My son says many people don't speak or wright too well. So I am not bad at all.

He was almost strait A student through out his high school and college years. He got award on one of the ten highest rate academically.
Verse for this word you're using, "Christianity?" 'Can't find it in my Bible. I do see "Church" in there though bud. :cheers:


Quote Originally Posted by john w View Post

"Jesus says" to sell all you have.

It seems that that's all you know about Jesus' word.

Ok, I am done helping you to be so lunatic.

I apologize.

I will disregard your comments since my posts upset you so much.

Calm down.



Hey everyone, I invited everyone to meet me in person.

bybee is the only one who responded.

And as you can see, she did not find me any different from the person of the forum meshak.

I am sure she was disappointed that I was not a fake poster.

It is not so godly or good Christian thing being sore losers, people.

meshak does not have to be a pretender:)

Thank you Jesus for your powerful and loving teachings.
Another classic outta you, you're on fire! :)

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Sorry, John.

I don't understand your rumbling.

So, you were inebriate/smashed, when you asked me?:

What would you like to know about Jesus' teachings?

So, I ask you, evader:

To what teachings are you referring? God the Father's teachings on earth, the teachings the Saviour gave while on earth,or the Lord Jesus Christ's teachings, from the third heaven, as given to Paul, and taught by Paul?


Well-known member
You have told many times that you have reading comprehension.

I make simple comments to expose your ignorance of Christianity.

The word "Christianity" is about what it is.

Christianity is all about Jesus' teachings. And sermon on the mount is full of Jesus' teaching about how to live godly life.

Peace, friend.

Acts 11:26King James Version (KJV)
26*And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Lazy afternoon

The Lord Jesus is not your savior if you're not saved.

1Jn 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.